Rivals in love

  " I am afraid you evaluate me too highly, young master Mo Qiu. Fortunately the parties involved were willing to listen. There is not much a judge could do if the litigants are determined to stay at odds. " Jiushu commented. 

Jiulin butted in at this time. 

" You went too far granting a divorce to the couple. This is the kingdom of Vega and Altair. You have defied the gods with your judgment. No matter how many arbitrations you do well, you will not escape the divine retribution from separating a couple. " Jiulin told her. 

" They are gods of love and harmony. Not marriage and oath keeping. The couple was neither in love, nor in harmony. I don't think any divine retribution is coming to me for breaking them up. If anything, the gods should commend me.. " Jiushu answered Jiulin as politely as she could. 

Inwardly, she was pissed. She just disliked the look of this girl. She disliked the way she hung on MoQiu's arm even more.