I'll admit to cringing slightly as one of the stewards called out my presence to the Jarls already waiting for me in the throne room. "Announcing Emperor Ragnar, First of his line, Dynasty of the Dragonborn, on this, the Sixth Day, First Month, First Year of the Fifth Era. Please stand for his arrival."
Almost laughing at how ridiculous the situation was, in addition to my own personal feelings, I walked into the throne room, dressed in a set of fine clothes, it being suggested that constantly wearing my armour around the court would simply lead me to being uncomfortable. I couldn't help sigh, though I agreed the suggestion was sound. My days of fighting were over… at least for the time being.
Walking around the table, I was saluted in the usual manner – arm across the chest, bow of the head, what was now the standard salute from everyone who met with me – before I made sure to shake hands with each Jarl, asking how they and their subjects were, if they enjoyed the coronation and their time in the Imperial City and generally tried to be friendly. General Tullius was also there as Military Governor, though at the end of the meeting, I was working under the assumption that would no longer be necessary.
Once sat down, I began. "My Jarls, Skyrim has now been without a High King since the death of King Torygg. In between that time and now, Skyrim has been split by a ruinous civil war that it is only beginning to recover from. So we have gathered here today to formally select a new High King. Having done a lot of reading in the past weeks since my arrival in the Imperial City, I believe a moot is generally convened where a new High King is selected, and my understanding is that the ruler of Solitude is selected as the ruler of Skyrim, and the only reason you need me is to give it official blessing. Would that be correct?"
"That would be correct, Your Majesty," Balgruuf stated, not without a smirk on his face.
"So if that is the usual convention, why are we gathered here today? I would have assumed this would be an internal matter for the nine of you to discuss."
"Two reasons, sire," Elisif replied, "Firstly, though Skyrim is at peace, old resentment still lingers. While loyal Jarls are now in position in all nine holds, there is a consensus that we need a more neutral symbol to become the next High King, one that had backing from neither the Empire or Stormcloaks."
"Second, you have the Jagged Crown, sire," Balgruuf added, "You have the power to choose, if you wished."
"Though the nine of us have already discussed then in private over many weeks and we have reached an agreement… of sorts. We were hoping you would hear our idea," Elisif concluded.
I gestured for her to continue, but it was Balgruuf who got to his feet. "For a long time during the civil war, I was the only neutral symbol of the war. Whiterun was the only city that did not choose a side, or at least did not until our hand was forced, though only after we were attacked by one of the two sides. I think we can all agree that we did not fall into the arms of the Empire willingly. But even I was criticised for not joining either side, with rumours that my neutrality was bought off by one side or the others, not even starting to discuss why I accepted the details of the White-Gold Concordat. Though my memory is long and sharp, and I know many of us were criticised for keeping quiet at the time."
"If we hadn't agreed, we'd have been slaughtered instead," Jarl Igmund stated.
"You are not wrong, Jarl Igmund. We were in no state to continue the fight. So we agreed to a treaty. But, by the gods, did that nearly tear our country apart from a fight that may have been irrecoverable. So, back to my original point, Whiterun was neutral during the war, but I have no desire to be High King. I know Jarl Elisif would like to be High Queen, to continue the good work of her husband and father-in-law, but she is aware that the situation in Skyrim is peaceful though there is still an undercurrent of distrust and resentment. We doubt it will explode into anything, but the peace must be kept at any cost."
"What are you proposing instead?" I asked.
Balgruuf looked at Elisif, who got to her feet. "A United Kingdom, sire." I wasn't quite sure what she meant, so asked her to clarify. "The nine Jarls of Skyrim are in agreement that the Jagged Crown should pass to the Emperor, and that the Emperor should also have the title of High King of Skyrim."
I'll admit to being stunned by the proposal. "You look surprised, sire?" Jarl Balgruuf wondered.
"It's just unexpected. But you're all in agreement?"
Nine heads nodded in reply. "You're a Nord, sire. And we all know what you've done for Skyrim. And, as touched on, you're neutral. Well, mostly… But even those cities that had supported the Stormcloak clause know of the achievements of the Dragonborn. And we believe they would support the idea of the Nord Emperor also being High King of Skyrim."
Lydia approached from behind me, holding a scroll. "I have all the details here, sire."
"You've read it over?" She nodded. "Give me the gist of it."
"The crown of High King will pass to that of the Emperor from the time the agreement is sealed. It will become official once you return to Skyrim and are crowned. The choice of where you are crowned is yours."
