
The sky above us was… magnificent. My vocabulary simply isn't large enough to describe it. But I know Lydia and I simply gaped in wonderment at simply the sky. And that doesn't even begin to describe what else met our eyes as we stepped onto the soil of Sovngarde. At least it felt like soil. Everything felt and looked real enough. The path ahead was lit by numerous braziers. There were statues, I assumed of Nordic heroes or perhaps of the gods themselves. But there was also a fine mist ahead, reaching high above the tree line, and I wondered what may wait for us ahead.

But, for a few minutes, we simply sat on the steps leading down to the path, and looked at the sky.

"Have you ever seen anything like it?" Lydia asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Never. Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe it."

"What do you think it is?"

I could only shrug. "I have no idea. I can only guess it's how we got here though. I guess Sovngarde is… somewhere else. But I guess we're no longer on Tamriel."

I have no idea how we sat simply gazing at the sky and the stars but we eventually got to our feet and, after checking we still had our armour and weapons, we slowly descended down the stairs, following the that led into the valley shrouded in mist ahead.

Everything was quiet as we hit the edge of the mist, glancing back towards Lydia. She nodded that she was okay to move forward, though we both unsheathed our swords. We knew Alduin was around somewhere and I had no idea if he was nearby. Better safe than sorry was what we both thought.

We slowly walked through the mist, barely able to see more than a couple of metres around us. It was still virtually silent, the only sounds raised being the shuffle of our armour and each footstep placed on the ground. Perhaps someone may have heard our breathing if they were close enough. It was enough for that feeling to crawl up my back, feeling the tension in my muscles, unsure of what was waiting for us in the gloom.

A few minutes later and we were brought to a stop by, of all things, a soldier. Not just any soldier, but one dressed as a Stormcloak. He ran towards us and I think Lydia and I were both ready to cut him down until noticing he was unarmed. And obviously running in terror.

"Turn back! Terror waits within the mist. Many have braved the shadowed vale but vain is all courage against the peril that guards the way."

"Who are you?"

"Sigmarr." He gestured down his cloak. "I was a Stormcloak, killed in a skirmish while fighting the Empire somewhere in the Rift."

"And what's with the mist?"

"I know not. But none have managed to pass through. Alduin, his hunger insatiable, hunts the lost souls snared within this shadowed valley."

"At least we know he's here," Lydia muttered under her breath.

"Have you seen Alduin?" I asked.

"I have not."

"Hmmm. Probably couldn't take him alone this time anyway. He is probably back to full strength."

"May I ask a favour, stranger?"


"You look strong and capable enough. A fellow warrior. Can you lead the way to where Shor's Hall waits, beckoning us on to welcome long sought?"

I shrugged. "Not a problem. There is strength in numbers."

"You know where it is?"

I nodded. "I have read whatever I could about Sovngarde as I learned my words. I know of Shor's Hall and have an idea of where it is located. This mist does not make locating it easy, though."

"Thank you, stranger, for I have been wandering this valley blindly."

All three of us were armed and we moved out together. I wanted to move cautiously, as did Lydia, as I didn't want to be surprised by the appearance of Alduin. I had an advantage or two in my arsenal to deal with him but I knew that Alduin would be powerful here in Sovngarde. I knew I would need help to deal with him. But Sigmarr kept urging for us to move quicker, despite both of us insisting that there was no rush. Slowly but surely, he ended up further and further ahead, beckoning us on to walk faster.

We'd barely heard the roar before I heard the flap of dragon wings and then a scream. I barely saw what happened through the mist but I knew it was Alduin. Lydia found a sword in the grass to our right but no sign of Sigmarr.

"Damned fool," I mumbled to myself.

"He was frightened, my thane."

"I know. But he should have waited." I then sighed, feeling a little disappointed that I hadn't managed to protect just one person. "Come on, there's no point waiting around for Alduin to come back."

The mist never lifted as we continued to follow the path. Braziers were still lit but their light barely pierced the gloom. In the distance, we could still hear Alduin roar, though I sensed he was not close though we kept an ear out for the flap of wings. We would know if he got close. I knew then that we may have to stand and fight, no matter what.

