"Impressive, Dragonborn," Dexion stated wearily behind me.
"Certainly takes the breath away when you first see it, particularly when you compare it to the crumbling ruins across the rest of Skyrim. I have wondered who kept it in such good repair."
It had been a long journey, taking at least a couple of days. Serana and I took our time, barely trotting along. I had no idea how old Dexion was but, while I wouldn't call him a frail, old man, a long journey on horseback even wearied me so I knew Dexion would really feel it. So we stopped often and set up camp earlier than normal each night. During the journey, we conversed nearly the entire time. He was very interested in who I was and what I had done. He knew I had defeated Alduin but still asked many questions about my journey from prisoner to saviour.
It also didn't take him too long to figure out who or what Serana was. He wasn't as surprised as I thought he would be, though was by the fact the Dragonborn was allied to a vampire to defeat another group of vampires. Serana explained parts of the story and why she was helping me and vice versa.
Isran was a man who I guessed was never effusive in his praise and, while he did not crack a smile, I did receive a pat on my shoulder when I walked into the fort with Dexion alongside. He was even pleasant towards Serana, as in he didn't threaten to put her in a cage or simply kill her. I think he may have muttered thanks under his breath but I couldn't be sure. To her credit, Serana said little.
"What do you need, Priest?" Isran asked after introductions were made.
"I will need time to prepare for a reading. Preferably a room with peace and quiet."
"Will you be okay walking up some stairs?"
"Of course."
"Then I'll find you a room. You should find peace and quiet up there." Isran then looked at me. "The rest of the men are in the kitchen if you'd like to rest up. I'll come speak to you once the priest is settled."
I nodded and wandered into the kitchen with Serana, noticing a number of new faces and there was another round of introductions. Thankfully they had been made aware of Serana, or perhaps they immediately figured it out as she'd lowered her hood once we'd entered the fort. Isran joined us a few minutes later and asked for an update about what had happened. He already knew I found myself involved in other events, so wasn't surprised by the fact we had taken so long to find the Moth Priest after events at the College.
The man then laughed once I'd finished. "So what you're telling me now, Ragnar, is that you are the Dragonborn, the Harbinger and now the Arch-Mage?"
"And a Thane of Whiterun."
"Are you after any more titles? High King of Skyrim perhaps?"
"I don't really want to be anything more than Dragonborn and Harbinger. I was made Arch-Mage for helping resolve the issue there. I've already offered the position to someone else while my role will simply be… ceremonial, I guess."
"Do either of you have any idea what the vampires wanted with the old man?"
"Not particularly," I replied.
Isran looked at Serana. "Do you?"
"No. Simply because, without the Scroll, I don't see why they'd go after him. The only reason I can think they would is to prevent us being able to read it ourselves."
"How long did the priest say it will take to prepare for the reading?" I asked.
"He said a couple of days."
"Really? I always thought they required far longer to prepare. He said as much on the ride back here," Serana wondered.
Isran shrugged. "The old man said a couple of days. If he's willing to do it that quickly, then all the better."
While waiting for Dexion to prepare himself, I headed to Riften to speak with Mjoll. Serana didn't accompany me, happy enough to stay at the fort, believing she could help out in her own little way. Mjoll wasn't on her usual patrol when I wandered through the city gates the next day. I did find her at home though, her face lighting up as she opened the door and I soon found myself wrapped in what can only be called a bear-hug.
"I've heard the rumours you were still alive!"
"You think Alduin was going to get the best of me?" I had earned the right to be a little self-confident.
"Come, Ragnar. What did you think your chances were?" she asked, hand resting on my forearm as she led me into her sitting room.
I took a seat before replying. "Honestly, there was always a chance it would go wrong. But… When was I last here?"
"It's been a while. Would you like a drink?"
I nodded and I continued as she grabbed a couple of bottles. "I'll give you a rundown of what I had to do. The old man I rescued from here was part of an organisation called the Blades."
"The warriors that once protected the Emperor?"
"You know of them?" She nodded. "Delphine and Esbern are the last two known operatives. There may be others, but they would have gone to ground as the Thalmor have hunted them down otherwise. Anyway, after that, we had to figure out how to face down Alduin. I ended up finding an ancient temple. Had to find an Elder Scroll to learn a new Shout. Held a peace conference between the Stormcloaks and the Empire."
