Chapter 4

Y/N walked with her head down, looking at her footsteps as she started nearing towards her class. It wasn't that she is sad, but it's what she usually did to avoid people and whenever she was thinking too hard. Basically, by now it became a habit when she had to avoid getting taunted by the other sections.

"Hey Y/N! Wait up!", she heard Rio call out. She looked behind to find her friends running to catch up to her. Rio was the first person who immediately started talking to her when she joined. She always felt down, but there was something warm about this girl. Even though Rio was more perverted than the others, her playful teasing usually made Y/N laugh. But, she knew where to draw the line. Rio knew that teasing about her insecurities is a zone that she should never touch. As for Y/N, she also knew that Rio wasn't yet ready to talk about her past. But she did know that despite the way she acted, she was actually a genius. Maybe her friend wasn't aware of it but sometimes Rio's actions screamed the fact that she's intelligent. But what she didn't understand was that why was she low on marks. Y/N decided to not ask her about it yet. She just guessed that maybe she wasn't brushing up her intelligence in the right way or was too lazy to study the books.

"Morning," Y/N smiled.

"So?" Rio's eyes were sparkling with eagerness, "When are you going to tell me about it?"

"About what? Look, I don't have any plan okay? I'm not skilled like any of you - neither physically nor mentally."

"Oh shut up! You don't know it yet but I'm sure someday you will. Anyways, I wasn't talking about that."

"Then what?"

"About the new kid. Karma?"

"W-what about him??" Y/N cleared her throat, looking straight ahead at the building.

"You know he's flirting with you, right? I know you're not that dumb."

"Exactly. And that's why I know for a fact that he's not flirting. He just...enjoys teasing me like you love to tease Nagisa."

"Ooh, good idea! Maybe I can team up with him to get some new tricks to play on Nagisa!

"Hey, don't be mean to him! Although, he looks like he's okay with it. I don't know how he tolerates your continuous teasing."

"As if you don't."

"He's a fucking prodigy?! How am I even supposed to get back at him!"

"You CAN'T get back at him. Just be real Y/N. You like his presence, don't you?"

"....fine. I do his presence."

"Then why do you always get angry at him for calling you cherry? Heck, if I liked someone, I would've loved it if they called me that."

"Firstly, I don't like him. I like his presence because he's fun in class. And secondly, I can't handle this sudden attention."

"And why is that?"

"Because all my life I've been made fun of and not taken seriously. So, when someone starts complimenting me, I find it really awkward. And I know Karma doesn't mean it in a bad way, and that's why it's really hard for me to be open about it to him I guess. It's probably stupid but...I haven't received so much attention from a I just feel shy and awkward."

"Well, since this is your first, I won't force you to be straightforward. Just do it in your own pace. I'll help you but I think you should savor the moments."

"Huh," Y/N said as they finally entered the class, "that was nice of you."

"I'm hurt cherry, I gave you strawberry milk back then. You didn't call me nice." Karma said walking to her seat and sitting on her desk.

"Don't worry, I'll thank Kurosensei," Y/N sat down on her seat, "get off my desk by the way."

"I can be nice to you, you know?" Karma said bending down near her face.

Y/N backed her face away slowly and avoiding looking at him, "Well then stop teasing me."

Karma's finger touched her chin and she flinched. He retracted his finger and smiled. He found Y/N's reactions amusing. Her words didn't match her expressions at all. She literally radiated the energy of how much she liked him - well, he wasn't 100% sure though. Maybe she wasn't sure either and even though he wanted to make her look at him again by moving her chin to face him, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable by touching her. "You're interesting."

"I'm not the alien here buddy," Y/N chuckled, "He's going to arrive any minute."

"Okay," Karma said getting down and going to his seat behind her, "your hair looks cute cherry."

Y/N's face flushed as she pressed her lips to stop her smile from appearing on her face. Rio from her left was looking at her and wiggling her eyebrows. The door opened and three people came in - Karasuma, Koro and a beautiful blonde who was attached to their homeroom teacher.

"Okay, look alive people. Meet our newest addition to the E class faculty." Karasuma announced as the woman introduced herself.

"My name is Irina Jelavic. Nice to meet you all!" she said cheerfully, still weirdly attached to Koro.

"We decided to bring Ms. Jelavic in the interest of beefing up the english curriculam. No hard feelings I hope. She's uh..very qualified." Karasuma said.

"No harm in that." Koro said.

"Yo! Y/N! By the way she's complimenting Korosensei, it feels like she's into tentacl-" Rio said but got shut by Y/N in the middle who was blushing furiously, "Oh my god Rio, shut up!"

"Woah, looks like I found someone with a common interest," Karma's voice entered her ears, "And I've seen you teasing Nagisa. So wanna team up?"

"Team up?" Rio smirked, "Sure. But just so you know, no one can make her blush more than I do. So stay in your area."

"Is that supposed to be a threat?" Karma said, "Or a challenge?"

"It's not a competition Akabane. And I mean it when I say stay in your area. Don't cross the line," Rio warned.

"Both of you need to shut up," Y/N sighed, "I've never heard a fight over something stupid like this."

"It's not stupid for me cherry," Karma smirked, "also I didn't know you had any idea about that kind of porn."

Y/N covered her face and sighed, "Ugh."


Jelovic failed in killing Koro, as expected but also maddened the students oneday after hearing her continuous insults. Karma came up with the name Jelo-bitch the day she arrived and everyone started calling her that, because her attitude was actually kind of bitchy too. But on the third day, her whole attitude changed a bit and she started teaching english for the first time. Y/N figured it was the company of the other two teachers that might've made her change her mind. Besides, that something else happened.

Y/N found Rio coming up with more pranks than usual. Ofcourse it was with the help of Karma. Thinking back about the argument they had, she understood why her best friend threatened him. No, it wasn't just to provoke him, but to warn him that if he crossed his line and hurt Y/N, she won't let her be around him. Ofcourse Y/N can protect herself, but Rio had no idea if she can when it came to matters of her heart. She didn't want to take any chances.