Namjoon drove his car slowly to a halt in front of Jimin's house, contemplating on whether or not to get out of the car or just drive back home.

He happened to find Jimin's set of keys under his desk as he was leaving his office, he expected to see Jimin stranded outside but unfortunately no one was.

He jerked his head up at the sound of the door opening and meet eyes with Jimin, not wasting more than a second, Jimin immediately averted his gaze and walked back in pretending as if the Black car in his drive way was invincible.

"Who was it?" Jimin's mom asked setting up th dinner table with Niki.

"Nobody," Jimin stated casually.

"But there is a car right there," Jimin's mom stated gazing out the window.

"Mom you're being delusional here," Jimin stated nonchalantly.

"But there is a car right-"

"Mom please," Jimin cut her off, "if there was a car there I would know."

"Mummy there is a car outside," Niki pointed at Namjoon's car which was clearing in view.

"No, baby there isn't," Jimin squeezed Niki's cheeks before focusing on the foods on the table.

Niki turned to his grandmother, both exchanging confused looks.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Hunny check who's at the door," Jimin's mom said.

"It's no one," Jimin replied.

"I can go," Niki spoke.

"No baby, no one's there."

They heard a knock again.

"Someone is definitely at the door Jimin," his mom narrowed her brows.

"No one is," Jimin answered putting a grape into Niki's mouth.

They heard a knock again.

Jimin's mom scoffed before making a move to get up and move to the door.

"It's a murderer mom," Jimin yelled.

"Who is it?" Jimin's mother asked as soon as she got to the door.

A groan escaped Jimin's lips as he lazily got off the chair and marched to the door, "move," he lightly pushed his mom before opening the door and walking out, closing it after him.

Namjoon on the other hand could've sworn he went back in time.

Bare faced Jimin gave him flashbacks of the Jimin he dated as a teen, though there were a few changes here and there, he definitely could have remembered Jimin if this was their first encounter.


"When we are off work, I told you you don't need to call me sir," Namjoon said after he snapped out of his trance.

Jimin snorted, "coming from the person who specifically told me that the only relationship we had was work... stating specifically that you were the boss and I'm just an employee."

Namjoon rubbed his forehead.

"What do you want, sir?" Jimin spoke, anger evident in his tone.

"Don't use that tone with me," Namjoon warned.

"Sorry," Jimin said nonchalantly.

"You want to know something Jimin, I don't really like your attitude towards me, do you know I could fire you?"

"Then why don't you," Jimin said rather quietly turning away.

Namjoon stood straight, "Jimin if there is something I did that got  you offended, please tell me."

Jimin snorted, a bitter smile playing on his lips.

"What the hell is so funny," Namjoon took the initiative to grab unto Jimin's upper arm, "I'm your boss and it's also part of my job to worry about the well being of my employees."

Jimin shut his eyes at the close proximity he had with Namjoon, mentally telling himself not to cry as he felt his eyes burning up.

"Maybe you should learn how to be more appropriate with your employees," at this statement Namjoon released Jimin's arms and stepped away.

This Jimin was definitely different from the Jimin he was before, having Jimin close to him did bring a lot of memories.

He remembered the way Jimin usually blushes whenever he pulls him close to him, but now this Jimin looks like if he had the chance he would kill him.

He was taken aback when he saw Jimin wipe his eyes, "I really need to get back to my, is there something you want or you me to do for you, or you just like seeing me in pain."

Namjoon was beyond dumbfounded.


Jimin turned immediately to Niki has he opened the door, he lowered his body to Niki, "I'll be back sweetie, give me a moment."

Namjoon rose a brow as he wondered whose child Niki was and why he was calling Jimin mummy, was Jimin already married.

He had never seen a wedding ring on his fingers before though.

Niki tugged on Jimin's hands pulling him inside, he knew Jimin was definitely sad.

Jimin only rose a brow following him inside the house, once Jimin was in, Niki walked to the door and attempted to shut if not for Jimin who held it.

"No baby, I'm still talking," Jimin couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"He is making you sad," Niki frowned.

"I know," Jimin said sadly ushering Niki back to the dinner table to finish his meal before turning back to Namjoon who stretched out a key.

"You left that," Namjoon said after Jimin collected the keys from him.

"I hope we can discuss about this problem going on between you and I tomorrow."

"Don't hope too much," Jimin said walking in and closing the door behind him.

"So when is Niki going to meet his dad, because that was a fine looking young man," Jimin's mother commented.

Niki gave Jimin a questioning look.

"Don't sprout nonsense mom," Jimin said making his way up the stairs.


Yeonjun couldn't stop the smile from growing on his lips as he watched his boyfriend perform on stage.

"You guys are cute," Soobin commented.

