"You're actually a student of the College?" she asked. She struggled not to laugh. Then she laughed at me.
I should have been angry but the sound of her laughter… Yes, it really was that pathetic. Each day that passed in which I spent her company, the more in love I fell for her. Part of it was crushing, knowing I could probably never share how I feel. But I also tried looking at the positives. I enjoyed spending time with her, no matter what. From all the conversations we shared, I was left with the feeling she had been lonely before being enclosed in her tomb. I figured I could just be her friend.
"Yes, I am. I do know a few spells."
"I've never seen you cast magic before!"
"I generally rely on my sword or my Shouts. But I have had reason to use spells before."
"But they let you in the college?"
"Oh, I think they only did that because I'm Dragonborn." I then thought for a moment. "Hang on, was the college around before… you know?"
"We're now in what you would call the Fourth Era, right?" she asked. I nodded. She had been busy reading up on everything that had happened since she went to sleep, though she couldn't be exactly sure when. "I think the college was built sometime in what is now known as the First Era. But that's purely an estimate. But it has existed for eons."
"Apparently there are ancient texts that go back as far as the Second Era, or that is what Urag said. He's the librarian. He says the texts suggest the college was certainly far older than even those texts. Anything from far earlier was probably lost."
The wind started to howl with added bite the closer we got to Winterhold, both of us buried in our fur coats, hoods pulled tight to keep our faces warm. We were on day two of our journey to the college, the direction of travel from Riften via Winterhold in no way direct. I'll admit, I was half tempted to Shout for Odahviing to come and fly us but I wasn't going to make a mockery of his offer to help if I did find myself in a tight spot. So we'd split the journey up, spending another night at home in Whiterun before continuing the next day.
But we were still cold, wet and miserable upon arriving in Winterhold, the bitter wind, heavy snow and approaching darkness causing us to hurry up into the college once we'd tied our horses outside the inn. Any thoughts of heading to see Urag about information regarding Moth Priests ended when we entered the Hall of the Elements and I saw the giant orb that I had discovered at Saarthal.
"What is that?" Serana asked, wonderment in her voice.
"No idea. But I found it…"
"You found it?" I nodded. "Where?"
"The ruins of Saarthal." I glanced at her. "You have any idea what it is?"
"None at all. I've never seen anything like it."
I noticed Tolfdir standing in front of the orb, approaching him cautiously so I didn't give the old man too much of a fright. He eventually turned my way. "Ragnar! You've returned!"
"That I have, sir. How did you get this all the way back here?"
"Magic, my dear boy. Magic. What brings you back to the college?"
"Well, I was going to see Urag about locating a Moth Priest, but I just had to come and see this orb again. It's… astounding."
"That it is. The Arch-Mage, Mirabelle and a host of other scholars have been investigating this but we still know so little about it. The book 'Night of Tears', which you managed to recover, suggests this was the very reason why the Nords at Saarthal were massacred, though it gives little information about what the orb itself actually is. Well, nothing except that it is clearly a powerful magic artefact." He gestured me closer to the orb. "Look at the markings. You see them?" I nodded. "Ayleid. Dwemer. Daedric. We even tried Falmer, thinking that even the long disappeared Snow Elves may be responsible. None of them are a match."
"Could it have been left by the gods?" I asked.
"A curious question. But… Also a possibility." He approached the orb ever closer, beckoning me to join him. "You feel that, Ragnar?"
"Not really. Serana?"
"I feel… something. Yes… definitely something."
"No surprise as neither of you are as likely attuned to it as I am. Magicka. This orb practically radiates the very essence that allows us to perform magic."
"Is it dangerous?" I wondered, figuring that it was but interested to hear what a proper mage actually thought.
"Oh, I have no doubt this could be incredibly dangerous, if it fell into the wrong hands, as we simply have no idea what it actually is."
Despite the hum the orb made, I still heard footsteps approach from behind, turning to see Ancano walk towards me. It took all the self-control I had in my body not to simply step forward and punch the Thalmor in the face after our last conversation, but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction, nor reason to try and kill me. He stopped before me, the same look of contempt on his face as he folded his arms.
