Chapter 5: Research and more.

Day was a curious type of person. He always had been, at least it seemed to him. Even though some of his memories were fuzzy, for some reason, he didn't know, from what he knew, curiosity was something he was born with. He had always shown it when he arrived at the Denver pub. Luckily, or not depending on the case, he had transmitted this part of his personality to his two children. Kin and his twin were fully invested in finding the idea of ​​the two ghosts. They followed some in the Archives, others in the library… But that was not enough. The young twin gods wanted to know what was in the backroom of the library, what was in this forbidden room.

"So! How are we going?" Kin asked happily on a rainy evening.

Nyx stopped eating and looked at his oldest son before sighing.

"Correction: how do we not get caught?" 

"Haha, o-tousama, you're talking like if it was super dangerous!"