The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor.
That's what quite a few people thought. Myself? Maybe a little though Titus Mede was not and never would be a Septim. Many accepted him simply because he was the strongest to lay claim to the throne. But while I think the people still respected the position, I've never been entirely convinced they respected the man. Particularly after the Great War and the White-Gold Concordat…
We only learned of the news upon walking through the gates of Whiterun, a pair of guards pulling us to one side and informing us. We headed straight to Dragonsreach, Jarl Balgruuf expanding on the news once we'd all gathered around one of the long tables.
"He was murdered on his ship," he stated rather simply.
"How? By who?" my wife asked.
"The how is easily enough explained. The assassin managed to infiltrate the ship undetected, somehow getting all the way to the Emperor's bedroom where he was then killed."
"And who?" I wondered.
Balgruuf remained silent, looking across all of us, and I thought he looked slightly uncomfortable, even shuffling in his seat before clearing his throat. "Rumours are that someone contacted the Dark Brotherhood and that one of their assassins was responsible."
You could have heard a pin drop after that revelation. "Why do they think that?" Lydia finally asked.
"More rumour than any real evidence. But the assassination has all the hallmarks of a Dark Brotherhood hit. But, when speaking of rumours, there have been plenty of them. There have been numerous other details surrounding this event that lead many to believe the Dark Brotherhood were contracted with assassinating the Emperor." He paused then met me directly in the eyes. "General Tullius sent a request for you to head to Solitude as soon as you arrived home."
I couldn't help the groan. "Why does he want my help?"
"Because the man trusts you. And he thinks you may be able to help."
"I'm no investigator. I'm a warrior."
"Who do they believe ordered the hit?" Mjoll asked.
"I can take a good guess and probably not be wrong," Balgruuf muttered darkly.
"You don't think…" Lydia started to ask before trailing off.
"There is no evidence linking the two at all, but it would certainly help their war effort, despite the fact they only have two Holds flying their banners," Balgruuf stated.
"Dawnstar has fallen?" I asked the Jarl.
"It is expected to fall within the week. There is no way they can withstand the siege any longer. Secret negotiations have already taken place between a representative of the Jarl and the Commander of the Northern Army. The expectation when they conclude is that the gates of Dawnstar will open, the Jarl will surrender and the Imperial flag will once again fly over the city."
"So quite a bit has happened during our time away?"
"That and more, Ragnar. There is real hope that the civil war will soon be at an end. But what about your trip to Solstheim? Did you resolve the issue?"
"Strange place," Farkas muttered while munching on a leg of goat. Where did he get that from?
"Agreed. And full of Dunmer who didn't always take kindly to our presence," Aela added.
"But our trip helped resolve the issue. I met the First Dragonborn," I stated.
"St. Alessia?" Balgruuf asked, eyes wide in surprise.
"No. Apparently she wasn't the first. Ever heard of someone called Miraak?" He shook his head. "Apparently he was the first Dragonborn. And, to cut a long story short, he eventually allied himself with a Daedric Prince, living in a realm not of Tamriel."
"Daedra? Just what were you involved in?"
"As I said, it's a long story, sir. But the matter was resolved. Miraak is now dead, the threat to Solstheim has ceased and I remain my own man. So, the General didn't happen to leave a letter or something?"
Balgruuf turned and gestured to one of his stewards, who returned moments later with the letter. It was rather polite, requesting my presence in Solitude rather than ordering it. I couldn't help the smirk upon noticing the conciliatory tone of the writing. 'He knows he can't order me around as I'm not one of his men. Officially, at least.' "Very well. I'll leave the day after tomorrow. I would like to spend at least one day at home before having to leave again."
"I'm sure the General would understand that desire, Ragnar," the Jarl stated.
I departed Whiterun as stated, leaving not long after the sun appeared over the mountains in the distance. The Companions were under instruction to remain in Whiterun and start taking more contracts, therefore leaving me accompanied by my wife, Serana, Housecarl, Lydia, and still as yet untitled but friend, Mjoll. It was nice to be back on horseback again having spent days upon days walking around Solstheim. I think the horse appreciated the ride. 'I swear its put on weight since I last rode it.'
We mixed up our pace, riding hard and fast at times, before slowing to a walk, allowing our horses to recover, the intent being to make Solitude by sundown. There were only two major discussions. One was about events on Solstheim and the hope that would be our last interaction with any daedra, though Serana couldn't help joking that, knowing our luck, we'd end up meeting Mehrunes Dagon some time during our lives. The second topic was obvious.