"I need you to come with me immediately. Let's go."
I crossed my arms and smirked. "Come again?"
"You need to follow me now."
I glanced toward Serana. "Is he giving me an order?"
Thankfully she was aware of who this Thalmor was. "I believe he was, Ragnar." She stepped forward next to me and crossed her arms too.
"How dare you interrupt our conversation!" Tolfdir exclaimed.
"It's okay, sir," I stated, calming the old man down, "Tell you what, advisor. You tell me what you apparently need me for, and I'll decide whether I need to follow you or not."
He swallowed down his first retort. I almost wished he hadn't just as an excuse to start a fight. "Fine. I'd like to know why there's someone claiming to be from the Psijic Order here in the college."
"The Psijic Order," Serana whispered, "They still exist?"
"Yes, that order. More importantly, I'd like to know why he's asking for you specifically."
"Ragnar, what are you involved in?" she continued to question quietly.
"Yes, what exactly? So, what we're going to do is have a little chat with him. We're going to find out exactly what he wants."
"Why do you care?" I asked.
"I'm the one asking questions."
My hands automatically balled into a pair of fists. He noticed and there was a small smirk. Then I felt a hand on my right fist, glancing to see Serana shake her head. I unballed that fist and swallowed down a series of retorts that may have led to me balling both of them again. "Answer the question or I don't go anywhere."
"Fine. All you need to know is that we consider the Psijic Order a rogue organisation, believing themselves to be above the law. They have clashed with the Aldmeri Dominion before and I have no intention of allowing that to happen here."
"So because you consider them rogue, you think you can order me around?"
"Are you going to co-operate or not?"
I could hear he was getting incredibly frustrated and I was enjoying it immensely. "What does any of this have to do with you? You're just an 'advisor' and have no authority here." I made sure to mock him again when saying advisor.
"I still report to my superiors in Alinor. It would be wise to remember that… Dragonborn."
I could have just Shouted and hurled him across the room. Numerous other thoughts followed that involved other Shouts and a dead Thalmor. Or perhaps calling in one or two dragons to play with him. I even considered unleashing Serana on him. But, instead, I figured I'd let him live. For now.
"Where is he?" I finally asked.
"The Arch-Mages quarters."
I followed him up the stairs to the Arch Mages quarters, thinking I could easily put my dagger in his back and get it over with. I figured I would end up killing him sooner or later. But I bit my tongue and kept my hands away from both my sword and dagger. Serana followed behind me as Ancano stopped at the top of the stairs, facing me once again. "Now, you are going to speak to this monk, find out why he is here and then he will be removed from College grounds."
"You know, 'advisor', if you asked instead of demanded, I'd probably be more co-operative."
"A Thalmor does not ask anything of a Nord. You'd best remember that."
I stepped closer until we were near nose to nose. "Oh, trust me. I will," I whispered. To his credit, he didn't take a step back.
The monk I had first seen at Saarthal was waiting for me next to Savos. I approached him carefully as I still wasn't sure what he wanted with me. He noticed my hesitancy. "Please don't be alarmed. I mean you no harm."
And then he appeared to cast a spell. Not on me. But I had to blink as I thought my eyes were playing tricks as it appears everything around me appeared to stop moving. Even the air appeared to still. Well, everything except myself and Serana. I looked at her and all she could do was shrug her shoulders. I stepped towards Savos, waving a hand in front of his face. No reaction. I looked back and noticed Ancano standing still. I did think about doing something to him too…
I approached the monk. "Who are you?"
"My name is Quaranir. I am a monk of the Psijic Order. It is good to finally meet you, Dragonborn."
I looked around. "Nice to meet you, though I do wonder what you've done with everyone."
"I'd like for us to speak privately and without interruption. However, I can't hold everyone like this for long. We must be brief."
"Of course. Er, what about my friend here?"
