Serana wasn't pleased when I left her in the room we had rented, suggesting that I didn't need her help to just meet someone, even though it was all a bit cloak and dagger (just like meeting Delphine, when I thought about it.) But, although I hated using the reasoning, I suggested someone may eventually realise just exactly what she was. I hated myself for using the excuse, unable to meet her eyes as I said the words and immediately afterwards. Thankfully she seemed to realise that, particularly after I also suggested she could keep an eye on Margret so, while still not pleased, she agreed to stay behind until I had at least met whoever was waiting for me at the shrine.
After being given directions to the shrine from Kleppr, who left me in no doubt he and everyone in Markarth still worshipped all Nine Divines, despite the presence of Thalmor in the city itself. I wandered up the path towards the shrine, doing whatever I thought possible to simply appear as another civilian and therefore completely uninteresting. Once outside the door to the shrine, I looked left and right, hoping no-one would see me enter.
The inside was shrouded in darkness, only a few candles providing any light as there were no windows. It was clear whoever tended to this shrine was attending to keep it hidden from prying eyes. Still unsure as to who I may be meeting, I took the dagger from my belt and stepped forward slowly, wishing I had the ability to see better in the dark. Once at the bottom of the ramp closer to the shrine, I noticed the shadow of a man, hiding behind one of the pillars.
"Who's there?" I asked quietly. I couldn't see any other shadows, but wasn't sure if others were going to leap out and attack me. 'I really hate cloak and dagger. Maybe I should have brought Serana?'
"Are you the man from the marketplace?" a male voice asked. I still couldn't see a face.
I heard a sigh of relief. "Good." The man stepped from the shadows into the light and I recognised him as the one who had handed me the note. "I'm sorry to drag you into Markarth's problems, but after that attack in the market, I'm running out of time."
I sheathed my dagger as I noticed the concern on his face. "Best to be cautious. I had no idea who I was meeting." He nodded in understanding. "Right, what I am doing here? What do you want?"
"You want answers? That's what I'm here for too as there are far too many unanswered questions about what is happening here. A man goes crazy in the market but ends up dead as his attack fails. Everyone there knows he was a Forsworn agent as he yelled that before he attacked. Yet… The guards do nothing. Nothing but clean and cover up the mess."
He was right. The guards were more worried about telling us no Forsworn were in the city rather than trying to establish the facts of what had happened. In fact, from memory, they had arrived very quickly at the scene of the crime. Almost as if they knew what was going to happen… 'Are the guards on the take? Who would know about Margret's true identity?' "Okay, you're clearly concerned about something but I'm going to need to know more."
He appeared to brighten. "You're willing to help?"
"I'm willing to hear you out. Something doesn't sit right about all of this. Tell me what you know and I'll see what I can do if I think I can do anything at all." 'I'm Dragonborn and the Harbinger. I'm no spy or detective.'
"All I know is that this sort of thing has been going on for years. And all I've been able to find is murder and blood. I've lost count of how many people have died. I need your help. I'll admit, I'm desperate, but you're not from Markarth so maybe, just maybe, that will help you."
"Okay, you obviously know Markarth better than I. Who should I speak to?"
"You find out why that woman was attacked…"
I held up a hand. "I've already spoken to her."
"What did she say?"
"She is looking into the activities of the Silver-Bloods." I left unsaid that she was a spy, but I figured he may be able to put two and two together. "My friend is staying with her to ensure her safety in case there is another attempt on her life."
"Okay, that may suggest their involvement… Thonar and Thongvor Silver-Blood are both… Well, the Jarl may think he runs this city but the silver dug up by their mine is what keeps everyone paid. It's clear the guards are paid off." He sighed at that thought. "Okay, after that, find out who's behind Weylin and the Forsworn, as they're clearly involved in all of this, and if they're operating freely in Markarth then we're all in danger. And I'll obviously pay you for any information you bring me."
The fact I was going to get paid pushed me further towards helping out. This man, whoever he was, was clearly concerned if not frightened of whatever was going on. Comments from those who witnessed the attempted murder suggested others were also worried about Forsworn activity. But there also appeared to be other darker forces at work. 'So, we have corruption, murder, rebellion…'
"How long have you been looking into this? What started it all off?"
"It all started years ago, when I was still a boy. My father owned one of the mines, which was rare for anyone who isn't a Nord. He was killed." He shook his head. "No, not just killed. He was murdered. Butchered. They wouldn't even let my mother see his body due to the injuries. Of course, the guards said it was just a madman, but everyone knew the murderer was a member of the Forsworn. Proof, if ever I needed any, that some of the guards are supporters of them. And it's obvious to me that someone in Markarth is supporting the Forsworn, letting them through the gates, giving them weapons, giving them coin…" He sighed again. "I've been trying to find out why my father was murdered ever since, and that was at least twenty or so years ago. I've simply gotten nowhere so far, and then I got married. I have a child of my own on the way. I swore I was going to just give up, for my child's sake, but it's like my father's ghost is haunting me. Asking me 'Why?'"
