
Let me put this in writing right now. I hate Markarth. The list of things I hate is small. Alduin, now thankfully dead. Thalmor. Spiders. And now Markarth can be added to that list. I have visited the city twice. The first time ended with me involved in a conspiracy that ended with my arrest and subsequent incarceration, although I ended up proving my innocence and putting an end to the reign of terror of a lone family. My second time was, in some ways, worse. Not only did I have to deal with an enormous spider that should really have killed me, but Nchuand-Zel was an enormous labyrinth of traps and enemies of which I can only continue to thank the Nine Divines for the rest of my days that I managed to walk out of there alive, though certainly not unscathed.

But Calcelmo was true to his word, providing me with a small book of the Falmer language he had written up while I was gone. I don't think he was entirely happy handing it over, but I believe the old man trusted me simply due to who I was. I thanked him profusely for his help as, otherwise, I had no idea what I would have done to obtain what I needed. Probably something that would have befitted my current status as a sort-of thief.

Exhausted, sore, hungry, thirsty and not a little angry, I stabled my horse outside Riften, ready to head into the waiting arms of my wife when I heard someone try and grab my attention.


I looked around and saw no-one in the growing darkness. Then I sensed someone step out of the shadows of the stable, seeing a pair of red eyes beneath a hood. "Karliah?" I asked quietly.

"Was your journey successful?"

"It was. How long have you been waiting here?"

"Not long. I went to see Enthir soon after you departed for Markarth and we journeyed here together. He's waiting for us inside the city at the Bee and Barb."

"Are you worried about being recognised?"

"I haven't set foot in Riften in over twenty-five years. I'm sure no-one will recognise me by now."

Any idea I may have had about going to see Serana and enjoy an evening of simply sleeping in our bed disappeared out the window. We walked through the city gates side by side. Karliah was doing her best to appear confident and without a care in the world, but there was no missing the eyes were darting about, taking in absolutely everything and watching anyone and everyone. We entered the tavern, thankful there was a large crowd, slipping upstairs with barely anyone even noticing we'd walked in.

Enthir was waiting for us at exactly the same table I'd sat down with Maven. He gestured towards the two empty chairs, waiting until we'd sat down before asking "So how is old Calcelmo?" I handed him the journal he'd given me. Enthir raised his eyebrows in surprise as he flicked through it. "He gave you this?"

"It wasn't easy. I had to help him with one or two things but, yes, once I explained the basic situation I was in, he was relatively happy to hand it over."

"Right. Give me a few minutes. It should take me long to figure all this out."

Enthir disappeared into a room behind as I walked downstairs to purchase a round of drinks as I was absolutely gasping for a drink, preferably alcoholic. Karliah barely touched her own and handed it to me once I'd drained my first tankard, though that didn't stop me answering all the questions she had regarding my exciting trip to Markarth. I think the healthy dose of sarcasm I added when stating how exciting it was suggested how fed up I was with everything.

Enthir reappeared about an hour later, placing Gallus' journal and a new journal on the table between himself and Karliah. He shook his head. "What is it?" she asked.

"I don't even know where to begin, Karliah. I've managed to translate the entire journal for you though."

"Were his suspicions correct?"

He nodded. "Gallus had suspicions about Mercer Frey's allegiance to the Guild for months. He had begun to uncover what he calls an 'unduly lavish lifestyle replete with spending vast amounts of gold on personal pleasures."

"You wouldn't think that considering the state of the Guild at the moment," I muttered.

Karliah gave me a sideways glance before asking, "Does the journal say where this wealth came from?"

"Yes. He seemed certain that Mercer had been removing funds from the Guild's treasury without anyone's knowledge."

I looked at Karliah. "Would that be possible? I would have thought that would have been under the tightest lock and key money could buy."

"There is a possibility Gallus was correct." She looked at Enthir once again. "Was there anything about Nightingales in the journal?"

He nodded. "Yes. The last few pages of his journal seem to describe 'the failure of the Nightingales,' although it doesn't go into great detail. He also repeatedly mentions his strong belief that Mercer desecrated something known as the Twilight Sepulcher."