"Ah, yes. The living can be suspended like this. But… We are aware of your other missions. We know she is an ally. Her hearing our words may be of assistance."
"You know a lot."
"As I said, the Order is watching you, Dragonborn."
"Very well. What did we need to discuss?"
"We are concerned about this 'Eye of Magnus', as your people have taken to calling it. The energy it gives of is tremendous and it has limited our ability to contact anyone here at the college. What I must warn you is that the longer the orb remains here, the more dangerous the situation becomes. That's why I've personally come here to tell you that it must be dealt with."
"Can't you do anything about it? Surely you must realise I'm not a mage."
He actually looked unsure as to how to respond. "You see, Dragonborn, the Order does not typically intervene directly in events. We have learned that very much to our cost over the centuries."
"Why is that?"
"It would take far too long to explain. I will say that my presence here will be as an affront to some within the Order, so I will be departing once this conversation is over."
I jerked a thumb behind. "I'm guessing you're also suspicious of the Thalmor?"
"As much as he is suspicious of us. Therefore, as we will not act directly, it is up to you to sort this out."
I scratched my head. He hadn't actually told me anything so far. So it was time for a simple question. "Okay, what's the problem exactly?"
"This object is immensely powerful. The world is simply not ready for it. Therefore, if it remains here, it will be misused. Indeed, many in the Order believe it has already. If not, they believe something will happen soon, something that cannot be avoided."
I shrugged. "Okay, I'll try and help but, I'll be honest, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do."
The monk nodded in understanding. "The future is as obscured to us as it is to you. But there is one piece of advice I can give: seek out the Augur of Dunlain here in your college. His perception may be more coherent than ours."
"I've never heard of him but I'm sure someone here at the college may know of him."
"Very good. Now, I am afraid I must leave you. We will continue to watch over you and guide you as best we can. It is within you to succeed. Never forget that."
I blinked again as I felt a rush of air and life returned around us. I had noticed a butterfly behind Quaranir suspended in mid-air now flying towards a flower on the ground. Specs of dust floated in the air. And, next to me, Savos asked "I'm sorry, were you about to say something?"
I then felt Ancano brush beside me, towering over the monk. "Well, what is the meaning of this?" he demanded
Quaranir looked at him, a look of confusion. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand."
The look on Ancano's face nearly led to me bursting into laughter. "Don't play coy. You asked to see a specific member of the College. Here he is. Now what is it that you want?"
The monk shrugged. "There's been a misunderstanding. Clearly I should not be here. I shall simply take my leave."
I thought the Thalmor was about to have an apoplectic fit. Even Serana was having to stifle her giggles. Savos was just watching, bemused by it all. "What? What trickery is this? You're not going anywhere until I find out what you're up to!"
I finally stepped forward, grabbed Ancano by the shoulder and turned him around to face me. "Shut it, Ancano. He was mistaken."
"Get your hands off me now!" he growled.
I didn't remove my hand, ensuring my grip remained firm as I looked past Ancano towards the monk. "You may leave with our thanks. Please have a safe trip home."
"Of course. You have my thanks for your hospitality."
Ancano tried to move but I continued to hold firm, digging my fingers into his shoulder. I knew I was testing his patience but my own was at an end. And I didn't want him questioning the monk in any case. Serana followed the monk out and only when she returned, stating he had left, did I let Ancano go. He dusted down the shoulder I held before he glared at me. "I'm not sure what just happened but I assure you I will get to the bottom of it."
"Well, good luck with that, 'advisor'." With that, he tried brushing past me as he left. I made sure I planted my feet and left my shoulder in such a way that he lost balance as we connected. He didn't fall over but I made sure he knew I was no pushover. He continued to glare at me for a few seconds before finally just turning tail and leaving without another word.
Savos took a seat at a nearby table, holding his head. "Are you okay, sir?"
He looked up and appeared surprised by my presence. "Fine, fine. It's just… Well, that was all very strange."
I bit the bullet. "Have you heard of the Augur of Dunlain?"
