
Taehyun yelled jumping into the restricted area and headed straight to the falling Beomgyu.

Yeonjun couldn't jump down after him at the risk of exposing himself, he was about freezing everyone but halted when he saw Taehyun heading towards his falling boyfriend.

This would be a better choice.

Beomgyu had his eyes close the moment he fell, waiting for his body to collide with the ground.

But during his fall, he noticed something.

He wasn't exactly falling with full force like he was some seconds ago, it felt like the force of his fall was lessened to make it somewhat feel like he was floating.

When he was one floor away from Taehyun's outstretched arms, he felt something let go of him and he dropped with full force into Taehyun's arms.

The impact of Beomgyu's body on Taehyun's arm wasn't really effective, Taehyun had a really strong and firm arm.

Beomgyu who was waiting for his end snapped his eyes open at the contact of his body on a pair of outstretched arms, he didn't need anyone to tell him who those pair of arms belonged to.

Taehyun pulled Beomgyu's body very close to his in a tight embrace, while the older male, not missing an opportunity turned to Yeonjun who was now staring back at him still in the roof before returning Taehyun's hug.


Beomgyu opened his eyes to meet the walls of the school's clinic, after the fall, he was taken into the clinic for check up and slept off from there.

He turned to his right to see Taehyun sitting not too far from him typing away on his phone.

"Where's Yeonjun?"

Taehyun took his phone away from his face and switched it off, "hi to you as well."

"Hi," Beomgyu said, a slight bit embarrassed.

"I don't know where he is."

Beomgyu ran a hand through his face, they definitely had to talk, he had to tell someone about it.

This couldn't keep on being an incident.


"What the heck is going up with you," Soobin wiped his face free from the water Huening Kai had just splashed on it, "one party, I went to one stupid party, and now you are acting like I'm a sort of disease!!!"

Soobin tightened his grip on Huening Kai's wrist, "you don't see me complain when you go out at night with Joengin, heck you sometimes sleep over at his place."

"looks like the cute couple is having an issue."

Soobin heard someone snicker from behind him and finally took in their surrounding, the cafeteria was not a best place to have an argument.

"Let go of my hand," Huening Kai said slowly, already standing up from his seat.

And it was then Soobin noticed a tear drop roll down Huening Kai's cheeks.

Huening Kai rarely to never cries, the only time he had actually cried was during the issue between Soobin and Beomgyu and during the period Soobin refused to admit that something serious was going on between them.

"Let's talk about this somewhere else please?"

"There is nothing to talk about, what's done is done," Huening Kai half yelled yanking his hands off Soobin's and headed out if the cafeteria right after.

Soobin on the other hand turned to the male who was trying to secretly leave the lunch table.


Jeongin halted at the spot immediately.

"What is going on?" Soobin asked locking eyes with the younger male.

"I-I-I I don't k-kno-"


Joengin flinched at Soobin's tone like everyone else within hearing range did, he trembled under Soobin piercing gaze.

"L-let's talk s-somewhere else," Joengin said before finally standing.

Joengin pulled Soobin over to a corner outside of the cafeteria, rubbing his hands on his head.

"Well?" Soobin said growing impatient with the silence.

"Remember you got drunk yesterday at the party," Joengin said clutching his bag strap.

"This isn't about me going to the party Joengin, now stop messing with me and tell me why Kai is upset? Cause I know this wouldn't cause-"

"You had sex with Kai last night," Joengin blurted out, "against his will."

Soobin's mouth hung open for a moment, before he let out a little smile, "do you think this some type of joke," he said his brows slowly furrowing.

"I'm not joking," the shorter male said immediately, "it's true, it was the first thing he told me when he got to school today, the alcohol must have gotten to you really hard."

"There is no way I would have had sex with Kai while I was drunk, that's beyond impossible, this isn't the first time I'm getting drunk you know," Soobin said.

"That's the truth," Joengin said again.

Soobin thought for a moment before taking his attention back to the shorter male in front of him, "you sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure, he told me himself."

They both turned to the sound of footsteps walking past them.

"Kai, is this true," Soobin had no idea when he launched out and took a hold of Huening Kai's arm.

The younger was planning on checking up on Jeongin in the cafeteria, he didn't want to go to class alone, he had no idea Soobin was still around.

Huening Kai's face scrunched up in annoyance, "saying you couldn't control yourself is one thing, but saying you didn't is a lie."

"I didn't," Soobin said almost immediately.

