Beomgyu watched as Yeonjun left after Anika went to get the both of them drinks.

Suddenly he felt a presence beside him and he turned to his left and saw Kim.

"Hi," Beomgyu said tightening his grip on Taehyun's arm, but the latter had drifted off into a deep sleep, "you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yeah," he slowly said looking at Taehyun, "can we go somewhere private."

"I'm watching Taehyun," Beomgyu nudged Taehyun making another effort to wake him up.

"He is sleeping, c'mon we won't take long," Kim smiled at him, "do I have to pay you again."

"No," Beomgyu quietly took Taehyun's arm off him and let himself get dragged by Kim.

Kim took him up the stairs, "what if Yuhan shows up," Beomgyu wasn't in the mood for any session with Kim right now, he had too many kinks.

"She won't bother us," Kim forcefully pushed Beomgyu inside his room.

"I can't leave Taehyun all by himself downstairs," Beomgyu let out while he watched Kim take off his shirt and pants.

"You talk about that Taehyun guy alot," Kim made his way to Beomgyu and took off his jacket, "is he gay too?"

"No," Beomgyu spoke while Kim took off his pants.

"You sure about that?" Kim smiled at him before pressing Beomgyu's lips to his.

He carried Beomgyu by his thighs and as if on instant Beomgyu wrapped his arms and legs around him.

Kim used to be one of Beomgyu's crush before Yuhan found out and decided to date him.

He was hurt by it though, Yuhan's mom was the owner of the club Beomgyu works at, she didn't miss the opportunity to bring Kim with her anytime she was stopping by the club.

She tags it as humiliating Beomgyu, she wanted Kim to see what a slut he would have been dating if she hadn't come into his life.


Anika walked to Taehyun and shook his arms in an attempt to wake the blonde male.

Taehyun thwarted Anika's hands off his arm, opening his eyes, he was a hundred percent sure Anika's hands weren't Beomgyu's, who by the way was supposed to be beside him.

"Where is Beomgyu?" Taehyun asked after looking both sides.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Anika snorted, "have you seen Yeonjun by any chance."

Taehyun shook his head, and sat up, "I promised to go with you and you ditch me, what am I here for?" Taehyun muttered to himself.

"Well, see you later," Anika waved walking away from Taehyun.

"Yeah, bye," Taehyun muttered, more to himself than to Anika, Taehyun turned and noticed Soobin in the midst of a circle of people and moved to him.

When he got to him he noticed Hyunjin's face pulling away from someone's, he didn't know who the other person was but he had seen him with Huening Kai numerous times.

Huening Kai gave Joengin a thumbs up once he noticed he had gotten out from his daze with a slight blush on his face.

"I'm telling Yeji," Soobin whispered to Hyunjin.

"What's your problem she doesn't have to know," Hyunjin elbowed Soobin lightly on ribs before giving out a wink to Joengin who he had caught red handed staring at him.

"You are playing Truth or Dare?" Taehyun startled Soobin from behind.

"Not really, I'm just keeping Huening Kai away from the pervs around," Soobin looked back to see Taehyun's face, "you want to play?"

"No, I'm good with just watching," Taehyun focused his attention on Huening Kai who was talking with Joengin.


"I think someone is coming," Beomgyu tried to pry Kim off his body.

"No is coming."

"I can hear footsteps," Beomgyu breathing became harsh when Kim sucked on his neck, "I don't want Yuhan to see-"

"would you shut the fuck up slut-"

"KIM!!!!" Both boys watched as Yuhan forcefully pulled the door open, she had heard them from behind the door, "Beomgyu??!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!"

Yuhan marched inside inside the room taking off her heals.

Beomgyu didn't need to be told twice, he immediately got out of the bed, dodged Yuhan's flying heels and managed to escape and hide in another room.

"Oh my gosh," he held unto his racing heart resting his hack on the door, his heart almost skipped a beat once more when he finally noticed the other being in the room.

"I'm sorry," Beomgyu said immediately trying to open the door and run out, but the door wouldn't budge.

Yeonjun was scaring the hell out of Beomgyu, expecially with the way he was looking at him.

"Can you please stop looking at me," Beomgyu managed to force out, "please?"

Yeonjun lifted a questioning brow before slowly turning away from the younger.

"It's cold," Beomgyu rubbed his bare torso, looking round, "there are no fans though."

The room was totally empty.

Beomgyu turned to Yeonjun and saw him staring at him again, "I know this is pretty awkward, but you are not not helping my condition by looking at me...except you are willing to give me your coat-"

Before Beomgyu could finish his sentence he felt a thick material on his lap, he turned to Yeonjun to see his coat wasn't on him anymore.

"I didn't mean....this place is pretty cold, are you okay with it?"

"You need it more than I do."

"Thanks," Beomgyu slightly blush at Yeonjun's deep voice.

He began putting on the coat, and the smell of lavender continued gifting his nose, "you like lavender?"


Beomgyu was looking forward to making a conversation with Yeonjun but it seems like the latter wasn't planning on having any with him.

The coat was long and big on Beomgyu, he literally swam in it enjoying Yeonjun's scent.


So far the game of Truth or Dare consisted of mostly Soobin glaring and threatening anyone who tries to make Huening Kai do anything stupid.

Huening Kai dropped an empty bottle of beer on the ground with a disgusted expression on his face, "empty."

"You have low tolerance of alcohol Kai, you need to stop," Soobin scolded Kai.....again.

"Your aren't my guardian, stop treating me like a child," Huening Kai turned to glare at Soobin.

"I'll keep on treating you like a child, until you finally grow up."

"Grandpa?" A green haired boy called to Soobin, "you've been making this game boring since you got here, always complaining and shit."

"Do you need me to get physical?" Soobin deadpanned.

"No we want you gone," the green hair boy turned to Huening Kai, "take your boyfriend away from here, he's not even playing."

"H-he's not my boyfriend...I don't even know him," Huening Kai said immediately.

"I'll play," Soobin spoke before resting his gaze on Huening Kai, he picked a card from the center, it read dare, "I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with me."