A look briefly crossed his face and he straightened. "Has Tolfdir been telling stories again? I thought I made it quite clear that this was a subject inappropriate for conversation. Please don't allow him to continue to discuss the subject," he replied sharply.
"Of course, sir. It won't be mentioned again."
I gestured to Serana and we quickly left his quarters. It was night by the time we entered the courtyard and I suggested we should rest for the evening. Thankfully she agreed and, although I did have a room at the college, we headed back to Winterhold and the inn so we could both have a bed for the evening. After enjoying an evening meal by the roaring fire, we headed to bed. Separate rooms, of course. The next morning, I would have to ask around the college about just who or what the Augur of Dunlain was.
The door swung open and I had to shield my eyes, the light was so bright. I stepped forward into the light, blinking rapidly, allowing my eyes to adjust, having spent what felt like hours walking in near darkness. Serana bumped into me, clearly as blinded as I was. When my eyes finally adjusted, and the light did seem to dim, I removed by hand from my forehead and I know my jaw would have dropped wide.
"I don't believe it… I've never seen anything like it," Serana whispered alongside me.
"Welcome to the Midden."
This was far beyond my comprehension. As I've said before, I'm not smart but I'm not dumb. But this… I didn't know what to think. Somewhat thankfully, Serena appeared as dumbfounded as I felt. I walked around the ball of… magic? Energy? I'm not sure what exactly it was, but I walked around it once and shrugged my shoulders at Serena's inquisitive glance.
"So you're the Augur of Dunlain?" I asked, still not quite believing if it was or wasn't.
"I am that which you have been seeking. Your efforts are in vain. It has already begun. But those who have sent you have not told you what they seek. What you seek."
More riddles. Why do some people like to speak in riddles? Mages, I've learned, love to speak in riddles. You never get a straight answer out of them. Ask a yes or no question and I get a fifteen-minute response that doesn't state 'yes' or 'no'. It's very frustrating. Those who sent me… Who? The Order?
"I was told to come find you. I was told that your vision of the future may be clearer than others."
"Indeed. And so you have come looking, though you do not know why. Like others before you, you blindly follow a path to your own destruction. The Thalmor came seeking answers as well, unaware they will be his undoing. Your path now follows his, though you will arrive too late."
The Thal… Ancano! He's been down here? But… why? And how would he even know about…? "Ancano has been down here? What did he want?"
"Yes, the one who calls himself Ancano has sought my knowledge as well, through very different questions. Your path differs from most. You are being guided, pushed towards something. It is a good path, one untraveled by many. It is a path that can save your college. I will tell you what you need to know to follow it further."
Although somewhat cryptic, at least I could understand what he meant. I needed something to help me… win? And how Ancano involved in all this? I didn't trust that snake one iota, but hearing he was now neck deep in this was disconcerting. "Okay, what do I need?"
"You, and those aiding you, wish to know more about the Eye of Magnus. You wish to avoid the disaster of which you are not yet aware. To see through Magnus' Eye without being blinded, you require his staff. Events now spiral quickly towards the inevitable centre, so you must act with haste. Take this knowledge to your Arch-Mage."
I found Savos finally showing an interest in the Eye once Serana and I had climbed out of the Midden, both of us agreeing that we would never go down there again. It was one of the creepiest, eeriest places I'd ever been, and I say this as an adventurer who had plunged the deepest Nord and Dwarven ruins. At least I knew what I was going to find down there. Draugr, Dwarven machines and treasure. I'm not comfortable with magic at the best of times. The Midden had an aura of magic that left a chill travelling down my spine. Even Serana found it unsettling.
I explained to Savos everything I had been up to since the arrival of Quaranir the previous day. He impressed with my initiative but I wasn't worried about impressing him. I was more worried about the powerful orb and the warning about the destruction of the College. I wasn't afraid of magic and didn't want to see the College destroyed, unlike many of my brethren I had learned from talking to other students. Nonetheless, impressed or not, he mentioned something called the 'Staff of Magnus' and pointed me in the direction of Mirabelle.