"That was you? I've wondered why I've seen groups of Stormcloaks moving around with little to do."
"It wasn't just me. I've had a lot of help from the Greybeards."
"Those old men up the mountain?" I nodded. "So how did you manage to defeat Alduin?"
"I had to travel to Sovngarde." I noticed her jaw drop wide. I couldn't help but chuckle. "I know, right? But that's what I did. With Lydia, too. I can't forget all the help she provided."
"Sovngarde?" she asked quietly.
I nodded. "It's everything you would have dreamed."
"Don't tell me anymore! I don't want to know. Not yet."
"That's the usual reaction when I tell people."
"So what are you doing now?"
We sat back and enjoyed one or two bottles as I explained the rest of my life. Eventually we started to discuss the state of Skyrim and the impending renewal of hostilities between the Stormcloaks and the Empire. When asked about who, if any side, I would back, I returned the usual response. I would defend Whiterun. After that, we'd have to see.
"And you?" I asked.
"I'll be honest, Ragnar. I have been so concerned about the problems in this city that I haven't given the wider problems of Skyrim much thought. Well, except the dragon crisis, which you have so ably concluded. Why? Do you know something?"
I shrugged. "Nothing has changed so far. Or, at least it hadn't the last time I spoke with Jarl Balgruuf. However, Jarl Ulfric did send a letter to Balgruuf, and while I wouldn't say it listed his demands, the overwhelming feeling left after reading it was that it was a clear though veiled threat."
"You believe Jarl Ulfric will restart hostilities?"
"I think he wants to provoke a reaction. But I know Balgruuf well. He won't give in to temptation. He's certainly in no position to take on an army of Stormcloak."
"Will he turn to the Empire for help?"
"Only if his back is to the wall."
"And you would fight for Whiterun against the Stormcloaks?"
"When I first entered Skyrim, what feels like eons ago now, I came with the intention of joining the Stormcloaks. Most people who know me are aware of that fact. I've learned a lot since then, spoken to many people and have seen many events that has led to a reconsideration of that desire. All I know is that I will defend Whiterun. It is now my home. And a Nord will bleed and be prepared to die to defend his home."
"And afterwards, once you have protected your home?"
I thought a moment, considering who I was and what that may mean in the future. "It will depend if forces that oppose Whiterun choose to make the battle personal. I know both sides would see having the Dragonborn on their side as a boon. I know the other side would be happy to see my death."
"Would you fight for the Empire?"
"I don't know. But, if I felt like I had no choice…" I just shrugged. "What about you? Say the war started again tomorrow. Who would you fight for?"
She shrugged. "I'm not sure. My mother served the Empire once upon a time. I don't know if I could serve against them."
I nodded. "I realised the same thing when…" I stopped, realising I hadn't shared who I had met with her yet.
She looked at me. "When what?"
"When I spoke to my father in Sovngarde. My mother told me stories of him serving the Empire. And I've realised over time that fighting against them would be fighting against the people he once fought alongside. 'The trinity, Ragnar' is what he told me. It's what we fight for. Skyrim, the Empire and the Emperor. At the time of the Septim emperors, I have no doubt that would have meant everything to the people of Skyrim. Now…" I trailed off and shrugged, my thoughts all over the place.
"Is war about to resume? I'll admit I haven't seen too much around Riften."
"No idea. I hope not. And I won't be getting involved any time soon. I have another matter to resolve."
"The vampire problem?"
"I'll be heading back to the fort shortly."
She nodded. "I've seen Dawnguard patrols around the Rift. I haven't run into any vampires myself. But I assume that's why you're here now?"
"We've just retrieved a Moth Priest to help us read an Elder Scroll. Not sure what the Scroll will say but it will help us defeat the vampires in the end."
We continued to chat about everything and nothing, drinking more bottles of mead, until I noticed the torches outside starting to be lit and I figured I should start making my way back to the fort. That was when Mjoll forced my own jaw to drop in surprise when she asked if I wanted to stay the night. But then she laughed at me and I knew it was my own mind being a bit naughty.
"Not for that, Ragnar. I just figured we could head to the tavern and you could meet the locals. And I have a spare bed here that you could use when we've had our fill."
