
The weather

The weather was so rainy,Now the first raindrops are already falling,

The wind is blowing violently

A raindrop splashed on her cheek. The human didin't feel it


A bluish color of eyes that happened

I urgently need to touched the wall ,As soon as you have touched that, I would like you to start feel that

It seems that the origin of the mutations is in the consumption of contaminated water

As soon as possible must clear everywhere

"We don't have time to process all this data"

The weather was closed and

It's been overcast for the past few days

Let's begin I entry at once.I must find my lob

Buzzer Buzzer Buzzer Buzzer

"We must deal with the problem instantly. "

All right ,Well then

I put on my jacket I must find my lab and I had to run to the lab

I touched 6 number

In order to make it I need to a methyl group

I need to

laboratory experiments

Don't run around in the room.

It's a living being, so of course it shits.I hited it

Take off your jacket if you're warm.

Without the random mutation of genes there would be no evol

In order to make water I need to hidrogen

well then,How to get it? Hydrogen a kind of non metals

What is it? non metals

Chemical serious of non metals that of

non metals are in labyrinth , a substance having a finite activation energy(band gap) for electron conduction.However


I took a walk before breakfast

The ground quaked violently.

 Do you hear that buzzing? Where is it?

At the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant, all the reactors stopped just after the quake

I must find No.1 I keep it

Do not block any ventilation openings. 

I want to take a walk

There are many examples of the N1 sequence in nature

Due to the bad weather, the game was called off.

I got a message from them,

I found message of the background

As soon as possible I had to come from somewhere.

At first,As soon as I get up ,I washed face

We got up early so that we could see the sunrise. 

In order to see sunrise

I found newsletter on the street and I read it

beginning of time, the Big Bang. ...

Millions of big bangs may be happening as we speak

I think many people think of asteroids as kind of little chips of rock. But the places that Dawn is going to really are more like worlds.

"In a sense, the darkness was a failure of failure and, on that account, it was perhaps the exemplary system of control. Having in times wagered on the worlding of the world in the regime's failure, Heidegger after the war can only rue his opportunistic hopes for an exposure of the ontological foundations of control."

It rained heavily all day, during which time I read books indoors.

In order to go out I put on my jacket

Since then , At the same time The Sygnal

It's so muggy; I think it will thunder in a short while.

Thunder has been explained scientifically,At that moment signal lamps are used to transmit Morse code

The balloon descended slowly. As a result

Elite soldiers are almost always selected among the special forces

I heard it thunder in the distance.That's because event

now that so much spending has gone online and onto plastic

They said, 'How on earth are we going to do that?'" Neeley said. "A lot of firsts are happening."

The event started ,In any event

What would you do in the event of a rain apocalypse?

First of all , I believe it's all a hoax. 

Department Code: 3004 Cod is KOİ

Genetics Profiles are plural form of genetic algorithm

Algorithm that can solve this problem in polynomial time I have been found

How is solvering this problem? I would like to draw a algorithm

Algorithm cod is 3004 ,Thus I can see it

Intro,Basically 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Bib Figs Lists Orig Fdbk Find Exit

Which one ?Which is designed to systematically solve a certain kind of problem WSR-88D radars (NEXRAD)

To begin with ,

COD test is commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compounds in water sample

KOI is kind of I ,

Kind of I The weather was cod I therefore I can see KO on the sky

This is a first. For once he has nothing to say

First of all, I have to plant all these

I've been getting on skateboard on the street

Slow motion ,Skater XL is the evolution of skateboarding games and moves the genre towards expressive, physics-based gameplay

The best of skateboard is XL ,There was on the table XL phone and I touched it ,

As a result of the street the KO there was in the corner of the room

I'll be go by the time it come

As soon as I closed the door the windows had broken

Thus,Do you hear it?

Genetic Profiles,The alphabet

Weather Press on the World on the wane is space

Alien put on Hg on the World ,

Hg on the human

By the time you come here It must use HG

There was a place of durable this press

in there