Soobin had managed to finish up his group's assignment and now he was both Anika and Yeonjun to the door.

"Isn't Huening Kai too young for you?" Anika turned round to face Soobin.

"What do you mean," Soobin lifted a brow, "age is just a number and he is only two years younger than I am."

"I still want to know how you two ended up together, like I thought you were already in a relationship."

"I haven't been with anyone since Lia," Soobin said.

"I really didn't expect to see you with a guy," Anika said.

"I really don't mind, I tend to fall for someone pretty easily, that's why I keep most people who approach me in the friend zone," Soobin spoke, "the littlest thing a person does can make me get attracted to them.....but until i get to know them better, we aren't going anywhere."

"I'm really good at blocking out people, I almost did with Kai, but he was damn too cute and I thought I would give him a shot after he pointed out that he liked me," Soobin continued, "after getting to know him more, I returned the feelings because he is a perfect match for me."

"I hope I can fix this," he muttered to himself.

"Good luck," Anika said, as she was about to leave, she turned and found out that Yeonjun had disappeared, "that was rude."


Yeonjun didn't bother waiting for Anika to end her conversations with Soobin, he had left immediately after Soobin and him had exchanged 'good nights ' and promised to catch up in school.

The street Yeonjun was walking on was dark and quiet, much to Yeonjun's liking.

After walking a few more steps he felt a slight pain in his body, he hadn't satisfied his demon cravings and luckily for him a scapegoat had to walk up to him and piss him off.

The guy walking behind Yeonjun was planning on robbing and raping him, Yeonjun was disgusted at listening to his dirty thoughts, he was being way too descriptive.

He forcefully turned meeting with the guys eyes, "disgusting."

This was all Yeonjun said before seizing the man by his throat.

The guy didn't know what was happening to him, all he could feel was pressure on his neck and part of him believed Yeonjun was responsible go for it, as the latter just stood there staring at him.

Soon the man began to feel blades slashing through his skin, on his arm, head, stomach....."please," the man cried out.

"That word please has been disrespected so many times, don't you think?" He made the blades cut dipper into the guy's skin before moving close to him.

He knelt down on one foot and touched the man's face slowly sucking in the guy's soul and any form of life until the guy slowly turned to ashes and disintegrate.

He made sure to drain out the guys life essence slowly so the pain would linger as he slowly died.

He dusted himself before continuing his journey back home as if nothing happened.


"How was school," Namjoon asked when Yeonjun walked in.

"You said school was fun," Yeonjun halted by the stairs leaning on the rail.

"I take it you didn't make any friends," Namjoon put down his cup down giving the pink haired boy his full attention, "so why are you late?"

"You are someone to judge, you don't have friends, you are always by yourself, the only times I've seen you happy is when you are going to work," Yeonjun walked down to the sofa and sat with Namjoon, "and if you want to know, I want out doing an assignment."

"So you did make friends," Namjoon lifted a  brow.

"No, we were just having an assignment," he gently picked up Namjoon's coffee and took a sip of it, his face immediately squeezed out of disgust.

Namjoon held back his smile, "are you going to invite them here."

"You want me to invite them over?" Yeonjun lifted a brow, he had read from a few books that a lot of parents hate it when their children brought friends over.

"Yes, they are not rascals are they?"

Yeonjun thought back to Soobin and Anika, "no, they are nice."

"Just remind me so I won't be home while you have fun," Namjoon picked up his cup of coffee dismissing Yeonjun.

As Yeonjun was about to move he turned back to Namjoon suddenly remembering a certain raven haired boy, "why did you take me to the club yesterday."

"Because you're twenty three, you need to get out more....get laid, have some fun."

"So you call that fun?"

"Everyone finds fun in different ways, you'll find yours soon."

"Why did you ask the masked boy to attend to me?"

"Because it's his job, that is what he is supposed to do," Namjoon lowered his cup from his lips, "did you find anything weird about him?"

"No, not really," Yeonjun turned to him, "I want to meditate," he stood and walked up the stairs, "goodnight."



Beomgyu fluttered his eyes open, he slowly sat on the bed and he saw Soobin sprawled on the chair in his room.

Beomgyu was about to question why Soobin wasn't in bed until his leg lightly brushed against Taehyun's.

'oh right Taehyun's is here.'

Soobin didn't want to disturb Taehyun and Beomgyu while they were sleeping and the three of them couldn't really share the bed, so he had settled on a chair, an empty plate not too far from him.

Beomgyu got down from the bed and covered Soobin properly with a blanket before taking their used plates down to the kitchen to wash it off.

While he was putting the dishes away he heard tappings coming from the living room, "Tae? Is that you?"

He wiped his hands off with a napkin before walking out, "Soobin?"

He proceeded to walking up the stairs to his room, he could feel someone staring at him, but anytime he turned to check, no one was around.

He became spooked out once he heard the table move and dashed back to Soobin's room and pounced on the bed waking Taehyun up in the process.

"What happened?" Taehyun asked after noticing how Beomgyu was trying to force himself in between his arms and chest.

"I think someone is here," Beomgyu said pressing himself closer to Taehyun.

"Oh gosh, Beomgyu you are not a child anymore, there is no one here besides you, me and Soobin, now sleep," he placed his arms around Beomgyu shutting his eyes.

Beomgyu didn't immediately close his eyes, still glancing around until he stopped in front of Soobin's mirror.

In the midst of the dark he saw pink, pink hair to be precised Infront of the window which was beside Soobin's bed.

He tightened his grip on Taehyun, "Yeonjun?" He whispered.

At the mention of the name, Yeonjun stepped fully in front of the window so Beomgyu could see his face with the light that was reflecting from the window.

Beomgyu shut his eyes and silently told himself, 'I'm dreaming.'

He eventually slowly fell asleep once Taehyun started stroking his head.

