Chapter 13: An ordinary "vacation" day.

A week became two, then three. Day wasn't sure if he was making the right choices about continuing to stay in his house. But every time they saw them smile, he managed to convince himself of it. Since he had known Foud, or more accurately since he had remembered him, he had never seen him so happy. Except for a few times when he had spoken with the Grand Master Louis at Versailles. That it was far now. He felt like it was ages ago. Kin and Gold weren't there yet, and he could still see. When has the weather accelerated? Sitting outside on a chilly July morning, Day was still lost in his thoughts when he heard Foud come and sit next to him.

"This bench is really comfortable. The outdoor furniture is really good," he said as he set a tray down on the glass table.

"What do they do?"

"They're still watching the grills. They don't want you to eat something overcooked. But, are you okay, Day?"

"I was thinking."

"To what?"