"A simple question."
"But a pertinent one."
"Okay, I only have one more question, as I think this will help the investigation. Who was the attacker? Do you know anything about him?"
"His name was Weylin. He was one of the smelter workers at the forge. I used to have a job down there myself, casting silver ingots. I never knew much about him as he generally kept to himself, except he lives in the Warrens, like all the other workers."
"Anything else?
He shook his head. "No. That's why I'm still surprised. Not by the attack itself, as these sort of things have happened before. But, I'll admit, I never thought Weylin was a Forsworn agent. Proof, I guess, that we really just can't trust anyone in this town who isn't a Nord."
I mulled over in my head the options. As I told Serana, part of me was intrigued by all of this. This man, whoever he was, certainly spun a story that suggested something unseemly was taking place in this city. Then I remembered what the very first guard told us. Don't get involved. If I took on this job, I was getting involved. And I had a fair idea that it all could end very badly for me if it went wrong. But I'd fought dragons, Silver Hand and all other manner of enemies and had lived to tell the tale so figured surely I would survive this. As long as I was smart.
"Okay. I'll help."
"Thank you."
"I'll find out what I can. There are one or two people I could question or places I could investigate. I'm not promising anything but there's no harm in looking."
"We shouldn't leave together in case people are watching."
"Of course." Then I realised something. "I don't even know your name."
"I don't think we should really know the other, just in case. Agreed?"
He made a good point. "Fair enough. How will I get in touch with you if I find anything?"
"I'm not working at the moment and I feel safer in here anyway. So just come in here whenever you find out something and I should be here."
I headed straight back to the inn, trying not to glance around too much. I didn't think I was acting suspicious but certainly didn't want to draw the attention of the guards. If my co-conspirator was right, some if not all of the guards were involved in whatever conspiracy was taking place in Markarth. Serana was still waiting in our room, looking up expectantly from the book she was reading as I shut the door behind me. She was quiet, rapt with attention, as she listened to my story. Once I'd finished explaining everything I learned, all she did was whistle.
"Are you sure you want to get involved?"
"Part of me thinks we should head out, find Gunmar and leave Markarth to its own problems."
She just smiled. "There's a but coming, right?"
I laughed. "As you said, there's always a but… The man I spoke with is convinced something is going on. His story was incredibly convincing."
"You should tell Margret, see if she knows anything."
I called Margret into our room and explained the same story. To say she was staggered by the revelations would be an understatement to the shock on her face by the time I'd finished. "I had no idea about all of that. What have I walked into here?"
"I'm thinking the same thing."
"Do you know who you spoke to?"
I shook my head. "He didn't give me a name."
"Can you describe him? I've been here long enough to get to know most people at least on appearance." Once I was done, she nodded her head. "I think your contact is a man called Eltrys. I've spoken to him once or twice and I always thought he was just paranoid, if not delusional. But, if what he's told you is true, then his suspicions are well-founded. So… What are you going to do?"
"Well, you two are convinced, so I'm going to help out how I can. It's getting late, so I'll start tomorrow down at the smelter, find out more about the attacker. I'll go from there."
The next morning, I spoke to an obtuse and barely helpful Orc who ran the local smelter where Weylin had worked. He had little information otherwise, though I learned a new name in the puzzle. 'Nepos the Nose? I'll have to ask about him later.' It took some persuasion and one or two subtle threats to get the information I needed and ended up in a delightful place called the Warrens. The sort of place where someone would still a knife in you for a piece of bread, let alone the clothes on your back or coin in your pocket. I just made sure I looked as intimidating as possible to keep the lowlifes away.
I had a long chat with a miner by the name of Garvey, who also knew of Weylin. It did take some convincing on my part, and I thought I would end up having to grease his palm, but once I mentioned part of what Eltrys had told me about the possible corruption and murders that had taken place, he handed over the key to the small room Weylin had called home.
There was next to nothing in the room, further proof the people in the Warrens scratched a meagre existence. But I still searched and eventually found something that could help. A note which certainly proved Weylin did not act alone.
You've been chosen to strike fear in the heart of the Nords. Go to the market tomorrow. You will know what to do.
I walked out of the Warrens, too busy thinking about the implications of the note and what to do next when I almost bumped into someone else, only realising when they held out a hand to stop me. I met their eye and knew straight away that it was someone looking for a fight.
"What do you want?" I asked rather politely, hoping I could avoid a fight.
"You've been digging around where you don't belong. It's time you learned a lesson."
I laughed in his face. "Seriously? They sent you to do this? Listen. I'm going to give you one warning only. Turn around, head back to whoever sent you and let them know I'm coming for them. I'll figure out who did eventually."