"So do you think it was Ulfric?" Lydia asked as we turned onto the road leading towards Dragon Bridge.
"I'm not sure," I admitted.
"He's the most obvious suspect," Mjoll retorted, barely able to hold back the scoff.
"But that's why I'm not sure. Ulfric is first and foremost a warrior. He wouldn't send an assassin to do the job. He'd want to put the sword in himself. No, I have no doubt there are plenty of people who would want the Emperor dead. Having read a little about him and his predecessors, there's no doubt the Mede family made plenty of enemies once they claimed the Ruby Throne. I think the fact he's been killed in Skyrim was simply to ensure Ulfric would be the main suspect."
"The Thalmor?" Lydia wondered.
I shook my head. "No. Why do it now when they could have killed him any time in the past couple of decades? Though the Thalmor have proven time and again that they prefer subterfuge and assassination to frontal assaults. But I don't believe they're responsible."
"Who then?" Serana asked.
"Honestly, I have no idea," I admitted again, "But no doubt we're going to find out once we arrive in Solitude."
We continued to debate the main suspects of the assassination for the rest of the trip, the sun having disappeared by the time we'd stabled our horses and wandered through the city gates. Heading straight towards the inn, we booked a pair of rooms but didn't head straight to bed, instead joining some of the locals after dinner, enjoying a tankard or two of mead and catching up on the latest gossip. Of course, most of it was about the murder of the Emperor but there was also plenty of news regarding the civil war and also other events in and around Solitude if not all of Skyrim.
General Tullius wasn't too surprised to see me walk in the next morning flanked by those who accompanied me. We gathered around a large table, taking an available chair and accepting the offer of a drink. He enquired as to my recent adventures, replying in minute detail about who Miraak was and events on Solstheim, before he quickly moved the conversation on to matters in which my presence was requested. His first sentence was a surprise.
"We have no suspects."
"You mean you don't know who exactly was responsible?" I asked.
"If you mean do we know who wielded the dagger plunged into the heart of the Emperor, then no, we don't. But we can make guesses as to who ordered the assassination and the organisation behind it." I gestured for him to continue. "Have you heard the rumours about the boy in Windhelm?"
"No," I replied, glancing at my three colleagues, shaken heads or shrugged shoulders in reply.
"Apparently a boy in Windhelm was attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood. We're still trying to clarify the story, but it's believed he was once a child who was waiting for adoption at Honorhall in Riften. The lady who ran that orphanage later turned up dead."
"Absolutely. We don't think she slit her own throat. And we also believe he performed the Black Sacrament."
"By Ysmir…" Lydia whispered.
"Okay, the obvious question. Is there any link to the Stormcloaks?" I asked
"Only rumour and conjecture. We have nothing substantive at the moment. That's why I asked for you," Tullius explained.
"But why? I'm no investigator. Surely you have other…"
He held up a hand. "It's because you're neutral, Ragnar. If not the Stormcloaks, then this stinks of an inside job."
"Inside job? Who? And why?"
"We think it's possible that someone within the Elder Council may be involved."
"What gives you that idea?" I wondered.
"The fact we found one of their members' dead in Markarth only a day or two after the assassination. The reason we think he may be involved is that he had no reason to be in Skyrim."
"You don't believe Ulfric is involved?" I asked, slightly surprised he wasn't the first name on the list.
Tullius could only shrug. "Who knows? He could have been in contact with the Elder Council member. But we actually don't think that's likely. I'll be honest with you, Ragnar. I don't actually think Ulfric is involved in all this. I don't think he'd actually want the Emperor dead. Not like this, anyway."
"So what do you want me to do?"
"Find evidence of the Dark Brotherhood, if they actually exist here. If you do, eliminate them. Adding to that, if you find out anything about how or why the Elder Council member was involved, all the better."
"What happens now regarding ascending to the throne?" Lydia wondered.
Tullius shrugged again. "No-one is sure. The Emperor had no heirs and there is no immediate family to ascend. For the moment, the Council will run affairs until someone makes their claim. But there is a power vacuum at the moment that will need filling sooner rather than later."
"Civil war?" Mjoll wondered.
"You mean like in Skyrim?" I followed up.
