Chapter 69 : Look under my mask and say me what you see.

Moain didn't know what to answer the question, his eyes riveted on those of the vampire god beneath him. All he could do was to look at him over and over again, surprising himself to think once again how weak his beauty made him. The god of earth and gravity recoiled, showing that he understood to have his hand free. The vampire then straightened up, a little dazed before remembering.

"Where is that asshole ?!" he cried to the god.

"Still in the living room. You have to lie down. The Lord said I shouldn't let you out of here." 

"But did you hear what he said ?!" 

"Yes but…" 

"I want to kill him! Rip his guts out! The…!" 

The vampire fell silent and looked at the finger on his lips. Had he just been hit? Moain smirked as their gazes met before pushing him back, using his strength to keep him from getting out of bed.

"Stay still. You mustn't get out of here."

"Don't you find this position strange?"