Chapter 63 : When it's time.

When Foud's forbidden relationship with the Grand Master came to Day's ears, he didn't know which foot to dance on. His friend, his adopted brother in a way, was free to be with whomever he wanted. In theory. In practice, he didn't know whether to blame him or not. If he was happy, that wasn't a bad thing, right? To find the answer to his question, he returned with his father to his house. The celebrations of his return from vacation, in a way, were numerous and to celebrate, Day decided to order for everyone. It didn't take long for the blond to notice Foud's shifty looks and nervous gestures. Nyx and Minndt gave him little signs now and then. He had to talk to him, to understand and guide him on the right path. So he waited patiently for the evening to come to an end for the supposedly tired Foud to go see him.

"Day," Foud greeted him after opening the door for him.

"We have to talk."

"Enough to?" 

"Of you."