I had to admit, it sounded like a good idea. Far better than wandering back to the fort in near darkness to sleep in a cold, damp and dark fort. Plus, I'd had enough where, if I met Serana, I may start saying things I'd later regret. So I took Mjoll up on her offer and we headed to the Bee and Barb. I found myself introduced to numerous people, most names going in one ear and out the other, but soon enough I was regaling everyone with stories once they knew who I was. It was a fun evening, with a lot of drinking, plenty of laughter and the sense that, for at least a few hours, all was right in the world.
Staggering out of the pub a long time later, Mjoll and I were still laughing about something, for the life of me I can't remember what. It probably wasn't even that funny but after the amount we'd had, everything generally was. She somehow managed to open the door to her house, almost falling over each other in the darkness until a candle was lit. We looked through drunken eyes to see Aerin by himself in the corner.
"What are you two doing?" he asked harshly.
"Having a good time," I replied.
"Do you have any idea what time it is?"
Mjoll just started laughing. "Who are you? My mother?" I asked before joining her laughter.
"You don't live here. You have no idea what the people of this city are capable of."
I unsheathed my sword and held it level. Or, I think I held it level. I think the walls were moving and the floor appeared to be shaking. "I can handle them. I can handle anyone. I am Dragonborn, slayer of Alduin!"
"You're an idiot!" Mjoll shouted before descending into another fit of giggles.
Aerin just made a disgusted noise. "Fine. You can see yourselves to bed then."
I waited until he'd gone upstairs before looking at Mjoll. "Oooh, you're in trouble now."
"He's only looking out for my welfare," she stated, before she leaned in close, "But I still think he wants to sleep with me," she whispered.
"You're not together?" I honestly thought they were by the fact he followed her around like a lovesick puppy.
She actually scoffed. "I appreciate Aerin for what he's done for me but… No, we're not together like that. He is a good friend. But a good friend only."
"Apologies. I did not mean to pry."
She shrugged. "I prefer the company of women. He knows that. He's… been witness to it. His own damned fault for walking into my room without knocking."
Now that surprised me. And while I'll admit that a million thoughts crossed my mind, all of them rude, involving her and other woman I knew, I was in no way in the right frame of mind to ask any more questions about her private life. 'Though I wonder who the other woman was? A local?' So I suggested we should just head to bed, something which she readily agreed with. I think I fell asleep as soon as I my head hit the pillow.
"Dexion, are you sure you're not rushing this? We have time for you to prepare correctly. It's only been a few days."
"I will be fine, Dragonborn, though your concern is appreciated. I'll admit I still can't believe you have a Scroll."
"It's not mine. It's Serana's. As I've said, it's a long and complicated story."
"And no doubt tying in with the fact that she's a vampire," Isran grumbled.
I gave him a withering look. "She's helping. Remember?"
He grumbled inaudibly, probably along the lines of me being an idiot, something I've heard before, turning his attention to Dexion. "Where would you like to do this?"
"The main chamber, near the entrance. It has the most natural light."
Once all of us were gathered in the main chamber, Dexion looked around the room for a second before he held up the Scroll. "What I hold in my hands is an object of immense knowledge. Past, present and future combined at once. People such as myself undergo years of intense training before we can even begin to contemplate reading one. As I've informed the Dragonborn, Moth Priests will eventually lose their sight after years of reading."
"Will you be okay after reading this one?" Serana asked. Even she was concerned about the old man.
"I will be fine. What is important is to end the vampire crisis as soon as possible." He cleared his throat and appeared to ready himself for what was to come next. "Now, if everyone will please be quiet, I must concentrate."
He took a couple of deep breaths before he slowly opened the Scroll. The main chamber was already bright but the light emanating from the Scroll was near blinding, lasting only a couple of seconds but how it didn't blind Dexion in the very instant he opened it, I'll never know. But once the light started to fade away, Dexion started to speak, as if in awe of what he could see.
"I see a vision before me, an image of a great bow. I know this weapon! It is Auriel's Bow!"
I shared a glance with Serana, who shrugged her shoulders, and then Isran, whose face remained impassive, concentrating on every word that Dexion spoke. Whether he knew about the bow, he wasn't letting anyone know just yet.
"Now a voice whispers, saying "Among the night's children, a dread lord will rise."
I looked at Serana and mouthed 'Your father?'. She just nodded, already concerned.
"In an age of strife, when dragons return to the realm of men, darkness will mingle with light and the night and day will be as one."
