Fan Fight

" The plaintiff is found guilty of the charge. With the power vested in me as the judge, I give you two choices for the punishment. You can get fifty boards, ( Or ) You would go through ten times the suffering for every woman you violated, ofcourse, this is in your dreams. Thus, it will not leave a physical scar. " Jiushu told him. 

MoQiu, still wearing a grass hat with a veil on like the martial artists, looked on the trial in interest. 

He also received the Judge as a side job, owing to his family being Righteous knights. 

" Interesting ! " he mumbled as he looked at the girl presiding over the trial. 

He never expected to see such a decisive and confident girl in the ancient times. 

Almost all the girls he met till now tried to be gentle and beautiful in front of him, but then, that could just be the effect of his own looks.