"Everyone is inside their homes?"
"They are, Dragonborn. Only town guard now patrol the streets," Irileth replied.
"Are you sure it won't be safer for them to be somewhere more secure?" the jarl asked again.
I nodded. "Odahviing will be responding to my summons. He won't be wanting to attack the town. He'll want to confront my challenge. The people should… no, they will be safe."
"Anything else you need to do before we begin?" Irileth asked, an air of finality to the question. If I said no, then we would begin.
"I'm ready. Are you?"
"At your word, Dragonborn," the Jarl replied, "My city is in your hands."
I turned to Lydia and my fellow members of the Circle. I was originally planning on doing this alone. Lydia insisted she join and after quite the argument, I relented. Aela, Farkas and Vilkas wandered through the doors into Dragonsreach and did the same. I think they wanted a fight plus a part of the glory of taking down a dragon. Thinking about it, I figured the more, the merrier. And more numbers against a dragon is always a bonus.
We walked out onto the great porch of Dragonsreach. The view from this high was spectacular, vast plains lying to the left while the mountains rose ahead and to the right. The sun shone, feeling its warmth on my face, taking a moment to close my eyes and feel the cool wind ruffle my coat before I shrugged it off. I then spent a few moments directing where my colleagues should wait. I had no idea what would happen once I shouted.
"The trap is ready?" I asked.
"Ready and waiting for a dragon," Irileth replied.
I stood alone near the edge of the porch, glancing back to see everyone else in the shadows, all eyes watching me. I took one last moment of silent contemplation and offered a prayer to the Gods to keep me safe for the next few minutes. I then stepped back towards the middle of the porch and glanced up to the sky and Shouted.
I unsheathed my sword, my shield already attached to my left forearm, and it was now a case of waiting. I told everyone to wait where they were until Odahviing was finally down. I didn't want them to take the risk of getting snatched in case the dragon surprised us. I kept my eye on the sky, my ears straining for the slightest clue that the dragon was on its way.
"There!" a guard yelled.
I swung around to my right and crouched down just in time as Odahviing flew above. I felt his claws scratch the back of my armour, lying flat on my stomach to prevent the dragon getting a clean grab around my body. I rolled and got to my feet immediately and Shouted in reply, dousing Odahviing in flame, though its full effect was nullified by the fact he was flying away.
"Keep under cover until I get it down!" I yelled, pointing a sword in my colleagues' direction as I looked around. I know the guards were firing arrows but I wanted the Jarl, Lydia and the Companions safe for the time being.
"Here he comes again!" someone yelled.
Odahviing appeared around the side of the building. He flew above me again, causing me to crouch down but this time he looped around and doused a guard in flames on one of the towers above. I heard his screams before he leapt over the barrier to his death.
"Come face me, dragon!" I yelled.
I heard its guttural laugh as it looped around again before it descended out of the clouds high above. I took a few steps back, ensuring I wouldn't find myself ensnared in its claws before it landed on the edge of the porch.
"Here I am, Dovahkiin!"
Before the dragon could Shout at me, I Shouted first, dousing Odahviing in flame again. This time he took the full brunt of my Shout. I could smell his skin cooking as he looked me in the eyes and I knew what was coming, rolling out of the way as a sheet of flame passed where I had just been standing, continuing to move as the flames followed my progress. I then heard shouts from behind as Lydia and the Companions roared and charged forward.
Odahviing took off before they could get close. I had to get him down on the ground. I racked my brain for a few seconds then slapped myself on the forehead at my sheer stupidity. 'Do what I did to Alduin.' I waited until the dragon was in the right position and then I Shouted again.
It worked like a charm, Odahviing trying to fly away before he could do little but land on the porch. We then squared off, eye to eye, before I slowly started to walk backwards, raising my shield, my sword pointed towards the dragon over my shield, my eyes following the side of my sword to the dragon at which it was pointing.
"Come then, dragon! Prove your worth!"
Any time he looked ready to Shout, I made sure I Shouted to stop him, though I didn't use the full effect, using only one or two words. I wanted him to follow me.
