International Trade Center

In an ideal situation, Jiushu will fall right at the feet of Moqiu, come straight out of her space, fall right into his arms, then they declare their eternal love for each other. 

Unfortunately, reality was quite disappointing. 

The lanterns were caught in a westerly wind, thus, they are already quite far from their origin point. 

Then, Jiushu's bangle, which still had frost wings attached to it, increasing it's surface area a lot more, was caught in the wind again. 

Thus, Jiushu landed twenty miles away from the dungeon city where MoQiu was. 

One look was enough for her to know she landed in the middle of nowhere. 

Second look was enough to tell her it's a damned dangerous situation. 

There is a medusa plant nearby, its violet tentacles almost fully grown. 

Jiushu reacted immediately, covering her nose with one spirit hand, sending out another spirit hand to pluck out the plant.