'Twilight Sepulcher? This Nightingales thing is strange enough but what is that? What am I involved with here? This sounds far removed from simple thievery.'

"Shadows preserve us. So it's true," Karliah whispered, and she seemed visibly upset.

Enthir just looked and sounded confused by everything. "I'm not familiar with the Twilight Sepulcher. What is it? What's Mercer Frey done?"

"I'm sorry, Enthir. I can't say. All that matters is that we deliver your translation to the Guild immediately." She got to her feet. "I'm going outside to get some air, Henrik. Just give me a few minutes to get all this right in my head."

"Of course. I'll join you in a few."

Once she was gone, Enthir leaned forward. "Henrik, all I want is the truth to be revealed to the Guild. They respected Karliah, and she deserves better. Do whatever you can and I'll consider it a personal favour."

"I'll do what I can but I'm not sure how the Guild are going to react when I walk in there with her by my side. We're not sure if Mercer is even there and if he's told them anything."

"That's just a chance you're going to have to take."

"She didn't ask but did the journal say anything about her?"

He smirked. "Plenty. There is no doubting the love they shared. I would offer to interpret it for her but I think it would break her heart even further. She knew he loved her. That's all that matters." He handed me both journals. "But take them both, just in case."

"Thanks for all your help."

"As I said, Gallus was a dear friend and I miss him terribly. If what Gallus suspected is proven correct, then I can only hope that he finds the justice he deserves."

"Trust me, he will."

I found Karliah outside, leaning against the wooden railing, staring into the stagnant river of water below. She didn't look up as I leaned alongside her. "I'll be honest, I'm a little lost here with all this Nightingale business."

"What would you like to know? I can share one or two things…"

"What's this Twilight Sepulcher he mentioned? I've never heard of it before."

"Very few probably have. The Twilight Sepulcher is the temple of Nocturnal. It's what the Nightingales are sworn to protect at all costs."

"Who's Nocturnal?"

"The Daedric Prince of darkness, luck and the night."

I groaned. "Great. Daedra."

"She is no ordinary Daedra and her relationship with the Nightingales is different to other Daedric Princes. I could tell you more but I will… later."

"So Nightingales protect this… temple. Why?"

"Everything that represents Nocturnal's influence is contained within the walls of the Sepulcher. Now it seems Mercer's broken his oath with Nocturnal and defiled the very thing he swore to protect."

"By doing what?"

"I'm not sure exactly but something that has caused the Guild you work for to disappear into near nothingness. I really can't say too much more at the moment, Henrik. As a Nightingale, I've been sworn to secrecy regarding the Sepulcher. I know the Guild doesn't do much to foster faith, but I'm going to have to ask that you continue to trust me."

'Huh, trust. Not something I would have given anyone in the Guild. But, considering your life has been ruined for the past twenty-five years by a man whose head I now want to put on a pike, I guess I should.'

"I think that's a reasonable request. You did save my life, after all."

She stood straight and took a deep breath. "Right, are you ready to head down to the Ragged Flagon?"

"Better now than never."

We walked into the Ragged Flagon no more than five minutes later and I knew straight away that something wasn't right. 'We've been watched. Someone saw us at the Bee and Barb. Should have known.' Vekel met my eyes and jerked his head towards the cistern, saying nothing otherwise. I didn't know if that was a good sign or not, but he showed no recognition of Karliah.

At the door leading into the cistern, I came to a halt. "You realise we're not going to get a good reception. I have no idea if Mercer has been back here or not."

"I'm sure they'll listen to reason. And they have to believe us once they've read our evidence."

"Let me do the talking once we're through the door. And keep your hands away from your weapons."


At least half a dozen thieves greeted us with weapons at the ready upon walking through the door, Brynjolf at their centre, ready to strike at a moment's notice. I spread my arms away from my weapons as I walked forward. "Brynjolf."

"You've got some explaining to do, lad."

"Aye, I do. But have you seen Mercer?"

Curiosity crossed his features for a brief moment. "Mercer?" Then he frowned, looking at Karliah next to me. "What's happened to Mercer?"

"If you'll lower your weapons, we can explain it all."

"We have proof that you've all been misled by Mercer," Karliah added.