Shor's Hall, or the Hall of Valour as it was also known, could not be seen through the mist. We wandered blindly, just as the Stormcloak soldier stated. We passed other soldiers lost in the gloom, dressed in uniform, mostly those in Stormcloak or Empire. We saw no bandits, or certainly none dressed as bandits, so I wondered if they lacked the honour required to venture to Sovngarde.

As we rounded a corner, I noticed another warrior sat on a rock ahead. He looked familiar, though I could not see his face through the gloom, though I recognised who it was as we walked through the mist. He looked up at me as I approached, getting to his feet and offering his hand. We embraced as warriors.

"It is good to see you, Ragnar."

"You too, Harbinger."

He looked me in the eye and smiled. "I am Kodlak. You now wear that title."

"So it truly worked?"

"Aye. When I woke from cold death, my doom was lifted. There was Shor's Hall, my heart's desire."

I heard the tone. "What's wrong?"

The old man sighed. "I wander, Ragnar, weary and lost. Alduin hunts me as we once hunted our prey. A bitter payment for many bloody deeds."

"You should join us. We can make it to the Hall together."

A large smile spread across his face, his eyes lighting up, a renewed vigour. "Just as we had once talked about. Taking the fight to Hircine's realm once we're all here together."

"One day, Kodlak, but for now, it is about reaching the Hall. Are you with me?"

He took the great-sword from his back. "I am with you, Harbinger. Lead the way. And if Alduin attacks, may he taste our steel."

"My thane, may I offer a suggestion?" Lydia asked as we resumed our search for the Hall.

"I'm open to any good ideas, Lydia."

"Do you remember when we journeyed to the Throat of the World to see Paarthurnax, how you had to clear the way with your Shout?" I slapped my forehead, feeling utterly stupid. "Don't worry, my Thane. You know a lot of Shouts and I only thought of it now myself."

"I'll do it, but it is going to draw attention."

"I'm ready," Kodlak stated.

I Shouted and the mist surrounding us lifted. Not completely but at least we could see for a few metres ahead of us. What the Shout did do was draw people towards us, Stormcloak and Empire alike, and I believe some of them knew immediately who I was. It wasn't long before we had a small group of warriors following us, some watching our surroundings, others watching the sky for Alduin. I continued to Shout every so often to clear our path.

"Who's that ahead?" Lydia asked after I Shouted.

"No idea."

"It's the king!" one of the warriors exclaimed.

"Which one?" I asked.

The man who some claimed as the King approached us. We came to a stop and I noticed those dressed as Imperials got down on one knee. This man wasn't my King but I did offer a deferential bow, just like I did for the Jarl.

"You are strangers to this place as well?" the man asked.

"We are. Who are you?"

"High King Torygg. And you?"

"I am Ragnar of Whiterun. The Last Dragonborn." I gestured left. "This is Kodlak Whitemane, Harbinger of the Companions." He bowed as I gestured right. "This is Lydia of Whiterun, my housecarl." She bowed as I gestured behind. "And these men, of both Stormcloak and Empire, are those who seek the Hall of Valour. May I ask what you're doing out here, King Torygg?"

"When Ulfric Stormcloak, with savage Shout, sent me here, my sole regret was fair Elisif, left forlorn and weeping."

"Fear not, King Torygg. For Elisif is strong and she leads her people with a noble heart, without fear and guided by the wisdom of the Nine Divines."

He smiled for a moment at my words. "Do you know of what occurred?"

"I have heard stories. Perhaps you can share what actually happened?"

"I faced Uflric fearlessly, knowing what may happen. But the challenge was laid down and who am I not to answer? It is our tradition and I would not forsake the honour of my forefathers to simply retain my crown. But my fate was inescapable, yet my honour is unstained. Can Ulfric say the same?"

"He fights for our freedom, for a free Skyrim!" one of the men shouted behind.

"He's a murderer!" one of the others shouted and soon there was only the sound of bickering.

I finally turned around to face them all "Quiet!" Silence as they all stared at me, shame already etched on their faces. "We are in Sovngarde. Here, the old hatreds are left behind. Here, we are all warriors, cut from the same cloth, and you will toast each other as brothers," I stated, somewhat harshly, "We are all Nords, bound by honour, bound by blood."