"Think you're some sort of tough guy?" he asked, stepping forward.
I grinned and stepped forward myself so we were nose to nose. "I'm the Dragonborn," I whispered.
I saw the fear cross his eyes and he gulped. Then he smirked. "Bollocks. You're not him."
I didn't want to prove that I was Dragonborn by Shouting, so I just quickly punched him in his right side, quickly following with another crack just below his ribs to his left. He was just about to go down, so I smashed my forehead into his nose, causing blood to explode across his face. He dropped like a stone. I crouched down and prepared to hit him again, raising my fist as if ready to strike. He held up both hands to cover his face. "No more! No more!" he cried.
"Tell me who sent you!"
It all came flooding out. "I was sent by Nepos the Nose. The old man hands out the orders. He told me to make sure you didn't get in the way. That's all I know, I swear."
"How did he even know what I'm looking for?"
"He has informants all over town. He quickly heard about your conversation with the Orc and knows you were in the marketplace yesterday."
I grabbed whoever this man was by his collar. "You'd better make yourself scarce. Because he's next on my list."
As the man scrambled to his feet and ran away, I stood there for a moment, wondering if I shouldn't have just killed him. No doubt he was going to report back to Nepos and it may lead to more heavies being sent to find me. But I only kill if those I'm fighting want to kill me in return so I figured I'd made the right decision, based on my conscience anyway. But I quickly returned to the inn, ignoring one or two stares as I walked past the bar, to find Margret and Serana waiting for me to return.
"Why is there blood on your forehead?" Serana asked, hearing concern in her tone.
I ran a couple of fingers across my head and pulled them away, noticing the redness of my fingertips. "I ran into someone," I replied, grabbing a rag and wiping the blood away.
"Uh huh." She didn't sound convinced. "So?"
"Someone sent to word to Nepos the Nose that I'm looking into everything going on here." I noticed the silence. "I'm not saying either of you. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the workers down at the smelter. But, whoever it was, the man sent my way arrived very quickly."
"What did he say?"
"Nothing much. Simply that he was sent to stop my investigation by Nepos."
"What are you going to do?"
"Margret, where does Nepos live?"
"Follow me. I'll show you."
We walked outside and tried not to look too obvious as she explained where Nepos lived, and also the Treasury House, as she was convinced Nepos only worked on the orders of the Silver-Bloods. We gathered back in our room and established a plan. I would stake out Nepos, who came and went and eventually confront him. This was no time for subtlety, that option was no longer on the table if people were being sent to 'take care of me'.
"But what about the Silver-Bloods?" I asked.
"Tread carefully," was the only advice Margret could really give, "But what I do know is Nepos doesn't run things. He's a middle-man. The Silver-Bloods run this town. If you want to put your head into the lion's den, you can try the Treasury House and see if Thonar will speak to you. Though I'm not confident of your chances of walking out alive."
I scoffed. "You think he'd try and kill me?"
"He's tried and failed with me. Trust me, he'd get away with it if he did succeed with you."
I nodded, thinking. "Supposed I should speak to Eltrys too…"
"I would have suggested not dragging him into this, but I think he's already neck deep in it."
It was turning into a long day as I wandered up to the shrine again. Eltrys wasn't there waiting for me but I didn't have to wait long until I heard the doors above open. I stuck to the shadows, just in case I had other company but once I saw his face in the light, I carefully stepped forward, more so that I didn't scare him half to death. He was eager to hear if I'd learned anything so explained everything I'd found so far. While he thought Nepos was a good avenue, he was convinced that he would only act on orders from the Silver-Bloods. He didn't consider it a fool's errand like Margret, but stated that, if I wanted to get to the bottom of it all, that the Treasury House would be my best bet. There was only one suggestion he had.
Go armoured, armed and ready for a fight.
I spent the rest of the day and that evening in the inn, sitting close to the fire in the main bar, keeping an eye on the door. Serana and Margret kept me company most of the evening, though we mostly sat in silence, not trusting any ears around us to discuss what we were up to. That's not to say we were not friendly enough to engage in conversation with some of the locals, honest enough that I was with the Dawnguard and we were in the region to find someone.
The next morning, dressed in full armour and with both sword and dagger sheathed but attached to my hip, I wandered out of the inn and walked confidently up to and then into the Treasury House. The woman behind the counter looked me up and down with little more than a sneer, mentioning something about only Silver-Bloods being allowed in.
"Please let Thonar know that the Dragonborn wishes to speak to him," I stated.
"Yes. I can give a demonstration if you wish." She shook her head. I then gestured. "Run along and let him know I wish to speak to him right now."
She returned seconds later, gesturing to the door up the hall. "Thonar will speak to you."
