
The Genetive Case

Of or pertaining to that case (as the second case of Latin and Greek nouns) which expresses origin or possession. It corresponds to the possessive case in English

The genitive case; the inflection pattern (of any given language) that expresses origin or ownership and possession

A word inflected in the genitive case; a word indicating origin, ownership or possession

indicating source, origin, possession, or the like

{a} the second case of nouns

serving to express or indicate possession; "the genitive endings"

the case expressing ownership

Of or pertaining to that case (as the second case of Latin and Greek nouns) which expresses source or possession

The genitive case

In the grammar of some languages, the genitive, or the genitive case, is a noun case which is used mainly to show possession. In English grammar, a noun or name with 's added to it, for example `dog's' or `Anne's', is sometimes called the genitive form. a form of a noun in some languages which shows a relationship of possession or origin between one thing and another (genitivus , from gignere; GENITAL)

{s} of or pertaining to the possessive case (Grammar)

It corresponds to the possessive case in English


İlgili Terimler

genitive case: Noun case used to express some relationship such as possession or origin. It corresponds roughly to the English preposition "of."

genitive cases: plural form of genitive case

genitive-accusative: The use of genitive as a case of the grammatical object; exists at least in several Slavic and Finnic languages

The paper deals with a long-standing problem of Slavic Historical Linguistics, which is the question why in the history of Old East Slavic (OESl) there occurred a substitution of the Adjective by the Genitive case of a noun as a means of expressing possession. The main postulate is that there existed a previously unnoticed connection between this substitution, on the one hand, and the rise of a new syncretic Accusative case form, known as Genitive-Accusative, on the other. It is suggested that the missing link underlying both processes is the intolerance of the language to Subject-Object ambiguity. The Rise of the Genitive-Accusative and Genitive of Possession in Old East Slavic, Elena Bratishenko, University of Calgary, 2007.

genitive-case: Attributive form of genitive case, noun

a genitive-case noun.

genitive gender: showing possession (Grammar)

adverbial genitive: A noun declined in the genitive case that functions as an adverb

genitive.: gen

attributive genitive: a word in the genitive case used as an attributive adjective; "an example of the attributive genitive is `John's' in `John's mother'

double genitive: A phrasal construction in English in which possession is indicated by the word of followed by the possessive form of a noun or pronoun, as in a relative of mine or a friend of Pat's. Also called double possessive. See Usage Note at of