Brynjolf looked between the pair of us while other weapons started to lower. "What are you two talking about?"

I grabbed the two journals from my pack and walked forward, hand outstretched, giving both of them to Brynjolf. "The first journal in the funny language is that of the previous Guild Master. The second is the translated version of the first."

Brynjolf looked left and right, instructing everyone to lower their weapons as he turned and walked back to the desk. He placed the first journal down and started reading the second. Karliah and I had followed him and simply waited for him to finish, remaining silent. Neither of us hurried him up and he soon placed the journal on the table and looked at us, mere hatred in his yes. "I'm going to kill him. I don't believe it. All this time… But are you sure about the stealing? I don't see how that's possible."

"It's true and very possible, Brynjolf," Karliah replied.

He shrugged. "Guess there's only one way to find out if his is true or not." He cupped his mouth. "Devlin, get over here. You too, Vex."

"What is it?" Delvin asked.

"I need you to open the vault."

"What? Why?"

Brynjolf picked up the journal. "According to this journal, written in the hand of Gallus, Mercer has been stealing from us for years. And there is evidence that Gallus was looking into this before he was murdered."

Delvin scratched his bald head. "How could Mercer open up a vault that needs two keys? It's impossible. Could he pick his way in?"

"That door has the best puzzle locks money can buy," Vex added, "There's no way it can be picked open."

"He didn't need to pick the lock," Karliah stated, albeit cryptically.

"What do you mean?" Delvin asked.

"Just open the lock, Delvin," Brynjolf stated, "We'll find out the truth once it's opened."

We gathered in front of the two steel doors. I'll admit that they looked impregnable and, while I don't know much about locks, I assumed it would have been near impossible for anyone to pick. I had no idea what Mercer could have used to open the vault but Brynjolf looked concerned while Karliah had the appearance of someone who already knew the outcome. It's going to be empty. Even my gut told me the news wasn't going to be good.

Delvin used his key first, stating the door was still locked tight. Brynjolf stepped forward and then used his. There was a loud click as the door unlocked, Brynjolf pushing open the two doors. We all followed him in and I almost felt sorry for him as his shoulders slumped as his eyes took everything in. I didn't know what to expect but I would never have thought that the entire vault would have been emptied. It was… unbelievable.

"The gold, the jewels… Gone… It's all gone," Delvin muttered. I didn't know if he was going to scream or cry.

"That son of a bitch! I'll kill him!" Vex stated. That was a sentiment I could get behind.

"I assume this was full once?" I asked.

"You would never have believed it, lad. But… We didn't open it often. And certainly haven't lately, simply because what we've been making hasn't been worth adding. But I would never have believed…" Brynjolf trailed off with a sigh, his whole body slumped in defeat. He then looked at Karliah. "We obviously need to talk."

"Of course," she stated. I was amazed at how calm she was being. After twenty-five years on the run and returning to the very people who would have killed her otherwise, I'd have had an apoplectic fit. But I guess she realised no-one was to blame except Mercer.

"Delvin, Vex. Watch the Flagon. If you see Mercer, come tell me right away," Brynjolf ordered.

"He's long gone, Brynjolf," I stated, "He knows the game is up. He's now making his final play."

"Which is?"

"I don't know."

He looked at Karliah. "We obviously need to talk," he repeated, gesturing for us to gather around the desk once again. "It's obvious we need to go after Mercer, but before I do, I need you to tell me everything. And I mean everything."

So that is what Karliah did, explaining what happened at Snow Veil Sanctum twenty-five years earlier, her role in the Nightingales alongside Gallus and Mercer, which he found rather hard to believe, then her life on the run as she planned her revenge, adding that she was, of course, the person behind events with Goldenglow and Honningbrew. I think Brynjolf was left rather impressed by the story.

"What do you think Mercer will do now?" he asked.

"He would know that the truth would have come out sooner or later. No doubt he's been planning for this moment since the second he killed Gallus."

"So where does that leave us?" I wondered, "Mercer could be anywhere."

"If he was smart, he'd head for the border and then keep going. But he's an arrogant bastard. Always thought he was… I just never thought he would or could have been capable of this," Brynjolf admitted.