"Whiterun. It was my home."
"Very well. Further on, the agreement states that the crown of High King will remain with the Emperor and his blood line until the line of succession is extinguished, or until a Nord no longer reigns as Emperor. If or when that time comes, then a moot will be held and the crown will revert to one of the nine Jarls of Skyrim," Lydia explained.
"Most importantly, it is irreversible. Once all eleven of us sign – being yourself, the nine Jarls and the General – then this agreement cannot be broken until the terms of it being extinguished are met. Any moves to change the agreement will be treated as treasonous. And you know how we generally deal with traitors," Balgruuf continued.
"Is there anything about Skyrim being independent?" I wondered.
"No, sire. Skyrim will remain part of the Empire. The bonds between Cyrodiil, Skyrim and High Rock cannot be broken. We are united in our cause," Balgruuf replied.
"We will be receiving emissaries from the five Kingdoms of High Rock in the coming days, sir," Lydia added, "They are eager to meet with you and understand what you have planned."
"They're not going to try and crown me too, are they?" I asked, only half-joking.
"High Rock has a High King who is fit and well, sir."
"Well, that's something at least," I muttered, "Will we have to stand on ceremony regarding their arrival?"
"No. You are the pre-eminent ruler, Your Majesty. Though highlighting their arrival will certainly be in your favour."
"Okay, speak with the Council, see if we can organise some sort of event to recognise their arrival." Returning my attention to the Jarls, I announced, "I accept your proposal."
I could see the relief flood across the table. Even the General appeared rather pleased that I accepted. "When do you think you can return home and be crowned?" Balgruuf asked rather eagerly.
"As soon as possible. Of course, I have much to organise here, but I will despatch messages when I do intend on travelling. I won't leave it too short of notice. Now, is there anything else that you would like to discuss?"
"Your ideas in regards to the Thalmor," Jarl Siddgeir wondered, "We have heard plenty of rumours and stories about your… run-ins with them. If even half of those stories are true, then we could be looking at an enemy ready to invade again."
"I have plans for the Thalmor, though nothing that should concern you right now. I will be meeting with the Thalmor ambassador in the next few days and I have no doubt it will be an interesting conversation. But, at the moment, I cannot tell you too much. My rule is still very young and there are still a lot of details to organise. As soon as we have plans in place, all Jarls will be notified immediately."
There was little left to discuss, so we closed the meeting and adjourned to one of the dining halls, where a banquet was waiting for us. I held informal discussions with each Jarl about events in their Hold, though they made no demands of the Emperor. Yet. I knew that probably wouldn't last. After lunch, I escorted General Tullius to my private study so we could converse in peace.
"You have me intrigued as to your intentions for me, Your Majesty."
"You too?"
"It is recognition of your status, sir." He said those words with a smirk, unable to stop my own chuckle. "May I assume that you have something for me?"
"Skyrim no longer requires a Military Governor, particularly after the meeting this morning, so I need to find you a new role. I have something mind that I hope you will accept." He said nothing, so I continued. "I need a man in charge of all my imperial forces I can trust. Someone I can rely on. Someone I know can get the job done."
"What are you proposing, sir?"
"I want to create some sort of system where I can have a trusted advisor in charge of certain aspects of our society. And the first one I thought of was our military. I would like to promote you into a new position as the General of all Imperial Armed Forces. On land, at least. I have no desire to replace the current Lord Admiral of the Fleet, though I've yet to meet the man. I have been thinking of a title that you could hold. I am thinking… Field Marshal of the Imperial Army. How does that sound?"
I can see the news shocked him and it took a few moments for it to sink in. "I don't know what to say, sir."
"Say you'll accept."
An enormous grin formed. "Of course, I accept. Absolutely and without hesitation."
We shook hands, before I continued. "I have orders to be carried out immediately. There are a few of them, though my Chief of Staff already has them written down and they can be provided later."
"Yes, sir. But whatever you can tell me now will help get my thoughts in order."
"First, a recruitment drive. I want every able bodied person over the age of 14 to begin martial training. From 14 to 16, they are simply to train. From the age of 16, those who do not choose to serve full-time must be kept as part-time reserves."
"You're talking about full mobilisation?"
"Close enough to it. But I want everyone ready to fight. I won't call on everyone to take up arms, but it would be better if everyone could fight."
"That will mean coin."