"Well said, Dragonborn," Kodlak stated.

"It was not murder. But that does not make what Ulfric did right and it was certainly not honourable," Torygg added, "The challenge had to be accepted. But he took on a man with precious little experience and without the Voice of which he has been trained. But what Ulfric doesn't know is that, in many ways, I supported his ideas, or at least some of them. But he chose this path and now it is up to the Gods to decide his fate."

"King Torygg, please join us and we together we can find the Hall."

"A fine idea."

I was now leading a rather large band of warriors and was sure I would be drawing the attention of Alduin. But while I heard his roar in the distance, and despite the fact I was Shouting to clear the mist, he seemed to have no interest in my progress. I had no idea why. Perhaps he was slightly fearful of me, considering I'd already defeated him once? Perhaps he truly was vulnerable here in Sovngarde, and did not wish to try his luck against me, knowing I could kill him here? But I also knew that he had been recovering his strength since our battle on the Throat of the World and our renewed battle would be one of the death. I had to make sure I had every advantage at my disposal.

I Shouted again and it revealed a large flight of steps, at the top of the steps we could see the Hall of Valour across a bridge made of bone. 'Looks like a bridge made of dragon bones? Makes sense, our history inextricably linked to the creatures.' I led the way up the steps and noticed a giant of a man was standing in front of the bridge. Broad of chest, he must have stood eight feet tall. I was a tall man yet even I had to look up. His arms were as thick as tree trunks, muscles rippling up and down his arms and across his chest, the scars of battle prominent. He wore simple armour covering his stomach, groin and thighs, while on his back was an enormous handle. I dreaded to think what the weapon actually was.

What did surprise me was that when the man approached me, nearly everyone around me got down on one knee, Lydia grabbing my hand and pulling me down with her. "Get down," she whispered.


"It's mighty Tsun, the God of Trials, shield-thane to Shor. He is fierce but noble. All Nords respect him."

I'd heard of the name but had no idea that was who was guarding the bridge. I'll admit, I was a little bit embarrassed that I'd completely missed who it was.

"What brings you, wayfarers grim, to wander here, in Sovngarde, souls-end, Shor's gift to honoured dead?"

"You're up, my thane."

I got to my feet and bowed with my head. "Mighty Tsun, I pursue Alduin, the World Eater."

He looked me up and down, nodding to himself. "A fateful errand. No few have chafed to face the Worm since first he set his soul-snare here at Sovngarde's threshold. But Shor restrained our wrathful onslaught - perhaps, deep counselled, your doom he foresaw."

"Shor won't let you fight?"

"We are not to question the wisdom of Shor. But, no, we are restrained for now."

"Mighty Tsun, respectfully, I ask for entrance to the Hall of Valour."

"No shade are you, as usually here passes, but living, you dare the land of the dead. By what right do you request entry?"

I glanced towards Lydia, who was now on her feet, as were all the others. I looked back at Tsun. "You can tell I'm alive?"

"Yes. You and your female companion still draw breath and do not have the aura of those who have passed from life on Nirn."

"Very well. By right of birth, I seek entry as I am Dragonborn."

Tsun's face actually lit up. "Ah! It's been too long since last I faced a doom-driven hero of the dragon blood."

"In addition, by right of glory, I seek entrance as I lead the Companions of Jorrvaskr."

Another smile. "I welcome the chance to challenge the blade of Ysgramor's heir, honoured shield-brother to Kodlak Whitemane, whom I've watched for in vain." He then turned his head to look at Kodlak, standing beside me. "It pleases me to see you here with the Dragonborn and that the beast blood that once ran rampant through the Companion order is no more."

"The Companions will have no finer leader once he returns to Tamriel, Mighty Tsun. But I must ask, was it you that entered my dreams?"

"We did our best to assist you without interfering in the realm of mortals. The Gods believe man must make their own choices but we are allowed to guide you where we think it is necessary. We knew your heart yearned for Sovngarde and that you would be the Harbinger that would finally free the Companions from the blood of the beast."

"And of those trapped in Hircine's realm?"

"In time, Kodlak. In time. But for now," he turned to face me again, "Living or dead, by decree of Shor, none may pass this perilous bridge 'till I judge them worthy by the warrior's test."