Since the moment Beomgyu stepped on the stage, all the messages he passed down through his dance were all aimed at trying to bring out a reaction from Yeonjun.

With every trail of his hands from his smooth legs, past his body and to his neck, he made sure to make eye contact with Yeonjun and nobody else.

With every contact his teeth made on his lips, he made sure to meet eyes with Yeonjun.

He was currently positioned on the stage table, gently unbuttoning his shirt and slowly revealing the netty vest he wore inside.

"He is becoming erotic," Soobin warned turning to his video chat with Huening Kai.

He had finally found a way to make the latter fall asleep without waiting up for him.

"You shouldn't lie to him," Yeonjun said, his eyes not leaving Beomgyu who was now bending over on top of a table.

"Don't make me look like the bad guy here, I already promised Hyunjin before I told Kai about it...I'll probably be back before he wakes up."

"It's not going to end well."

Soobin pushed his hair back, he doesn't like getting Huening Kai upset but he promised to hang out with Hyunjin.

"I'll be back before he wakes up," Soobin said to no one in particular.

Beomgyu finished his dancing and waved to the audience before heading out glancing at Yeonjun.

"I take it it's my cue to leave," Soobin stood as Yeonjun stood, "I'll see you later."

Yeonjun nodded and with that Soobin left.

Beomgyu's performance marked the end of the show which only means the club's clients would be lined up to be purchased.

Yeonjun slowly walked to the venue, he was fully aware that he was hated among buyers because ever since he came into the picture no one had been able to touch Beomgyu except him.

It reduced their number of buyers because most were interested in only Beomgyu.

The manager had actually spoken to Yeonjun about it, at first it didn't bother him, but with the way they started to loose customers, it started to get to him.

Immediately Yeonjun opened the door, Beomgyu let out a sigh of relief as Mr Lee was making various moves to buy him quickly.

"Don't you think you deserve to rest," Mr Lee spat out, clearly annoyed with Yeonjun's presence.

Yeonjun ignore him as he walked to whoever was in charge, he was know for not waiting, some times he would paralyze everyone and just walk away with Beomgyu.

And if he couldn't make it, Soobin and Kai both go together and purchase him.

Mr Lee took the chance and made his way to Beomgyu with an irritating look on his face, warning him to keep quiet as he tried to take him away.

"Jun," Beomgyu called immediately Mr Lee tugged on his arm.

"You cunt," Mr Lee hit Beomgyu across the cheeks.

Like Yeonjun couldn't already read his mind.

And to say Yeonjun flared up, was just an understatement.

Beomgyu noticed this act immediately and loosen his grip from Mr Lee to grab unto Yeonjun before he could do anything.

He had seen Yeonjun beat up a person to pulp in school, right in his presence for groping his butt.

"Let's just go," Beomgyu spoke pulling Yeonjun away expecially from Mr Lee.

Immediately they stepped into the room, Yeonjun felt an odd sensation that Someone was watching them.

"Are you okay," Beomgyu lowered Yeonjun's face to his, "you seam lost."

"I'm fine," Yeonjun picked Beomgyu up from his laps and walked over to their white cuddling chair.

"I don't want you to keep wasting your money on me" Beomgyu spoke leaning his head on Yeonjun's chest.

"You don't expect me to sit back and have you get touched by someone else do you?"

"But still-"

"No buts," Yeonjun placed his hands on Beomgyu's lips before swapping his fingers with his lips.

Beomgyu responding to it, placed his hands on his face bringing it closer to his moving his lips sloppily over his.

Now the feeling that they were being watch was clear enough.

Yeonjun pulled his lips from Beomgyu and glanced around before his intinct led him to a camera that was securely placed behind the wall.

A hole made just for the lens to peep out.

It was one of the new micro camera's Namjoon was working on.

"Are you sure, you are okay,"Beomgyu asked truly concerned.

"Yeah," and with just a blink of an eye Yeonjun shattered the camera.

They both stayed quiet, Beomgyu trying to figure out what was wrong with Yeonjun and Yeonjun trying to figure out who was watching them.

"Will it be okay if I just sleep? I'm really tired," Beomgyu spoke, it  seams like the both of them weren't ready for anything at the moment.

Yeonjun pecked his boyfriend's lips before placing his head on his chest, glancing at the position the camera used to be.

If only he knew who was watching them.

"Did you like my performance?" Beomgyu asked clutching onto Yeonjun's shirt.

Yeonjun let a small smile find its way to his lips, "maybe you could give me a private show at home."

Beomgyu buried his reddened face in Yeonjun's chest, " sure," he mumbled out.


Beomgyu later headed to his room to pack his things, Yeonjun was waiting for him outside in the car.

He was really sleepy, all he wanted to do now was sleep in bed with his boyfriend without any disturbance.