"Stay back! Stay back!" I heard the Jarl yell at everyone but I didn't even glance back to see what they were doing. My eyes were only for Odahviing. He probably thought he was stalking his prey, ready to lash out and devour me once I had nowhere left to retreat. Little did he know…
I noticed the giant chains off to my left and right, guards hidden behind stone columns, ready to move at the signal. 'Just a few more metres. A few more, and we've got him!' Odahviing didn't taunt me as Alduin had. He stayed silent, simply tracking my movements, eyes only for me, ignoring my Companions rounding him from the rear. But they knew not to attack and distract him. Not yet.
"NOW!" I yelled, hearing the chains released. Before Odahviing had a clue what was going on, a giant beam was released from the roof above and a section attached made sure to trap his head in place, leaving him unable to move the rest of his body. I watched the dragon struggle against the restraints, roaring in anger. I stepped forward and met his eye. He looked ready to Shout so I just raised my sword, pointing it straight at one of his eyes.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you."
"Horvutah med kodaav. Caught like a bear in a trap... Zok frini grind ko grah drun viiki, Dovahkiin."
"You'll have to pardon my ignorance, Odahviing. I don't yet understand your language. I have been meaning to learn but time has been pressing."
If anything, Odahviing appeared surprised by words, almost bowing his head. "Ah. I forgot you do not yet have the dovah speech but… I am pleased you may learn for the future. My... eagerness to meet you in battle was my... undoing, Dovahkiin. I salute your, hmm, low cunning in devising such a grahmindol – stratagem."
I felt the presence of those around me. "I can't believe we just captured a dragon!" Lydia cried.
"That was incredibly brave to do on your own, Dragonborn," the jarl added.
"Are we sure it's safe?" Farkas wondered.
I looked at the dragon. "Will you converse with me in peace?"
"Zu'u bonaar. You went to a great deal of trouble to put me in this... humiliating position. But… I will converse with you without trouble. Your… friends will be brought no harm. But I digress. Hind siiv Alduin, hmm? No doubt you want to know where to find Alduin?"
I nodded. "You assume correct, Odahviing. You may or may not know that I have already confronted Alduin and defeated him in battle, but I know he cannot be slain on his mortal plain. So I ask you simply; where is Alduin hiding?"
"Rinik vazah. An apt phrase. One reason I came to your call was to test your Thu'um myself."
I raised a hand as one or two questions were raised behind me. "So you are aware of the battle at the Throat of the World?"
"Of course. Many of us have begun to question Alduin's lordship, whether his Thu'um was truly the strongest. Among ourselves, of course. None were yet ready to openly defy him."
"I thought you all followed Alduin without question?"
"No. We follow because he was the first of dragons and his… Thu'um the purest and strongest of us all. Now it appears there is a new master of the Thu'um. There are now questions amongst the dovah."
Interesting news, particularly if the dragons were to turn on each other, but I needed to know about Alduin. "While a dragon civil war may prove interesting for the future, I need to know about Alduin. This needs to end."
"Innumerable pardons. He has travelled to Sovngarde to regain his strength, devouring the... the souls of the mortal dead. A privilege he jealously guards..."
"What, Sovngarde itself?" Lydia asked, flabbergasted at the revelation.
"Yes. His door to Sovngarde is at Skuldafn, one of his ancient fanes high in the eastern mountains. I surely do not need to warn you that all his remaining strength is marshalled there."
I turned towards my colleagues. "Anyone know about Skuldafn? Heard of it before?"
"We'll check the old texts once we're done here," the jarl replied.
"Now that I have answered your question, you will allow me to go free?"
I turned back to Odahviing, I'll admit surprised by the question. "Allow you to go free? Why would I do that?"
"Hmm... krosis. There is one detail about Skuldafn I neglected to mention."
"And that is?" I asked carefully.
"Only this. You have the Thu'um of a dovah, but without the wings of one, you will never set foot in Skuldafn. Of course, I could fly you there. But not while imprisoned like this."
I couldn't help but laugh, earning one or two strange looks from my colleagues. "And you called me someone with low cunning!"
