
I set on my long journey unwillingly. Days afters days passed, those days streached into weeks, the weeks into months and eventually, years had passed.

It was now 2013, 3 human years since the incident and I was still no closer to finding the 6 angels.

Human earth was boring. I had kipled myself more times then I could count. Each time spawning into a place even more boring than the last.

Not to mention, time on earth was very different to the time in the first world. Earths day were shorter and so were their years.

My legs had become so worn out through out the years. The more I walked, the harder it was the next day to survive. My back was constantly in agony because it wasn't used to being bare. It's been over 3 human years since I was able to spread. 3 human years since I coupd fly.

3 human years since I was free.