"You wish to fight me?" I asked, rather stupidly. I'll be honest, I hadn't actually expected a fight with a God. A dragon, yes. A God, no.

"Yes. We will battle, Dragonborn. If you manage to defeat me, you and your companions may pass and enter the Hall of Valour, feast and drink with the great warriors and find those of noble heart to help you defeat Alduin."

"Very well." I looked back towards those gathered around me. "You have better give us some room."

Was I afraid? Not particularly. I figured this wasn't going to be a fight to the death. Tsun wanted to test the strength of my arm and the size of my heart. He wanted to see that I would fight with courage and honour. But I also knew I was facing an eight-foot-tall God, with arms like tree trunks, armed with a giant war axe who could, in all probability, send me flying with one solid hit.

But I'm nothing if not brave and knew I needed to fight him to enter the Hall of Valour. So I unsheathed my sword, my shield already strapped to my left forearm and, after making sure my helmet was securely attached to my head, I readied myself for what was to come.

We stalked each other for a few moments, eyes watching each other carefully, waiting for the other to make the first move. I figured I should make the first move, an example of my bravery in taking on a larger opponent. A God. It was a move I used all the time, a feint with my shield before a thrust with my sword. I knew Tsun would have an idea if simply know what I was doing and that he would dodge or parry my swing, and that is what he did, though I was ready for his counter-attack. Thankfully all he did was shoulder me out of the way, causing me to stagger backwards.

"You will have to do better, Dragonborn."

It was not a taunt. It was simply advice, one warrior to another.

"What about my Voice?"

"No. Not this time. This is a test of your arm, your strength and heart and your skill as a warrior."

I nodded my agreement, knowing he would not Shout at me in return. I attacked again, a faster, fiercer use of my sword, but again he simply parried with his war axe, both hands on the shaft as he met each of my swings. He blocked one of my swings and used the bottom of the shaft to hit me in return, again causing me to step back. He then swung again, causing me to lift my shield. The sound of his war axe hitting my shield was almost deafening, the vibration crawling up my forearm up into my upper arm and shoulder. I then had to duck and dodge as he swung back the opposite way.


I nodded again before we circled once again. This time he attacked first, stepping forward, a short stab of his war axe. I knew what he was doing, setting me up so he could swing from my right side, unprotected as it was. He arced his war axe and this time I made sure I was on the front foot as I blocked. Whether he was expecting that or not, I don't know, but that move put me on the front foot in the battle as I parried another swing and immediately stepped forward, a glancing blow against his hip. He stepped back and actually smiled, nodding his head.

"Good, Dragonborn. You truly are a skilled warrior." I could only shrug. I never took compliments well. "But now you will face my full arsenal. I wish to see if you can handle the power and speed of a god."

He was absolutely right as he twirled his war axe, its speed mesmerising me before he swung it back and forth so fast I'm surprised he didn't take my head off. Then his axe connected with my shield and I was sure my forearm was broken, such was the power of the hit, causing me to stagger to my right, stepping back as his axe travelled barely inches from my throat. I had to get on the front foot. I didn't mind fighting on the back foot against mortals. I'd done it before and been victorious. But Tsun was a God. And if I remained on the back foot against a God, I would only taste defeat.

Tsun backed off for only a moment, continuing to twirl his war axe. I twirled my sword for a second then banged it against my shield. Then I beckoned him forward. Tsun smiled again, just for a second, before he met my challenge. I watched his war axe, its movements in his hand, trying to anticipate what he would do. I don't know whether I read his arm, his eyes or if it was simply dumb luck, but I raised my shield as he swung his war axe. As his axe hit my shield, I was already swinging my sword. Then I used my own speed.

I'm a fairly big man, as you already know, but I also have speed, years of training with the Fighters Guild and then everything I'd learned since arriving in Skyrim, and I used my hand speed with the Skyforge steel of my sword to actually force a God onto the back foot. With each step Tsun took backward, such was the speed and ferocity, that I noticed I was edging him towards the bridge. He must have known as, though I had barely touched him, I must have proved something, as when his foot stepped back and touched the dragon bone of the bridge leading towards the Hall of Valour, he called a stop to the fight.