Tullius looked thoughtful if not a little apprehensive. "It's a possibility, though it may come down to the army to keep the peace. Unfortunately, there's precedent in regards to the Council running affairs after the assassination of a ruler."
"So where should I start?" I asked, suggesting I wanted to wrap up the meeting.
"Actually, I have an idea about that. Head down to the dungeons and speak to Felix Maro."
"Who is he?"
"He was the Commander of the Penitus Oculatus. He's currently awaiting trial for dereliction of duty, among other charges. He'll be lucky to keep his head."
"But is it actually his fault?" Mjoll wondered.
"Truth be told, it wasn't but someone must be held responsible and, unfortunately for him, the assassination happened on his watch. What doesn't help his case is that his son was apparently involved in the plot to kill the Emperor, though we actually believe his son was killed by the Dark Brotherhood and framed."
"Will he help us?"
"He'll want to believe that helping will clear his name. Just ask the right questions. Other than that, you could try Markarth, but we've had our people already head there and I'm unsure what you'll find."
"What about the Emperor's ship?" Serana asked.
Tullius shook his head. "Off limits to everyone. The Emperor's body will eventually be transported back to Cyrodil by ship."
I glanced at my colleagues. "I guess we should go and speak with this Maro first then work from there."
I thought we were about to go to sleep, ready to blow out the candle, when Serana turned onto her side, putting a hand to my cheek, turning my face to look at hers. "I have an idea, Ragnar," she said quietly, "I've been thinking about it since our meeting with Tullius. But… I'm not sure how you'll react."
"Try me. You generally have good ideas."
She took a deep breath so I wondered what she was going to say. "I think we need to draw the Dark Brotherhood out. Draw them towards us. So… I think we, one of us, should perform the Black Sacrament."
I took a moment or two to digest that question before asking, "What exactly is the Black Sacrament?"
"You've heard of the Dark Brotherhood before?" I nodded. "Know much else about them?"
"Apart from being a group of assassins, no, I know little about them."
"I'm not aware of all the details but I'll put this as simply as I can." She must have seen my face fall because she laughed. "Not because you're stupid, just because there is a lot of information that you don't need to know. So, putting it simply, someone performs the Black Sacrament. It's a ritual that involves certain objects and a chant calling on the Night Mother."
"Night Mother?" I asked, struggling to hide my smile.
"That is what she is called. I have no idea who she is. Nor do many others, if anyone really. Certainly no idea who she may have been originally. No doubt those who have worked for the Dark Brotherhood may have at least some idea. But back to the original point, the person performing the ritual calls upon the Night Mother to send a Dark Brotherhood assassin. A contract is then completed and the assassin will then kill whoever the target is. Doesn't matter who it is, as proven by the fact the Emperor has been murdered."
"Is she another daedra?" I wondered.
"The Night Mother herself? I don't think so. But I think the Dark Brotherhood are linked to the daedra in some way or other."
I groaned before asking, "Okay, so what's your idea, apart from the Black Sacrament?"
"We perform the Sacrament, I'm still not sure on who should do it. Then, well, we make you the target."
"Should have known," I stated with a smile.
"I'm confident you can handle yourself if faced by one of the Brotherhoods assassins."
"So you intend to capture one?"
She nodded. "Aye. Capture then question. Find out where they are. Though… Well, I doubt they'd give up the information willingly. We may have to get… creative."
"You mean torture."
"Do you mind?"
"If the Dark Brotherhood do exist, are truly working in Skyrim, and are responsible for the murder of the Emperor, then I don't have a problem with that. We need the information. Plus, they'd be coming to kill me, so I'll have to make sure I just don't kill them first."
"When should we do it?"
"We'll speak to Lydia and Mjoll, let them know about your idea. And I'll run it by the Jarl too. We should have everyone in the know and to be ready to move whenever the assassin appears."
To say the Jarl was apprehensive about our idea would be a vast understatement. But once we explained the details of our idea, he felt he had little choice but to agree, stating he would ensure the guards would also play ball if required. When we requested use of the dungeon under Dragonsreach, he had to ask why.
"Because we intend to capture the assassin and… interrogate him," I replied.
He raised an eyebrow. "Interrogate?"
I cleared my throat and glanced at my wife. "Serana is rather… adept."
"I will find out where their lair is, my Jarl. And will hopefully bring the Emperors murderer or murderers to justice."
