Chapter 36 : All you can do.

Having problems had become a common thing for Day. But when Orthon told them what had happened to him in the park, he realized that everything he had experienced was nothing in comparison. The alphas were barely out of their rut and, though tired, they stood in the still unopened pub. The blinds were still closed and the day was struggling to rise, but everyone was already wide awake.

"I recap: today you have to take us to those shitty motherfuckers' castle?" Toxin asked to be sure he understood everything.

"Yes, Toxin-sama."

"I'm going to hit you. I'm going to bury you so deep that you'll have time to starve before you get to the surface."

"Toxin… Let me drain some blood from him first," Dark Nyx growled as he watched the duke hunker down on the chair he was strapped to. "Did you expect to tell us two hours before he came to pick us up?"

"I am sorry."