"Where could we look that would give us a clue?" Karliah asked.

Brynjolf clicked his fingers. "His house in Riften. He's bound to keep something there that would point us in the right direction."


"It's called Riftweald Manor, next to the Black-Briar mansion. Given to Mercer by Maven, though he's rarely there except for… well, take a guess why Maven gave it to him." 'So I may find incriminating evidence about her links to him and or the Guild? Good.' "He wasn't there often, so paid some big oaf called Vald to guard the place."

"I'll handle it."

"Are you sure, lad?"

"Aye. You two should stay here and start making preparations. I'm not sure what for, but Karliah can also fill you in on anything you want to know."

"Are you okay? Taking a sword to the chest must have hurt."

"It still hurts but I'm not worried about it. Don't worry about me, worry about trying to find Mercer and then what we'll do to him when we do."

Despite the presence of the guards back on the surface, I tried opening the front door to Riftweald Manor but the door was locked tight. I wandered around to the back of the house to find a locked gate and a giant of a man on patrol. As I'm oft to say, I'm quite a tall, broad man but he appeared even larger. Legs like tree trunks and as a broad as a house. He walked along the fence until approaching me at the gate.

"What do you want?"

"I want to get into the house."

He laughed at me. "You're kidding? This is Mercer Frey's house. You do know who Mercer Frey is?"

"Thief and murderer are two words that come to mind. Have you seen him lately?"

He shrugged. "A couple of days ago. But he comes and goes when he pleases."

"So you don't know what he's done?" Vald just shrugged. "Right, I'll dumb it down to your level. Mercer has stolen everything, and I mean absolutely everything, from the Guild. He framed someone else for the murder of the previous Guild Master, having done the deed himself, and tried to murder me just a few days past. If you want evidence, go down to the Ragged Flagon and ask to see the vault."

Vald scratched his head, confused. "Mercer did all that?"

I nodded. "And there's a good chance Mercer is now on the run and won't return. So, why bother guarding a house where the owner will never return?"

He narrowed his eyes. "So why do you want to get in?"

"Because there might be evidence inside that will explain where he may have gone. Because, I'll be honest, we don't have a clue."

"So you're saying he's gone?"

"You're a free man, Vald. I assume Mercer had some hold on you. Consider the chains broken."

"Actually, Maven…"

"Will likely also be taken care of as well."

The big man grinned. "Seriously?" he asked hopefully.

"Aye. She and Mercer were…" He nodded, making a face at the same time. 'I feel the same way, my friend.' "There's no way she didn't know what he was up to. There may be evidence of that inside too."

He unlocked the gate and opened it. "If you can do something to deal with Maven Black-Briar, I'll be forever grateful."

"You should make yourself scarce as this whole thing is about to come crashing down."

He pointed up at a balcony above. "That's the only way in. All the doors on the ground level have been barred."

"Thanks for the tip."

I managed to clamber up the side of the house to the balcony and found the lone door was already unlocked. Letting my eyes adjusted to the gloom once inside, I listened and heard footsteps in the next room. Approaching the doorway, I stayed out of sight, noticing a lone guard staring out the window. Taking the dagger from my belt, I stepped forward cautiously.

Putting the dagger to his next and my other hand over his mouth, I asked, "Are you alone?" He nodded. "Are you sure?" I asked, digging the dagger into his neck, though not enough to draw blood. He shook his head. "Call your friend upstairs."

"Edvard?" my hostage called.

"What?" came a voice from downstairs.

"Get your arse up here. You should see this!"

I heard a groan before heavy footsteps echoed up the stairs. As soon as he saw us, a hand moved to his sheathed sword. "I wouldn't do that if I was you."

"Do you have any idea what you're doing or who this house belongs to?"

"Mercer Frey. I take it, just like Vald, you have no idea what's going on."

"Vald? Did you kill him?"

"No, he's very much alive and was happy to leave once I'd explained what happened. So, if you let me explain what's going on, I'm willing to let you both leave alive."

"We have your word?"

"You have it."