He remained silent for a few seconds before nodding. "I guess I shouldn't feel too bad about you wanting to… interrogate someone from the Dark Brotherhood." He paused again. "I just never imagined they actually existed. You always hear rumours, much like the Thieves Guild, but to think they actually operated within my country and then murdered the Emperor! It beggars belief." He looked directly at Serana. "You will have my cooperation in whatever you require. I… just don't want to know the details."
"I will pass any information on once I have it, my Jarl."
Serana, Mjoll and Lydia had to basically draw straws as to who would perform the ritual. Serana then instructed Lydia to ensure she filled herself with all the hatred possible when performing the ritual. Difficult, because she was one of my best friends. To help herself, she disappeared for a couple of days before returning, meeting with Serana during the day, who reported back to me that she would perform the ritual that night. We could only hope that it would work as planned.
Although it was in the back of my mind, I wouldn't say Serana or I acted anything other than normal over the next couple of days. Serana continued tending to her garden, mixing potions with whatever was ready to be cultivated. I spent most of my time at Jorrvaskr, having let Aela and the twins know what was going on, while meeting a number of new recruits. I was happy to find out that every available bed in the hall was now occupied and had received one or two suggestions about members who were perhaps ready to move up to the Circle.
Having no idea when or where this assassin was going to show, I won't say I forgot about it but I certainly didn't let it worry me. Serana still slept beside me while Lydia and Mjoll had also moved in, figuring I would be attacked at home, probably while we slept. 'It's what I'd do.' I did wonder if the assassin, or assassins, depending how any did try and kill me, would attempt something in broad daylight. Perhaps trying to kill the Dragonborn would send a statement, just like the murder of the Emperor.
I was awoken two nights later by a shout, sitting up with a dagger in my hand in an instant. Despite acting without a care in the world, our house had weapons hidden everywhere. Serana lit a candle and we found our bedroom was still empty. Then we heard Lydia and Mjoll both shout for us from downstairs. I put on a shirt and, dagger still in hand, with Serana following behind, we cautiously walked down the steps. We found Mjoll with her sword in hand, the tip at the neck of a body on the ground. Lydia sat on a body continuing to struggle.
"Stop moving!" Mjoll warned.
The face of the assassin was covered by a mask. Otherwise, the would be assassin wasn't dressed in armour but in robes. 'Understandable. Light and silent.'
"Sit him up," I ordered. Lydia grabbed the assassin by the arms, ensuring the wrists were still bound behind their back before sitting them on one of the chairs by the fire. Lydia and Mjoll remained behind the assassin, Lydia now armed as well. I grabbed one of the other chairs and sat in front of the assassin. I looked over the mask, of a design I'd never seen before.
"Well, I guess I should get a look at your, eh?"
"If you wish," the assassin finally stated. 'That accent? It's not a…'
I carefully grabbed the mask and removed it, revealing what could only be a khajit. "Dark Brotherhood?" I asked.
"Of course."
"Good. We were expecting you."
The khajit laughed. "Of course you were. That is why I am tied up and you are not dead."
"We have some questions for you. Now, you can cooperate and perhaps live at the end or…"
The khajit met my eyes. "You know I won't talk. So do whatever it is you need to do. It won't matter in the end. The contract will still stand. Someone else will simply be sent to complete it once they realise I am dead."
I looked at Serana, the unspoken question. She shrugged. "It make sense. The contract would remain open until the agreement is fulfilled."
"All the more reason to find them all then. And quickly. Shall we escort our guest to the dungeon?"
"We'll take him," Lydia stated, grabbing the khajit under one armpit, Mjoll grabbing him under the other.
"I'll go let the Jarl know."
The Jarl was asleep but Irileth had no problem with trying to wake him up, the pair appearing a few minutes later, the Jarl ready to get straight down to business. "They finally came for you?" I nodded. "Where is the assassin now?"
"Currently being escorted to the dungeon."
"How did you capture him or her?"
"He entered my home, not realising there were four of us in there. Lydia and Mjoll nabbed him before he'd even made the stairs."
"So what's the plan now? Still the interrogation?"
"He says he won't talk. We'll have to see what happens next."
"Very well. I'll leave you to it. Let me know if you do learn anything."
I guess the Jarl probably headed back to bed considering the late, or perhaps rather early, hour as I headed back out the front doors and circled around to the dungeons. There was only one guard waiting for my arrival, stating Serana had already been by with the prisoner and that he would make himself scarce too. He also stated there were no other prisoners, Whiterun proving to be relatively crime-free in recent weeks. 'Perhaps due to the good work of the Companions?'
