Beomgyu stared quietly at the different pictures of him Taehyung had placed on the table.

"I don't understand?" Beomgyu said still staring at the pictures in front of him, "do you stalk me?"

Taehyung smiled, "the first time I noticed you was here," Taehyung moved a picture right in front of Beomgyu's face.

He was putting on a white pants with a long sleeve shirt that was cut out and exposing his right shoulder with a black one sleeve padded jacket  paired together with a black combat boot and a black cross arm purse.

He then remembered the picture. It was his birthday and Soobin and Taehyun- with Huening Kai secretly, had got him one outfit each from the four different collection Kim Taehyung had just newly put out.

It was the best gift Beomgyu had gotten so far because it was a KVT original and he had never had one before because they were really expensive.

He had actually wanted to buy one for himself, but after calculating the expenses he realized they actually weren't worth it.

Beomgyu lifted his eyes to meet Taehyung's.

You helped in advertising my new collection, you modelled it in a way, and I wasn't the only person who thought so, "this picture of you went viral, people actually thought you worked as a model for me."

'Me viral?'

Beomgyu thought to himself, he wasn't really a social media person, so as his two close friends, Taehyun didn't even know what Twitter was.

Taehyung placed a set of printed papers in front of him as well, they were printed screen shots of people's reviews in Beomgyu's outfit.

Beomgyu's mouthed a 'wow' as he went through the reviews.

"Then I decided to find who you were, and I found out about your work place."

"Oh," Beomgyu's expression saddened.

"It's okay, people go through tough times," Taehyung paused before continuing, "but I'm willing to give you a job here if, you will quit your current job."

Beomgyu let out a bright smile before it slowly died down, "I'm on a contract."

"When does it end?"

Beomgyu rubbed his forehead remembering that his aunt had sold him, a part of him still doesn't want his aunt to face the consequences of what she has done, "not anytime soon, I would really love to work here but I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon."

"Why do you think so," Taehyung leaned on his hands that were placed on the table.

"My reputation isn't the brightest to be exact, don't you think I might ruin the name of your brand?"

"Not everyone, even idols and icons had a bright past, myself's how well you embrace it," he slid another card to Beomgyu, this one containing a phone number, "when you've thought about it, make sure to give me a call okay?"

Beomgyu nodded as he  stood up and slightly bowed to Taehyung before he left.

"How did it go, did he offer you a job?" Taehyun asked as he watched his best friend exit Kim Taehyung's  Office, soon joining him as they both exited the building.

"It's up to me I guess," Beomgyu slowly gazed at the card before slipping it into his pocket.

"Why are you hesitating to take the job offer?" Taehyun rose a brow, " your work?"

"Yeah, I really want to take this opportunity but anytime I think about my work, my mind just tells me no, because it would have a negative effect on both me and KVT."

Taehyun quietly ruffled Beomgyu's hair, "Soobin and Kai invited us for ice cream, if that would make you feel better."

Beomgyu turned to him and a smile gifted his face.


"Hi," Beomgyu greeted the two males in front of him as he sat down.

"So how were things with KVT?" Soobin asked as Beomgyu sat down in front of him.

"Good, good, but everything is up to me to decide," Beomgyu said, as he was about to open his cup, but noticed one more closed cup of ice cream beside his, it couldn't be for Taehyun because the blonde male was already licking his.

"You invited someone else," he asked thinking it was probably Hyunjin, the two males were pretty close.


Beomgyu couldn't help but let out a tiny smile which didn't go unnoticed by Taehyun even with his head bent down, Beomgyu couldn't afford to let any one see his blush.

"Why did you invite him?" Taehyun asked.

"No particular reason, is there something wrong with that?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun slowly approached the four male's table, everyone gave him a warm smile, except Taehyun who was trying not to look at the pink haired male.

"Where do I seat?" Yeonjun asked looking around, their table had only four seats.

"You can sit on the empty booth in front of us," Taehyun suggested not noticing the two children in that specific booth.

"That's wierd, lemme sit with you," Beomgyu offered as he stood up.

"You don't have to Gyu," Taehyun halted Beomgyu from moving.

"You can sit here," Huening Kai gestured to his spot as he stood up and tried to sit on Soobin's laps, "I didn't know this was a four people's booth."

