Chapter 51 : Soul-searching.

Day would swear that sometimes he's really stupid. Why had he convinced his lover that he would be satisfied with one time? His hips and lower back took three days to recover from his antics! However, seeing happiness shining on his mate's face made him so happy that he couldn't complain. After all, he liked it as much as he did. Looking at himself in the bathroom mirror, his face barely refreshed, Day ran his fingers over the mark on the back of his neck when he felt arms wrap around him.

"Are you in pain?" Nyx asked in a sleepy voice.

"No, I like to touch it. I thought you were making pancakes? "

"There was a knock on the door."

"Who was it?"

"The Denver."

"How do they know we're here?"

"They are accompanied."

"I see. You left them outside?"

"No, I put them on the veranda. I didn't want them to make noise and wake you up."