Chapter 79 : Can you see the difference?

Sitting in bed, dressed in a white and blue kimono with delicate silver patterns, Day was stamping impatiently. He wanted to see so much! So when the doctor arrived finally, he smiled with happiness. He let him sit next to him, talk to him with banalities before his two assistants returned in their turn. He couldn't wait to remove that blindfold covering his eyes and open them.

"Personally, I haven't figured out yet how you got your eyes damaged," Foud confessed, quickly joined by Toxin.

"Missile shards severely damaged his eyelids. In addition, fine shards, such as glass dust, managed to get past the eyelids," the doctor explained before Day even had time to open the mouth.

"Oh. So underneath these stitched eyelids, the eyes are…" 

"The cornea and sclera, what is commonly referred to as the white of the eye, have been damaged. It is almost impossible to intervene. Hence why we have put Day-sama in the dark. Besides, we have to close the curtains."