Thonar was sat down behind a large desk and had the appearance of a balding, middle-aged, overweight bureaucrat. He looked at me with undisguised disdain before he gestured to the lone chair on the opposite side of his desk. I sat down, crossed my arms and waited for him, simply hoping that I looked intimidating. Whether he believed I was Dragonborn or not didn't really matter.
"Who are you?" he finally asked.
"My name isn't important."
"But you are the Dragonborn we're all heard about?"
"I am. But you're not getting a demonstration. At least, not one that won't end up killing you."
"Threats won't get me to co-operate. Or talk."
"I'm not threatening. Just know that I am the Dragonborn."
"What do you want?"
"Why did you try and kill Margret?"
He scoffed. "Seriously? That's all you want to know? She's an Imperial agent spying in my city. How she thought she could operate in my city without my knowing? The Empire will soon learn that Markarth is owned and operated by the Silver-Bloods. And we answer to no-one."
"You're confident that the Empire just won't send a legion here to run it instead?"
He laughed. "Very confident. Confident enough to know that I won't have to worry about the Empire for much longer once Ulfric secures complete victory for the Stormcloaks."
"You're serious?"
He stopped laughing and simply glared at me. If he thought he could intimidate me, he was wrong. "Oh, I'm very serious. Ulfric has plans afoot that will ensure his complete victory and the Empire will be pushed out of Skyrim forever." I tried to keep my face blank but I wondered what he meant. 'What plans? What does he have planned that would make this man so confident?' "Whatever the case, I'm sure your Imperial friend will soon leave Markarth if she knows what's good for her. And you should leave soon too. I won't have anyone getting in the way. Now, unless you have any further questions, I suggest you leave now."
"Is that all you have to say?"
He got to his feet, placing both hands on the desk and leaned forward. "Get out now!" he yelled, pointing to the door.
I was getting to my feet when I heard a shout from outside. Even I shared a glance with Thonar as he ran out of the room, shouting someone's name. I followed him, unsheathing my sword. A woman lay on the ground, already on the verge of death, a gaping wound in her chest. The two elderly cleaners I had noticed upon entering were waiting for Thonar to appear. I had no idea what was going on, but if they were trying to kill Thonar, I needed to kill them first.
Thonar may have been an overweight, middle-aged bastard but he swung his sword with as much enthusiasm as someone half his age. Over the cries of the woman behind the counter, we quickly put down the two cleaners, leaving me wondering what was going on while Thonar collapsed to his knees over the body of the now deceased woman, who turned out to be his wife. "Betrid?" he asked quickly, shaking her lifeless body. He shook her again. "Damn Madanach. Damn his Forsworn backside! We had a deal Madanach. A deal!"
I had what I needed but figured I could now push him for information. "Are you ready to be honest now?" He nodded. "What's the Forsworn angle on all of this? Clearly they're involved."
He looked up at me. He wasn't upset. There were no tears. He was furious. I'd seen the same look in others before. He was ready to commit cold blooded murder. Of me or this Madanach, I didn't want to hang around too long to find out. "You want to know what the Forsworn really are? They're my puppets. I have their 'king' rotting in Cidhna Mine. He was supposed to keep them under control."
"Madanach? He's their king?"
"Madanach," he muttered, before he scoffed, "The King in Rags. While we were off fighting the Elves in the Great War, Madanach was busy ruling over the Reach. Two years he and his merry band ran Markarth as if it were their own empire. Until Ulfric came and put them down. When their uprising was finally crushed and the rule of law restored, I had Madanach brought to me. He was a wild animal, like all the Forsworn, but at least he was a useful one. I offered him a stay from execution if he used his influence to deal with any annoyances that came up. Competitors, agents, idiots. So I've let him run his little Forsworn rebellion from inside Cidhna Mine. Now he's out of control." He then glared at me, pointing with his shaking hand. "Damn you and damn him. I'll see you both dead for this."
I was tempted to put a sword in him and finish the job but figured I didn't really want to murder him. A small part of me also wanted him to wallow in his grief. I quickly left the scene, walking out of the Treasury House, half expecting to see either a crowd or a half-dozen guards waiting for me to escort me into the very mine Thonar stated. Thankfully there was no-one waiting for me so I quickly headed back to the inn, explaining everything that had just happened.
"What next?" Serana asked.
"The last stop is Nepos the Nose. But I have no idea what I'm meant to do afterwards."
"Take everything to the Jarl!" Margret exclaimed.
"The evidence I have is flimsy at best. And will the Jarl do anything about the Silver-Bloods?"
"No matter what, I'm coming with you later," Serana stated adamantly. I was ready to disagree when she crossed his arms across her chest and set her face. "You're not talking me out of it nor ordering me to stay here. This is getting dangerous, Ragnar."
I simply nodded. "Very well. We move tonight."