'Well, that clearly refers to the present time considering dragons returned and vampires are up to Talos only knows what.'
"The voice fades and the words begin to shimmer and distort."
"That's it?" Isran asked.
Dexion shook his head. "There is more here. The secret of the bow's power is written elsewhere. I think there is more to the prophecy, recorded in other Scrolls. Yes, I see them now... One contains the ancient secrets of the dragons, and the other speaks of the potency of ancient blood. My vision darkens, and I see no more." He sighed before he looked my way. "To know the complete prophecy, we must have the other two Scrolls."
"I think I already have one," I stated once Dexion had closed the Scroll.
"You do?" Isran asked.
I nodded. "Yes. The one which 'contains the ancient secrets of the dragons'. I used that to summon Alduin to the Throat of the World."
"Where is it now?" Serana wondered.
"At my home in Whiterun."
"You've kept an Elder Scroll?" Dexion asked.
I shrugged. "I had no idea what to do with it otherwise. But considering everything I'd been through to get it, I figured it made a nice souvenir."
"A souvenir," Serana scoffed beside me though I could see she was joking. I think…
"Do you have idea about the second one?" Isran asked.
I shook my head and looked at Serana. She did the same but I knew her well enough by now that she was holding something back. 'Guess she'll tell me later.' Isran said he would escort Dexion upstairs, the old man appearing exhausted after his reading, adding that he would check any texts he could find for any mention of the second Scroll. Once I thought I was alone with Serana, I was ready to question her when Sorine approached me, rather apprehensively I might add. 'Hmm, wonder what she wants…'
"I have a favour to ask, Rag… Dragonborn."
"Just call me Ragnar. Please."
"Has Isran ever mentioned someone by the name of Florentius?"
The name meant nothing to me. "No, he hasn't mentioned him."
Sorine just sighed, and I figured I already knew why. 'Something to do with Isran. Likely another former member of the Vigilants that he fell out with.' "Look, you have obviously figured out Isran by now. He's great at what he does but, personality wise, he generally rubs everyone the wrong way." I couldn't help the chuckle. 'Lady, he does that to me too!' "But we generally look the other way because he gets results. Thing is, if he's recruited Gunmar and I, considering how badly we fell out before, then things must be really bad. Right?"
"Well, you've not doubt been told of the prophecy so, yes, it could turn bad," Serana replied on my behalf.
"Agreed. We're going to need all the help we can get putting down this vampire threat. And Gunmar and I agree that we're going to need the help of Florentius."
"Okay, first things first. Who is he?"
"He's a priest of Arkay. Well, he was. It's… complicated."
"It always is. So he was a priest. But how are we going to use a priest in this fight? We need fighters, not… whatever he may claim to be."
Sorine just smiled. "Trust me, we're going to need him. The only thing is… Neither Gunmar or I have any idea where he is. When we went our separate ways years ago, Gunmar and I kept in touch for… reasons." I couldn't help but laugh as the 'reasons' were obvious. "I'm not surprised Isran kept tabs on where we were, though neither of us were keeping what we were up to a secret. Florentius has always been an enigma and neither of us have any idea where he is."
"But you think Isran will?"
"Yes. The only reason he won't approach him is… Well, I wouldn't even suggest recruiting him without speaking to Isran first. If Florentius were to show up here without Isran knowing, I dread to think of the outcome."
There were raised eyebrows from both Serana and I. "The fall out was that bad?"
"The only thing stopping Isran putting an axe through the head of Florentius was the murder charge that would have followed."
"Bloody hell. Would Isran even agree?"
"I'm sure you can convince him. You managed to get the Empire and Stormcloaks to a conference table of peace, didn't you?"
"I think that was probably easier than getting Isran to agree to this if their relationship is that poisonous!"
"All I can ask if for you to try."
I nodded. "Alright. I'll see what I can do."
I wandered upstairs with Serana to see something surprising, Isran tending to Dexion, helping him into bed as the 'old man' was quite clearly exhausted after the reading. Part of me felt guilty to see him so tired after the reading and wondered if he had pushed himself too soon into opening the Scroll. I watched Isran's softer side until he turned and walked out of the bedroom, not halting but unable to hide the thoughts that crossed his face as he saw the two of us waiting for him.
"Want something?"
