

I keep it ,Pahage Genom of type carbon

Y3E 4E

Pahage 3

There was a double of E


A virus that is parasitic to bacteria,virus that infects bacteria, sometimes causing the death of the host organism

Bacteriophage, virus that destroys bacteria Biology

A program that modifies other programs or databases in unauthorized ways; especially one of type that propagates a virus or Trojan horse

A virus that infects bacteria active  They are used by genetic engineers to introduce genes into bacterial cells and cancer cells

An ultra-microscopic organism, similar to a virus, that replicates in bacteria, causing lysis of cells

A virus that infects bacteria



M13 bacteriaM13 is a filamentous bacteriophage composed of circular single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) which is 6407 nucleotids long encapsulated in approximately 2700 copies of the major coat protein P8, and capped with 5 copies of two different minor coat proteins (P9, P6, P3) on the ends.

6407 nucleotids inside that protein

P9 active and I've been keeping it

M13 Phage

secretion on the P(I,XI,IV) P a kind of the 25p stamp shows an ultrasound image, the 35p stamp shows a magnetic resonance image and the 41p stamp shows an X-ray CT image.