He bowed his head for a moment before he stepped forward and clasped me on the shoulder. "You fought well, Dragonborn, and I find you worthy. It is long since one of the living has entered here. May Shor's favour follow you and your errand."

"I thank you for the opportunity to prove my worth to a god, Mighty Tsun."

"When you return here in many years' time, may we fight once again, Dragonborn. The honour would be mine."

I stood next to Tsun as everyone else walked by, each and every one taking a moment to grasp Tsun as a fellow warrior. A hand each grasping a forearm, a few kind words shared. And he knew all their names. He expressed sorrow towards High King Torygg, admiration again for Kodlak Whitemane, while echoing what I had said earlier when those of Stormcloak or Empire passed, that all Nords were brothers once they crossed the bridge, and the matters of Tamriel were to be forgotten upon entering the Hall. Once everyone has passed, he wished me well as he knew I would soon battle Alduin and said he would wait for my undoubted victory. It heartened to hear that he was so confident in me.

I crossed the bridge, unable to stop myself looking over the edge to see nothing but mist far below, wondering what was below the mist. Nothing? I guess it was possible, though the waterfalls I could hear suggested there may be an ocean far below. Across the bridge were more braziers and a set of steps leading towards the Hall of Valour. Lydia and everyone else was waiting outside for me.

"I spoke to Kodlak and King Torygg. We all believe that we should enter together, my thane."

"Thanks for waiting."

"How's the arm?"

"It still hurts. But I don't think it's broken. Probably have an enormous bruise, though."

"You'll live, my thane."

I gave her a look which did nothing but cause her to break out in giggles. "Lydia?"

"Yes, my thane?"

"Thanks for coming."

She stopped giggling and gave me this look. Not that look, but a look I knew well. "You don't…"

"I know but I will anyway." I then looked around the group we had gathered. "Are you ready to enter the Hall?"

There were shouts of agreement as Kodlak simply stated "Lead the way, Dragonborn."

I pushed open one of the giant doors leading into the Hall, walked forward a few steps and simply stopped and gaped. The Hall from outside was enormous but appearances were deceiving. There must have been… thousands upon thousands of warriors in the hall, tables left and right as far as the eyes could see. The noise was deafening as I had entered, laughter, singing and conversation echoing along the length and breadth of the hall.

Yet it all stopped, the Hall falling almost deathly silent, as I felt thousands of eyes suddenly turn my way. Then there was the sound of banging as tankards were banged on tables, the cacophony growing as nearly everyone started doing the same thing. As that happened, one man rose from his seat on the bench and walked my way. This time, I knew exactly who it was as he looked just like the statue I'd seen in his tomb.

I got down on one knee as he approached, sensing everyone did the same behind me. "You honour me, Ysgramor."

He simply gestured for me to get up. "Welcome, Dragonborn," he stated as we clasped hand to forearm, an enormous grin spread across his face, "Our door has stood empty since Alduin first set his soul-snare here. By Shor's command, we sheathed our blades and ventured not the vale's dark mist." Then he glanced across the group I had gathered. He laughed. "But the Dragonborn shows no fear against the World Eater, for he gathers allies and leads then towards glorious triumph. Welcome, friends! Welcome! Here, you will meet friends for, in this Hall, we are all brothers." He gestured up and down the hall. "Please, make yourselves at home. Feast, drink, sing and converse. This is life in Sovngarde and the Hall."

The group dispersed, everyone wishing me farewell and good luck in what was to come. Kodlak asked to see me before I departed and I could do nothing but respect the old man's wishes. Lydia remained by my side as Ysgramor gestured for me to remain. "There is someone else who has been waiting for you."

I felt my heart start to beat faster in my chest as I followed him towards a nearby table. A man at the table stood up from his place on the bench. He was a tall man, with long blonde hair and a trimmed beard. He was dressed in the armour of the Imperial legion. He had blue eyes, long blonde hair, a scar down his cheek yet he smiled when he saw me. I'd never seen this man before yet I knew immediately who he was, feeling my chin quiver as I felt my eyes well up. He simply walked towards me and embraced me as only he could. I didn't even hear the cheers echo around the Hall as he told me everything I needed to hear. I could only say one word in return.