Huening Kai blinked in disbelief, "I don't have time for this," he forcefully pulled Soobin's hands off of his, "Joengin we are going to be late for class-"

"Why would you think I'd do something like that to you without your consent?"

"Stop lying," Huening Kai basically screamed.

Joengin turned to those who got attracted by Huening Kai's voice and waved to them with a smile, ushering them back to whatever it was they were doing before.

"Tune down your voice Kai," Joengin said.

"You ask me at first, I told you no," Huening Kai spoke, "you came back to me while I was asleep, the look in your eyes showed you were fully aware of what you were doing."

"Why didn't you push me away?" Soobin asked.

"Kai, I'm late for class so...." Joengin spoke.

"I did try but you didn't want to let go of me," Huening Kai said, "you kept on whispering words to me, and touching me-" Huening Kai's face heated a little bit remembering the event, "I'm not talking to you till you admit you knew what you were doing and apologize,"

"Fine, I knew about it and I'm sorry," Soobin said, all he wanted now was for things to go back to the way there were between him and his boyfriend.

"You are not even remorseful about," Huening Kai almost yelled again, "you took my innocence away, that's basically rape, I could report you for doing butt has been hurting me since last night."

Both Huening Kai and Joengin's face flushed red at the last sentence Huening Kai made.

"This seams personal, so I'm going," Joengin said as he turned to leave.

"I'm leaving too," Huening Kai said, his face still flushed.

"No, Jeongin you can go, Kai will come later," Soobin said and before Huening Kai knew it, his feet had left the ground with the weight of his body suddenly resting on Soobin's shoulders.

"Put me down, I told you I hate being carried this way," Huening Kai yelled banging his fists on Soobin's back as the older male took him back to his car.

Joengin only huffed and picked up the bag Huening Kai dropped as Soobin carried him.

One thing was for sure, that whenever Soobin picked Huening Kai like that when they are having a misunderstanding, it always turns out alright in the end.


Namjoon walked out of the doors, which were later on closed by the guards, "I can't believe I'm doing this," he sighed before opening his Koya printed umbrella Yeonjun had got for him on his last birthday.

It was a whole contrast to the suit he was wearing.

Ever since Yeonjun had gotten involved in his life, Namjoon had expressed his hurt to him at not receiving anything for his birthday.

While enjoying themselves at an amusement park, Yeonjun won an umbrella and decided to gift it to him.

It was better than nothing.

He had thoughts of burning it, but was glad he didn't, because currently the rain was too harsh and he would have gotten wet before getting to his car.

Before he stepped his foot under the rain he had soft hummings and then turn to his right to see Jimin typing away on his phone humming to a particular tune he knew he had heard before.


The said male put down his phone and turned to the taller male now beside him and the first thing his eyes caught unto was the umbrella.

Jimin snorted.

Namjoon rolled his eyes before glancing at his watch, "it's past ten, aren't you heading home?"

"If you haven't noticed the rain is still pouring," Jimin deadpanned, "if I try to ride my motorcycle under it, I'll get drenched or might even have an accident."

"You need a lift?" He asked.

Jimin turned to his motorcycle he pushed beside him, "I think I'll wait till the rain stops."

"It doesn't look like it's stopping anytime soon, you Could leave your motorcycle here it won't get stolen."

Jimin would have agreed to Namjoon's request at the beginning, but he didn't want to seem desperate which he was.

Niki had been calling him for a while now and he had kept on responding to him with a "I'm almost there."

But his mom just texted him and told him Niki had refused to go to bed without seeing him, and it was way past his bed time.


Jimin stood and Namjoon placed the umbrella on top both their heads and led Jimin to the passenger seat before getting to the driver's seat and driving out of the parking lot.

Through out the car ride Namjoon kept on stealing glances at Jimin who on the other hand was not interested in taking his gaze away from the window.

Minutes rolled bye and Namjoon reached Jimin's home.

Immediately Jimin stepped out, Namjoon saw the curtains close and a little boy run out of the house and launched himself into Jimin's arms.

"Who's that?" He heard the little boy ask.

Jimin only turned partly to look at Namjoon before walking off, "time for bed."

One the other hand, Namjoon hadn't notice the smile which broke out on his face when Niki wrapped his arms around Jimin's head and Jimin returning the affection with a kiss on Niki's cheeks.

Eventually after deciding on leaving, his phone pinged from the cup holder, Jimin's name boldly flashing on it.

'Thank You'