Chapter 23: An ordinary sunday...

On the sofa, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom...All places were considered well to make love by Nyx. Day hadn't seen the outside all Saturday, and he spent his Sunday in bed. His hips clearly refused to function, and that only amused Nyx.

"Stop laughing and bring me some clothes, animal!" the blonde got on his nerves after falling off the bed, his attempt to stand up miserably unsuccessful.

"Haha! You are so cute like that!"

"I'm naked and on the floor. How cute am I?!"

"You are exciting too."

"You won't touch my butt for the next three days. All right, I can stand up by myself. My clothes, please."

"One last round before the punishment?"

"I call Foud to tell him that you are in heat?"

"Hey, no! Do not do that! I'm not yet."

"Well, believe me, it's just like. Bug, he told me that alphas had a surge of sexual desire before but as much...And it's even worse when you're in heat?"