"No, no," Beomgyu halted Huening Kai from moving, "you guys invited us over," he turned to Yeonjun, "do you mind me sitting on your lap Yeonjun?"

Taehyun scrunched his brows at Beomgyu's question, Huening Kai on the other hand was smirking at Beomgyu's request.

He waited till Beomgyu had sat on Yeonjun's laps before speaking, "so how long have you waited to do that?"

Beomgyu ignored Huening Kai's question as he tried to cover his burning face, "can you please eat your ice cream Kai."

Huening Kai released a sick smile as he laid his back on Soobin's body.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Beomgyu asked Yeonjun who wasn't moving to eat his ice cream.

Yeonjun said nothing but shook his head, he gently pulled Beomgyu closer to his body and wrapped his arms around him making Beomgyu lean into his body.

Taehyun had long forgotten about his ice cream as he stared at the two males  beside him in shock, Beomgyu never did this with anyone except him.

It wasn't that he and Yeonjun had known each other for a long time, so why the sudden change of mind.

He didn't want to be selfish right now and tell Beomgyu to get up from Yeonjun's lap and sit on his.

Taehyun had been with Beomgyu the longest, he didn't understand why the raven haired male would still prefer to friend zone him and give other random guys a chance.

Sure Beomgyu had asked him to date him a couple of times but his word were never genuine.

He never really bothered about the males Beomgyu chose to fall for, but with Yeonjun it was so different and he could feel it, something seamed really off about him.

How could he tell his friend and possible lover to stop liking Yeonjun without seaming selfish.

"Tae, are you alright," Beomgyu held unto the chin of Taehyun as he turned this face to his.

Taehyun on the other hand wasn't focused on Beomgyu's face, like the raven haired male was focused on his.

Taehyun's view was focused on Yeonjun's hands which were softly caressing Yeonjun's exposed thighs.

Taehyun forcefully turned his head away from Beomgyu's grip, "I'm fine."

"Don't you think it would be much better to air out your mind Kang," Yeonjun's voice broke into the thoughts of Taehyun.

The younger male turned to glare at Yeonjun, "and you sure as hell would want to know what I'm thinking right now?"

Beomgyu got confused as he stared between Yeonjun and Taehyun.

"Sure," Yeonjun spoke calmly.

"I don't like you, your presence annoys me, I don't want you close with Beomgyu, I can feel warning signs around you that states stay away, stop clowning us and shows us what you really are."

Huening Kai swallowed slowly, "I think we should start-"

"Is that all?" Yeonjun asked finally giving his attention to Taehyun, "are you really going to let your jealousy get the best of you."

Taehyun furrowed his brow daring Yeonjun to keep on talking.

"Beomgyu is right here, tell him that you-"

The other members eyes grew wide as Taehyun punched Yeonjun across the cheek, "shut it."

He aggressively stood up from his, "lets go Gyu," he turned to the said male who was still in shock at what he had done.


"Why did you hit him?" Beomgyu furrowed his brows at Taehyun, "are you okay?"

Beomgyu turned his attention back to Yeonjun as he examined the male's expressionless face.

Taehyun on the other hand wasn't feeling remorse about anything, "are you coming with me or not?"

"Are you really asking me that question, fucking apologize," Beomgyu stood to glare at Taehyun.

Huening Kai grabbed unto Soobin's arms, "stop this, they are your friends."

"Guys lets calm down-"  Soobin tried to speak.

"Gyu are you coming with me or not?" Taehyun glared back at Beomgyu.


Taehyun released a pained smile as he glanced at Beomgyu for a while before leaving.

Soobin waved his hands in front of Yeonjun trying to get the older male's attention, "Yeonjun is everything alright?"

The said male said nothing but stood up slowly and fixing his shirt.

"I'm sorry about today Yeonjun," Soobin apologized sincerely, he had no idea Taehyun would react the way he did.

"It's fine," Yeonjun said.

"Are you going home?" Beomgyu asked.

Yeonjun nodded.

"I'll go with you," Beomgyu said as he interlocked with fingers.

"You should go to Taehyun," Yeonjun spoke.

Beomgyu furrowed his brows, "I'm not in the mood to talk to him."

This was the only way Yeonjun could prevent himself from doing anything to Taehyun, he didn't want to hurt the younger male, because of the love Beomgyu had for the blonde male.