"I've been informed that we should attempt to find someone by the name of Florentius and that you would know where to find him."
Isran groaned. It was an angry noise, not the usual frustrated tone. "Who sent you up here, Sorine or Gunmar? Meddling…" He trailed off for a moment. "I thought they'd have learned their lesson by now. I don't trust that man, and I don't want him here. It's as simple as that."
The harshness took me by surprise and I know I blinked in confusion at the venom in the tone. I was ready to just turn and walk away but Sorine had made a good argument. We needed all the help we could get. "Listen, I have no idea what the issue is between you two but we may need his assistance."
Isran was silent for a few seconds, arms crossed over his chest, his face otherwise impassive though I knew the cogs behind his eyes were turning. I knew at heart he probably didn't want to agree. But he was also pragmatic and I knew he would think objectively. The important thing was defeating the vampire menace. And that may mean working with those you despise. "Fine. You have a point. And I shouldn't let my personal feelings get in the way."
"Do you have any idea where he is?"
"Last I'd heard of him; he was aiding the Vigilants of Stendarr at Ruunvald. He may still be there. If he can maintain some appearance of normalcy, I'll allow him to stay."
"Any idea where that is?" I asked, hoping either he or Serana may know.
"I don't but ask downstairs. One of them may know."
Sorine and Gunmar both had no idea, reminding me that the reason they asked me to find him is because they didn't know and, even then, they'd never heard of Ruunvald. So I asked around the fort but no-one had a clue where Ruunvald was. Remembering that Mjoll was an adventurer, I informed Isran that I'd kill two birds with one stone. I'd find Florentius first and escort him most of the way back to the fort before Serana and I would try and locate the second Scroll. He agreed that was probably the best idea.
To say Mjoll was surprised to see me again so soon was an understatement, but she knew I was on a mission once she noticed the armour, sword, dagger and shield. And, thankfully, she could point me in the right direction.
"It's actually not far away, Ragnar. Have you got a map?" I unwrapped it and spread it across the table. Mjoll pointed to the exact location. "Head north and turn off the main road once you see Fort Greenwall to your north-west. There isn't a direct path up towards whatever Ruunvald is. Cave? Ruin?"
"Probably some ancient Nordic ruin. I've been through plenty of them before."
"And you're going there because?"
"I have to find someone. Story of my life."
"Do you need any help?"
She sounds rather eager. But Serana and I worked well together. And, to be honest, I hoped it wouldn't be too difficult to find Florentius. "Thank you, but I think and hope we should find this guy without too much hassle."
"I would like to help you one day."
"I'll keep that in mind. You never know, Mjoll. You just never know." I rolled up the map and put it back in my pack. "We'd better get going while it's still light. Thanks for your help."
"No problem, Ragnar. My door is always open whenever you find yourself back in Riften."
Mounting our horses, Serana and I wasted no time heading north, quickly turning off the main road along a dirt path, no wider than a horse. I took the lead as we didn't want to risk riding off the path, tree roots appearing through the scrub likely causing a broken leg if a horse tripped over one. Remembering the map, I waited until I could see Shor's Stone off to the west, faint smoke drifting into the sky suggesting we were in the right position to veer off the path completely.
It wasn't long until we started to climb and soon snow was lying thick on the ground. Not wanting to force out horses, I soon dismounted and led my horse along, Serana doing the same. Thankfully, we didn't have to climb too high before I rounded a boulder and noticed a campsite ahead. We approached with caution but we soon relaxed upon noticing it was abandoned, though that itself was a concern.
After tying our horses to a nearby tree, we searched the campsite for any sign of who may have once slept there. We found a journal of someone called Volk and I knew something was wrong once I'd read the few pages of writing. I handed it to Serana to read as well. She simply sighed once done.
"Something else has gone wrong, hasn't it?"
"Serana, you've been around me long enough by now to know the job is never easy."
"Dragons. Vampires. Civil war. Thalmor. Anything else, Ragnar?"
I just smiled. "Give me a few minutes and I'm sure I could find us something else to fight."
"Why don't we just find out what going on in here?"
I unsheathed my sword. "Another fine idea, Serana. Ready?"
She simply smiled at me and brushed past towards the entrance of the cave, looking back and gestured. "So, are you coming, Ragnar?" She then turned and walked away.
I'll admit I watched her walk away for a few seconds before I finally followed her inside.