The Judgement

Jiushu braced herself with spirit hands, spirit feet and spirit tail and kept standing. 

The knife Xing long stuck in her heart made the blood flow like a river. 

With every second passed, Jiushu felt her connection with the body ebbing away. 

'No! I can't die yet' She told herself forcefully, as she swallowed a jade mushroom essence.

It's the highest healing herb available in this realm. 

It can bring a dying man back to life. 

She formed one more spirit tail, stuffed her own mouth with a kerchief. 

Then, bracing herself, she pulled out the knife in her heart. 

The pain literally choked her. 

Though she had killed people, been injured, she was never forcefully cut with a knife like in martial movies. 

The knife wound hurt like hell. 

She felt respect for the soldiers all over. 

She felt pain of all the innocent people the emperor killed anew.