"It is your choice, Dovahkiin. I cannot leave here until you defeat Alduin, which you cannot do without my help. It was you that lured me here and took me prisoner... I have done nothing to earn your distrust."
"Besides the fact you're a dragon," a guard stated from behind me.
I turned and shook my head at the crowd that had formed. "No, I won't have that. Dragons, too, believe in and act with honour," I replied, "Correct, Odahviing?" I asked, turning back to the dragon.
"Your words again are true, Dovahkiin. Let it be known, here and now, that is you were to defeat Alduin, I may consider serving you as I serve him now."
"Yet you would fly me to Skuldfan?"
"As I said before, we have begun to question his lordship. Some of us would say you should be provided all means to challenge his power."
"And you are one of them?"
"Yes. I don't believe any of us would dare to challenge him directly. But there are some who would support the Dovahkiin in his battle."
I turned back to my colleagues. "My jarl, you have a library?" He nodded. "Can you ask if your people can find any information about Skuldafn?"
"At once, Dragonborn."
"Aela, Kodlak also kept a personal library, and I know he was interested in the history of Skyrim. Can you look for information too please?"
"I'll head back now and see if I can find anything."
"Good. I'd better head back to Breezehome soon and prepare for the next journey."
"So you're going to trust the dragon?" Lydia asked, though she didn't sound surprised.
"I have no choice in the matter. But I'd like us to research, just to be sure." I then paused. "Can everyone give me a few minutes alone with the dragon please?" There were one or two curious looks as I ushered everyone from the porch area, even the guards, leaving me alone with Odahviing. He kept an eye on me, obviously curious as to what I wanted. I placed my sheathed sword and shield on the ground before I sat down. I figured I'd ask a question that had been on my mind and this was the first opportunity to ask. "What do you know of Paarthurnax?"
Odahviing snorted. "A traitor to his kind, or at least that is what we once believed. Alduin still wants his blood. He wants revenge for him showing your kind the power of our Thu'um."
"Do you know where he is?"
"Alduin has informed us."
"What does Alduin have planned for him?"
"Nothing at the moment. His concern is you and you alone, Dovahkiin."
"The Blades wanted me to kill him, too."
"No doubt they have been looking for him for many centuries. He killed many of your kinsman during the reign of dragons. His reign of terror was only beaten by that of Alduin himself."
"I know he committed many crimes, I have been told of some of them, but he has changed over the centuries. He is now at peace with himself and the world itself. And he has helped me. He and the Greybeards have shown me the Way of the Voice."
"I do not know of that philosophy."
"The basic premise is that I would only use my Thu'um when necessary. To not misuse the gift of the Gods. But there is also one other thing. The Blades wanted me to be a great dragonslayer. I don't believe that. I have the blood of the dragons within me. I therefore look at dragons, such as yourself, Odahviing, as if we were blood brothers."
"An interesting viewpoint, Dovahkiin. And one that many of your kinsmen would not appreciate."
"No, many of them probably wouldn't. But what that means is that I don't wish to kill all of you. I will defend myself against any that attack me. Alduin must die, that is clear and I will make sure that happens. And I will not hesitate in killing those who wish to kill me in turn. But what about you? If I were to release you and let you live, what would you do?"
"The first thing I can say is that I follow Alduin no more. You have proven your strength, Dovahkiin, and I will observe your progress with interest. But, as for myself, I will now follow my own path."
"And your relationship with man?"
"I would leave you in peace."
"And I will do the same and ensure you are left in peace. But what about other dragons?"
"I cannot speak for them, Dovahkiin. But if freed from Alduin's control, I believe many of them may think the same. We would be free to make our own choices. The era of the dominance of the dragon is past. We understand that now."
I got back to my feet again. "I can't release you. Not yet. I hope you understand. I need to prepare for the journey as I doubt I'll be coming back before I've dealt with Alduin. Correct?"
"You are, Dovahkiin. I can be patient. Once you wish to leave, release me and I'll escort you to Skuldafn."