"Go to Taehyun," Yeonjun said before unlacing their fingers as he walked out of the building.

"I guess I couldn't get to know your friends better," Huening Kai smiled nervously to his boyfriend.

"Next time, we'll go to Hyunjin's place," Soobin smiled pushing his glasses back.

"Yes, so you can meet Joengin as well, he is always at Hyunjin's place."

They both turned forward remembering Beomgyu was with them, but the said male was no longer in the shop.

The said male was furious as he stormed his way over to the bar where Taehyun works, he walked over to the counter and slammed his fist on it, "where is Taehyun?"

"Well hello to you too Beomgyu," the older man at the counter said to Beomgyu in an annoyed tone as he wiped the glass cup in his hands.

"I'm sorry," Beomgyu took in a deep breath, "where is Taehyun?"

"You look upset," the man spoke.

"Just answer the question," Beomgyu tried not to yell again.

"He is in his room," the man spoke, "but I don't think he wants to see you though."

Beomgyu immediately moved from the counter as he marched off to Taehyun's room.

He got some calls from people here and there as he moved through the crowd of drunk people to get to Taehyun's room but he ignored all, some even went to the point of dragging his arm or shirt but he still shrugged them of.

He didn't even bother to knock when he reached the blonde male's door and just opened it, "Taehyun!!"

The said male didn't spare Beomgyu a glance as he turned to his side and used his pillow to cover his ears.

"Kang Taehyun, I am talking to you," Beomgyu approached the said male after he had shut the door, "Taehyun?" He kicked his bed a little.

The said male only burried his head deeper into the pillow, "I thought I warned you not to come here by yourself."

"I don't just get with your attitude today Tae, was hitting Yeonjun really necessary? I don't even know why you flared up in the first place today anyways, what's so bad with Yeonjun relating with me," he glared at the male on the bed, "or do you guys have an unfinished business of some sort."

"You're so naïve Gyu," Taehyun's voice muffled out, but it was audible enough for Beomgyu to hear, "stop giving people free access into your heart."

"Is that what this is all about, you don't want me to date Yeonjun?" Beomgyu plopped himself on Taehyun's bed, "I know you have been right with the other previous guys I've picked, but I kind of feel different with Yeonjun-"

"You felt different with Soobin as well, and look at how that turned out," Taehyun spoke.

"Okay, what is wrong with Yeonjun?"

"I can't really put my finger on it, but I feel off about him, you shouldn't hang around him.....I know you Gyu, you are too soft and


"You haven't still given me a reason to not like Yeonjun, do you really want me to remain single for the rest of my life?"

"Yeonjun is not the right person for you Gyu-"

"Then who the fuck do you think is good enough for me."

Taehyun sat up and turned to Beomgyu before grabbing the nape of his neck and pulled him close to his face, as he slowly closed his eyes.

Beomgyu was shocked at first, but recovered fast enough to stop Taehyun.

"Taehyun wait," Beomgyu gently placed his hands on Taehyun's hands that were on his neck.

"You're backing away now?" Taehyun harshly took his hands away from Beomgyu, before he stood, "you were the one who wanted to in a relationship with me, or were my theories right about you just joking about it."

Beomgyu was totally speechless, "Tae at first I was serious, but you always replied me with a no, I thought how friendship was more important to you than us being in a relationship."

"So what happened now? Yeonjun came along right?"

Beomgyu avoided Taehyun's gaze before he stood, "I don't want to have this conversation with you," he said as he moved to the door, "I didn't really pin you as the jealous type though."

"You don't even know him, you are only falling for his looks Gyu."

Beomgyu ignored him as he opened the door.

"You are going to hurt yourself

Gyu, and when you hurt yourself, don't expect me to give you a shoulder to cry on as always."

Taehyun expected Beomgyu to turn back, but he never did, he only gave Taehyun one last look before he walked out closing the door behind him.

Taehyun bit the inside of his cheeks till he could taste his own blood slowly dripping into his mouth, he so badly wanted to scream but he couldn't.

He knelt down beside his bed and burried his face into the mattress.

'Did I just loose my best friend, the only person that seems to keep me going in this stupid world.....what is the use of my life now'

He thought to himself.