But unfortunately immediately he stepped into the room, someone else shut the door.

"Hi Gyu"

Beomgyu snapped his head towards the voice and a frown married his face on seeing Kim, "geez someone likes me too much," Beomgyu smirked turning to pack his clothes.

"Where is your boyfriend?"

"Outside, I'm just here to pack up my things."

"I bet you both just did a round or two huh?"

"What the hell?" Beomgyu blushed, "our business is none of your concern, unless....."

"Unless what?" Kim rose a brow.

Beomgyu draped his backpack over his shoulder, "you're jealous."

"What the hell?"

"Just admit that you made a big mistake picking Yuhan over me, it's written all over your face that you are jealous of Yeonjun," Beomgyu halted at the door beside Kim, "I won't tell anyone, if you tell me the truth."

"There is nothing Yeonjun possibly have that I don't have Gyu," Kim deadpanned.

"So why are you here?"

"Why else would I be here?"

Beomgyu frowned a little bit, "I don't do that anymore, I've finally found someone who cares about and my feelings....I don't want to loose him."

"What type of play do you think we are acting here, you fucking work in a whore club.....geez Gyu don't make me laugh."

"You think he cares, please no one wants a whore for a partner, that boyfriend title is probably a joke to him."

A bit offended by Kim's words Beomgyu spoke, "I don't do those things like that anymore....and that's final, now can you please leave, my boyfriend is waiting for me."

"You should know me better than this Gyu, I always get what I want," Kim cooed at the shorter male.

"No, you don't have me so? Your point?" Beomgyu rose a brow.

"The fuck says I don't?" Kim lowly said undoing his belt buckle, his other hand reaching out to touch Beomgyu's face.

"We'll be done in a matter of minutes, now to the bed," Beomgyu was taken aback by his sudden change of tone, but he still didn't budge.

"I said to the fucking bed Gyu," Kim threatened, but Beomgyu still didn't move contemplating on if he would make it if he ran out the door.

"Do you want me to get violent?" Kim said grabbing Beomgyu's collar and pushing to the bed immediately hovering over him.

"Get the fuck off of me, I fucking told you no," Beomgyu struggled to break free from Kim's grip.

"If pretty face even cared an ounce about you, don't you think he should have been here-"

Before Kim could finish his sentence, he was hurdles to the ground by unknown figure.

"Bitch actually came to play," Kim spat out trying to pick up his breathing as Yeonjun hand never left his neck.

He turned to Gyu who was shocked at how he managed to get into the room and to them without the door opening.

"You good?" Yeonjun asked and Beomgyu shook is head immediately.

Yeonjun turned back to Kim on the ground and delivered a punch to his face, banging his head to the floor afterwards.

Beomgyu's breathe hitched feeling as if he was the person taking the hits.

Kim spluttered out blood still trying to breathe properly.

Yeonjun slowly lifted Kim's face to his, "if I see you hands on him again.....I will not hesitate to kill you."

Beomgyu saw Yeonjun's eyes turn to a dark pool of emptiness, not believing what he was seeing he blinked and they were back to normal.

He mentally sighed, what a wierd vision.

"Go outside," Yeonjun said to Beomgyu, but before the latter could respond, he caught a glimpse of Kim taking out something shiny from his boots.

"Wait Jun I think he has a kni- aahhh,"

Yeonjun turned to look behind him to see Beomgyu's face scraped high on his cheeks and was now using one of his clothes to stop the bleeding.

Kim didn't mean to hurt Beomgyu, he was aiming for Yeonjun's eyes.

He couldn't think as he felt his skin slowly burning under Yeonjun's hold.

His skin was actually burning and wasn't an understatement.

"Dude what the fuck are you?" Kim tried to pry Yeonjun's hands away from his neck only for him to stop midway at the look Yeonjun was giving him.

Something definitely felt inhuman about it.

"Yeonjun?" Kim called bringing Beomgyu's attention to the both of them.

The two humans could definitely feel the change in the atmosphere.

Beomgyu's hands moved to the knife which was no longer beside him, but was now in Yeonjun's hands.

"Yeonjun stop," Beomgyu immediately made his way over to the pink haired male.

It felt like the closer he tried to get to him, the farther he gets.

"Yeonjun it's not that deep, you will go to jail if you stab him."

Beomgyu finally got to Yeonjun, but as the older male turned to look at him, his heart skipped a bit and he fell to the ground.

He didn't see his pretty boyfriend's face, instead he saw the devil he once dreamt about four months ago and before he knew it he was out of the room, the door closing right in front of him.

"Yeonjun," he cried banging on the door, "don't kill him."

"Arrgghh," he clutched his head and before he knew it he was on the ground unconscious.