I met the Jarl and the others in the throne room, everyone sat around one of the long tables, now covered in books and scrolls rather than plates and candle holders. I sat back and waited for them to eventually tell me if they had found anything. I wasn't going to tell them I wasn't too hopeful but I thought there may be something written in at least one book or scroll that would provide at least a whisper of Skuldafn.
"Anything?" I asked after seeing most of my colleagues seemingly give up.
"The only mention of Skuldfan I can find in any of these books or scrolls is mentioned in regards to Jorunn the Skald-king," Farkas stated. I know he would have been greeted by a sea of blank faces, including mine, as he simply continued. "He was a Nordic High King from the Second Era. The only mention is that he organised a Great Moot at Skuldafn. It doesn't say whether it occurred or not and why it took place at Skuldafn."
"Anything else?"
"If Alduin is using it as a base towards Sovngarde, I can only imagine it is likely a dragon temple of some description. And you will no doubt have to battle many dragons to reach whatever Alduin uses to reach Sovngarde," Farengar replied.
"So that means you'll have to go prepared," Aela added.
"I'm coming with you," Lydia stated adamantly, "You can't do this alone, but I know you probably can't take all of us either."
I looked at the three Circle Companions, the question needing to be unasked. "I can wait to see Sovngarde for now, Dragonborn," Vilkas stated, "My brother and I will remain here. If you do journey there, though, send our regards to Kodlak once again if you meet him."
"I'd rather not see it in case I end up changing my mind. Part of me would love to, but I made a promise to someone."
"I understand."
"So it's just you and me then, my thane?"
"Guess it is. We should head to Breezehome and prepare. Who knows when we'll be back?"
"If you don't mind, my Jarl, I'd like to study the dragon until Uhtred is ready to depart," Farengar stated.
"Just be careful, Farengar. I don't want my home burned down."
Lydia and I headed home to pack for the final time. With any luck, we would both survive and return with the dragon crisis resolved but I knew there was a chance neither of us would be coming back. I was trying not to think about what would come after as we packed. We would only take what we needed but I knew once the dragon issue was resolved, more problems would rise. The civil war would no doubt resume in earnest, Whiterun caught in the middle. Blood would continue to flow the breadth of Skyrim, brother fighting brother, families and communities torn apart. I knew I would eventually be drawn to one side or the other, despite all my declarations about my own neutrality. There was still the vampire menace, hearing rumours of the occasional attack and there was talk of the Dawnguard continuing to recruit throughout Skyrim. Then there was the attack I had personally encountered from those robed and masked people, claiming I was the false Dragonborn. I had no idea who they were or what their problem was, but I had a feeling I would probably end up travelling to Solstheim one day.
What I knew is that I was going to be busy once I was back. If I came back…
I was already wearing my armour but made sure I packed my fur coat, figuring if Skuldafn was going to be anywhere, considering I had to get there by dragon, it was in the mountains. I added in some food and one or two potions, though figured we probably wouldn't be stopping to camp any time before finding access to Sovngarde. The last thing was something I kept in the bedside drawer. An Amulet of Talos. No Thalmor was going to tell me who I could or couldn't worship, but I also wasn't stupid, knowing the Thalmor were spread across Skyrim, looking for anyone who dared practice. But right now, I wore it prominently over my armour, Thalmor be damned.
Lydia noticed it immediately as we met at the top of the stairs. I wasn't surprised to she was wearing her own. "We're going to need all the help we can get, my thane."
"We should visit Heimskr before heading up to Dragonsreach."
The preacher was quiet as we approached, almost as if he knew what we were about to do. I placed my pack, sword and shield on the single bench behind me and got down on my knees in front of the shrine, Lydia doing the same. I then closed my eyes and prayed to the all the Gods. I didn't pray for too much, I think. Simply granting me the strength and wisdom to overcome all the enemies we were about to face and allow Lydia and I to return to Skyrim alive once Alduin had been slain. I didn't think it was too much to ask in the grand scheme of things, considering I was about to possibly ensure our continued existence.
"Talos guide you, Dragonborn," Heimskr stated as I strapped my sword to my hip.