Serana already had the khajit clasped to the wall, wrists held in place though she had been kind enough to provide a seat so he wouldn't be too uncomfortable. The cowl that had been covering his features was also removed, so we could now take in all his features. I wasn't surprised to see there wasn't an inkling of fear on his face. I assumed he figured he was going to die anyway so what was the point in worrying about it.
What surprised me was there was little else in the cell. There was a bed, like there was in every cell, a thin, battered rug the only covering. There was a bucket for the purpose of relief. But on the small table lay a single potion bottle. I was expecting torture implements, or at least some sort of blunt weapon to beat the khajit with. Serana noted my confusion.
"I'll only need the potion bottle, Ragnar."
"What's in it?"
"Something that will eventually make our khajit friend here more… talkative. I'll just need your help administering it. Grab his jaw and open it for me please."
"Will do."
The khajit still had some fight in him, attempting to use his razor sharp teeth to bite at my fingers and hand. So I just smashed in the face with my fist, drawing blood from his nose. "Be nice otherwise I'll do it again," I warned in a friendly tone. Grabbing him by the jaw again, I managed to prise it open with only one or two minor problems and Serana was able to pour the liquid down the throat of the khajit. I closed his jaw firmly to make sure he swallowed every drop.
"Now we just wait for it to take effect. Should be about ten to fifteen minutes at most," she explained.
Ten minutes later, she got to work and I was flabbergasted by how easy it all seemed. I sat on the edge of the bed, watching as the khajit struggled to even hold his head up. 'Whatever she gave him must have been potent. Never heard of a truth potion though. Perhaps it's something about inhibitions. I may ask later though I don't really care. I just want answers.'
"What's your name, khajit?" Serana asked first.
"I go by many names, none of which you would have heard before. My name doesn't really matter."
"But what is it? I like to know the name of whoever I am conversing with."
The khajit smiled, I would have said drunkenly if we'd been in a tavern. "Do'tabe."
"What are you? Warrior? Thief? Mage?"
Do'tabe tried to shrug, finding it somewhat difficult with his wrists still clasped over his head. "I'm an assassin though I always kill with a weapon."
"Who sent you?"
"The Night Mother, of course. She arrived some time ago after her crypt in Cyrodil was ransacked."
Serana looked at me with eyebrows raised. I shrugged, having no real idea about anything regarding the Dark Brotherhood. She turned her attention back to the khajit. "Who ordered the contract on the Emperor?"
"Someone called Amaund Motierre."
"And he is?"
The khajit tried to shrug again. "No idea, though Astrid appeared very interested in whoever he was."
"Who's Astrid?"
"She runs the Dark Brotherhood. Her word is law. Or, it was, until the Night Mother showed up and a new Listener was found."
"Listener?" Serana asked, before following on a few seconds later, "Ah, I've read about this. The Listener is the only one who can communicate with the Night Mother. So who exactly is the Listener?"
The khajit returned a look that meant no verbal confirmation was required. "So I assume you killed the Emperor?" I asked.
"Of course. But the entire Dark Brotherhood was involved in the manipulation that led to the Emperor arriving in Skyrim, the ending of Commander Maro's career and the final assault on the Emperor's vessel."
"This is a confession if ever I've heard one," I muttered.
"Let's go back a bit. Motierre ended up dead as well. Who ordered you to do that?"
Now the khajit laughed. "The Emperor. I conversed with him before he died. He knew what was going to happen as soon as I appeared in his quarters. He asked me to do him a favour, to kill in return whoever ordered his death. I had no love or hatred for the Emperor, it was simply a job, but I met Motierre and I did not like him. Therefore, I had no problem completing the last request of a dead man."
"Last question, and then you may rest. Where is the Dark Brotherhood located?"
"Near Falkreath. But you will never be able to enter. Every new recruit is given a new phrase to enter the sanctuary."
"Good enough. We can work with that. You can't hide forever," I stated.
"If you say so."
Serana looked at me. "Ragnar, this khajit is the Listener. Do you know what that means?" I nodded. I didn't know much but I figured he was important. "So you know what must be done?"
"Do it," I stated without hesitation.
The khajit bled out from the wound in his neck thirty seconds later.