I found her in the Hall of Attainment. The first question she asked was about the dragon crisis. She was pleased to hear that it was over. Then she wondered "But I still see a dragon every now and then?"
"Alduin has been defeated but there are still dragons which live. I have an agreement with some. A live and let live policy. And I'm hopeful that we may remain at peace."
"Seriously?" she asked, incredulous at thought.
"That's the hope. With Alduin dead, the rest no longer have to abide by his rule. There are some who may choose to follow a more peaceful path."
"And the others?"
I shrugged. "Will be dealt with in the usual manner if they choose to harass the people of Skyrim."
"So, Dragonborn, what is it you need?"
"I think I need to explain what's going on, in case you haven't heard." So that's what I did, sitting Mirabelle down and going over everything that had happened since I walked back into the College. Like Savos, she was impressed but also concerned about what I had found myself involved in. I couldn't help but agree, stating I may be well in over my head and may end up needing the help of the entire college to resolve whatever the problem was in regards to the Eye.
"What about this staff? The Arch-Mage said you may know something about it?"
"I did mention it, though I'm not exactly sure what he expects me to tell you. I only brought it to his attention a few months back when the Synod showed up here looking for it. They were apparently under the impression we were keeping it in a closet somewhere."
"The Synod? Who are they? More strange monks?"
She smiled. "I take it you're referring to our visit from the Psijic Order?" I nodded. "Heard about your run-in with Ancano. I can't stand that Thalmor. Rubs me up the wrong way."
"You and me both."
"Anyway, the Synod are mages based out of Cyrodiil. They fancy themselves as the Imperial Authority on magic these last few hundred years."
"What happened to the Mages Guild?"
"Oh, that was dissolved not long after the Oblivion Crisis. Mages were lucky not be strung up across Tamriel after what happened. People still don't trust mages after all this time, particularly in Skyrim, as I'm sure you're now more than aware. The Synod and another organisation, the college of Whispers, work in virtual secrecy and anonymity to protect themselves. However, my understanding of both is that all they really do is make noise in an attempt to curry favour from the Emperor. That means; lots of politics, little magic."
"What did they want with the college?"
"What didn't they want? I'll admit that I was quite surprised to find them on our doorstep. At first, they seemed amiable enough, speaking of an alliance between our two organisations, but their line of questioning made me... uneasy. It became clear they're trying to hoard powerful artefacts, looking to consolidate power."
"Okay, so I'm assuming the staff isn't here. What can you tell me about it?"
"Only the basics, to be honest. Well, it's said to be very powerful. I've read that it has the capacity to store an incredible amount of magical power, as the story goes. But it's more myth than anything at this point. I've no doubt that it actually exists, but no one has seen it in what, decades? Longer? I'm not sure."
"So do you know where it is?"
"No one here does. Well, not that I know of. The Synod seemed convinced it was somewhere in Skyrim as I believe they've been searching for it for some time. They inquired about the ruins of Mzulft, but that's all I remember. It sounded like they were heading there, though they were rather secretive about why. I suppose if you're intent on looking for the staff, there's a chance they might be in Mzulft yet. Just don't expect them to be cooperative."
"No-one ever is." I turned to Serana. "Right, what do you think? Sort this out first then worry about the Moth Priest?"
"If this orb is as dangerous as that monk says it is, I think we should handle this first, Ragnar."
"Do you know where Mzulft is?"
"It's a Dwemer ruin, south of Windhelm," Mirabelle replied. I groaned. "What's wrong?"
"Previous experiences in Dwemer ruins haven't always been positive." I then turned to Serana. "We're going to need help."
"Who? The Dawnguard? They won't get involved in this."
"No, I was thinking my friends in the Companions."
"But they're…" She trailed off, not wanting to give away their secret. "Do you think that's wise?"
"They'll help if I ask them. We'll ride to Whiterun, collect whoever can help us then find Mzulft."
That was the plan, at least. I'd learned since arriving in Skyrim, very much to my cost at times, that plans can sometimes go completely awry.