I pressed a gold coin into his hand. "Continue to preach the word, Heimskr. Talos is our god. And I fight in his name, as I fight in the names of all Nine Divines."
Lydia pressed a coin into his hand too. "And Talos guide you, Housecarl, noble servant of the Dragonborn. May the gods return both of you alive to Whiterun and for all of us to live in peace once again."
Like the day I had become thane, the town guard had formed along the stairs leading to Dragonsreach, as had those Companions not of the Circle. There was no cheering or shouts of encouragement. They knew this was now serious business. I guess it was simply a show of support and I guess of respect in regards to what Lydia and I were about to do. They also knew there was a chance that neither of us would return.
Farengar was annoying Odahviing, the dragon threatening to douse the court wizard in flames when I got around to releasing him. Farengar was undeterred, poking and prodding the dragon, leading to even more complaints. A number of the town guard watched on amused, their laughs only drowned out by the occasional roar of the dragon.
"Okay, Farengar. That's enough," I finally stated, sensing Odahviing may choose to burn us all if he annoyed him too much.
"Hmph. Well, I suppose I have enough samples to conduct some experiments. I would like more…"
"I'd make yourself scarce once I've released him, Farengar," I warned.
"Dovahkiin speaks true, human. I've burned others for far less." Odahviing then demonstrated his fire breath, thankfully only against a nearby stone wall. Farengar beat a hasty retreat, leading to even more laughter from the nearby guards.
"He hasn't been too annoying, has he?"
"At least he wants to learn about dragons instead of just kill us like most people, such as your Blades."
"You are ready to depart, Dragonborn?" the jarl asked as he wandered out onto the porch himself, followed by Irileth.
"The two guards up there will release Odahviing in a moment. Lydia and I will then mount the dragon and travel to Skuldafn. From there, we will hopefully find a path to finding Alduin."
"And then you end him?"
"That's the hope."
"Then I can only wish you and Lydia good luck." He offered his arm and we embraced as warriors, Irileth doing the same for both of us too. "Return to us, Dragonborn. I have a feeling we're going to need your help once all this is done."
I knew exactly what he was talking about. "We'll worry about that once I'm back. For now…" I didn't want to say goodbye. I planned on returning.
"We'll await your return, Dragonborn."
I turned back to Odahviing. "Ready?" The dragon nodded. "Guards! Release the dragon!"
I heard mutterings from a few of them. I didn't blame them as their experiences with dragons so far would have been entirely negative. And I knew I was asking a lot of them, even the jarl, in releasing a dragon we had spent so long simply planning to capture. But as I said before, dragons also believed in honour and Odahviing had given his word to help me.
The chains were pulled and Odahviing was released, shaking his head as he no doubt he enjoyed the freedom he enjoyed once again. "Faas nu, zini dein ruthi ahst vaal," he stated, looking towards me for a moment before he simply turned and wandered outside.
"Any idea what he just said?" the jarl asked.
"I'd rather not know," I replied, "He's definitely not happy about being trapped. But he recognised that he was beaten by the superior warrior and respects my Thu'um. He's now bound by his word." I turned to my Housecarl. "We should go otherwise the guards are going to get jumpy with a dragon wandering around unchained."
We clasped forearms with the jarl once again, before doing the same with the three members of the Circle who were also around to see us off. Then it was a case of preparing ourselves for the journey to come. Odahviing turned towards us as we approached the edge of the great porch.
"I await your command, as promised. Are you ready to see the world as only a dovah can?"
"We're ready."
"I warn you, once you've flown the skies of Keizaal, your envy of the dov will only increase."
"Ready?" I asked Lydia.
"Born ready, my thane."
Together we clambered onto the neck of Odahviing. I managed to find a way of holding on, feeling Lydia wrap her arms around me and then, before I knew what was happening, Odahviing ascended into the air and it was only seconds before the ground was far below us, even Dragonsreach a mere speck on the green and white tapestry that was the canvas of Skyrim.
Odahviing was right about one thing. I would remember and envy what I could see for the rest of my days.