So I explained for a second time what was going on, pretty much word for word the exact same conversation I'd had with Vald downstairs. Thankfully, just like that conversation, the two guards believed me. I released the man I was holding, who was polite enough to thank me for simply not killing him. I watched as they exited the house, closing and locking the door behind them, just in case they got any idea of returning.

Now it was time to find evidence. Not just of what Mercer was up to right now regarding the Guild. This was the perfect time to find out evidence of Maven's involvement in the Guild. If there really was a relationship between the two, I was adamant there had to be something in the house to suggest of her involvement with the Guild.

I searched the bedroom first and immediately found correspondence between Mercer and Maven, which confirmed their love affair, using the word 'love' based on the soppy writing, particularly from Maven, which was a surprise. However, there wasn't much evidence of their criminal activity but kept the papers as there were subtle hints at the schemes they were both up to.

Heading downstairs provided nothing worthwhile and I was ready to give up when I found a false back to another wardrobe. This led to a secret passageway, laid with all manner of traps. I got past most of them with ease, ready to expect the unexpected, figuring Mercer definitely had something to hide with that much security.

Jackpot! There was so much incriminating access of his activities, links to Maven and also the Guild in general, that I didn't know where to look first. I read over what I could and found my eyes drawn to a pile of paperwork that seemed to indicate plans for… everything. What I mean is the pile seemed to indicate anything valuable worth stealing in Skyrim, if not the entire Empire. It was everything I needed. I figured I could leave right now, with everything I'd found, and could end the Guild and Maven in a mere few hours.

But something was stopping me doing it immediately. Mercer Frey tried to kill me. And, somewhere in my heart, I felt sorrow for Karliah and even Brynjolf in a certain way. Thieves or not, no-one deserved to have their life destroyed for twenty-five years, accused of a crime they didn't commit. Thief? Yes. Murderer? No. I found myself vexed about what I should do about the Guild. My promise to Mjoll remained. The Guild would not exist in Riften once all was said and done. No matter what, Maven would be in chains. The Empire would eventually take Riften out of the hands of the Stormcloaks.

But one thing must happen first before any of that happened.

Mercer Frey must die.

And the Last Dragonborn would have his revenge.

I returned to the cistern where Brynjolf and Karliah sat around the desk, still discussing everything that had happened since that day at Snow Veil Sanctum twenty-five years ago. Keeping some of the paperwork I'd found for safekeeping in my pack, I put the rest on the table for the pair to review. The silence stretched on as they read what I'd found, clearly stunned at the revelation.

"I simply had no idea. No idea at all," Brynjolf muttered.

"He isn't just a master thief, Brynjolf, but a master manipulator. I hesitate to say it, but he played you all for fools. You aren't. You just didn't know the truth. Twenty-five years of being told one story is bound to have its influence."

"So what do we do now?" I asked.

Karliah looked at Brynjolf. "Without a Guild Master, the decision is yours, Brynjolf."

"Mine?" he asked, somewhat surprised.

"You were his second in command. It's only natural you would assume leadership once Mercer was out of the picture."

He looked at me, as if looked for the answer. I knew what he wanted so I just nodded. "I could list everything Mercer has done to you, me, Henrik here, all of us. There is only one outcome that would satisfy all of us. Mercer Frey must die."

"We have to be very careful, Brynjolf. Mercer is a Nightingale, an Agent of Nocturnal."

I almost blurted out that I was Dragonborn. Instead, I simply stated, "I fought alongside him in Snow Veil Sanctum. He only got the better of me because of your poisoned arrow!"

"Never underestimate a Nightingale, Henrik. That will be your greatest undoing," Karliah warned.

Brynjolf chuckled, shaking his head. "Then it's all true, everything I heard in the stories. The Nightingales, their allegiance to Nocturnal and the Twilight Sepulcher."

"Yes. That is why we need to prepare ourselves and meet Mercer on equal footing. Just outside of Riften, beyond the Southeast Gate, is a small path cut up the mountainside. At the end of that path is a clearing and an old standing stone. I'd ask you both to meet me there."

"For what?" I asked.

"You'll find out when you get there. Meet me there tomorrow morning. Once we complete what is required, we will go together to face Mercer. And then kill him."

I admit I liked the sound of that last bit.