"From the conversations I've had with my financial advisors, the economy has been recovering. We can afford to spend coin, as long as trade isn't interrupted. Second, I want rebuilding efforts of fortifications across the Empire, though only in those places where you believe we are weakest, and where the Thalmor may consider invasion. But we cannot allow an invading force free reign like the Great War. If we can't stop them at the border, then we stop them 5, 10, 15 kilometres in. And we make them bleed while doing it."
"That I can do, again as long as there is coin."
"Complete a survey first and return with news of where you think is best. I will trust your judgement, as much as you have trusted mine over time. So, to clarify, the trust is full and unwavering. Third, I would like your input on who I will appoint as Generals of the Armies within Cyrodiil, Skyrim and High Rock. I don't want an overbearing armed presence in any of the provinces, but with the rebuilding of forts, I want the people to feel protected, to know there are armies nearby who will fight off the enemy, or even deal with mercenaries and bandits. Sometimes we can't leave such things up to just the town guard."
"I will submit a list of candidates as soon as possible, sir."
"Four, you are aware of what I've proposed with Delphine?"
"A fine idea, sir. I am surprised you brought her in from the cold, though."
"I need the best around me. If I allow hubris to overcome me, then my rule will collapse quickly. I must know my own limitations as a ruler. What I would like regarding Delphine and her project is for you to work closely with her, and select candidates from the armies you know well to join the 'Claws'."
"If I may be so bold, sir, just between us… What is your intention with them? A spy network is easy to figure out, but I have a thought that the 'Claws' will be as they are named."
I couldn't help the smirk. Tullius was a smart man. "You are exactly right, Marcus." He smiled at the use of his first name. "I may ask them to do certain things I would feel… uncomfortable doing myself." He nodded, understanding what I was saying, without it needing to be said. "But we have enemies inside and outside our borders. And sometimes those enemies cannot be taken down by an entire army. My 'Eyes' will be about gathering information. My 'Claws' will be to eliminate threats, particularly those unseen."
"You don't have political opponents being Emperor, but you may have…"
I held up a hand. "That is why I will keep people like you as my advisors. If I were to ever exceed my authority, then I think even my wife would put me in my place. Being Emperor is not some God given right. In many ways, I have earned my place here, but I also know the blood that flows through my veins has helped too. I like to think I'm an ordinary man, in some ways with just extraordinarily lucky. So I can only hope being sat on that throne won't go to my head. If it does, I want you to put me down."
"That is quite the order, sir."
"But one I would hope you would follow through on. I wouldn't want to hear my rule being similar to some of those I've read previously. I'm no Tiber Septim, would never claim to be. But I would like to be remembered as a just and fair ruler."
He held out his hand. Accepting the offer, he said, "I hope I never have to do it, but I will follow your orders, sir." Once sat back, he asked, "Any other orders?"
"Not at the moment, but I have some fine Colovian brandy to seal our agreement. Would you care for a drink and an afternoon chat with your Emperor?"
He was delighted by that idea and we departed my study a long time later, both of us very worse for wear.
"I look forward to a good working relationship with the new Emperor," the High King of High Rock stated as we shook hands a final time.
"I feel the same way. All three provinces are important to me. Rest assured, this Emperor will not forget about any of his people."
"One last thing before I go and it's a question I have been meaning to ask since I arrived. I'll be honest and admit it's taken this long to build up the courage to ask."
"Ask and I may have an answer."
"You are Dragonborn. The blood of the old Septims flows through your veins. I know you are of no relation to them, but what about the dragons? They haven't disappeared so where are they?"
"Living in peace, left alone by man, or that is the hope. They are noble beasts, and I could not kill those of the same blood simply because they are misunderstood, or that history insisted were evil personified. It is a very long story, but rest assured, they pose no threat to man."
"I've heard they have even come to your aid…"
I smiled. "You are well informed."
"All rulers must be."
I nodded. "Yes, they have come to my aid before. And they may come to our aid again."
"Our aid?" He paused, before adding, "Ah, the Thalmor. Yes, when the call comes, it will be answered, Your Majesty. The Bretons have long memories. Thousands of our brethren died fighting them. They almost brought ruination to the Empire as a whole. It is almost unforgivable."
We walked down the stairs to his waiting carriage, where we shook hands again. "It pleases me to know that I have your support when the call comes."
"High Rock has stood by the Imperial throne for generations. We have no intention of changing that." And, with those final words, he bade farewell and I watched as his carriage disappeared through the nearby gates.
The other four rulers of the Five Kingdoms had already disappeared. For once, there was no internal strife within High Rock, and the meetings between us had taken place in relative calm. They mostly wanted assurances about their security, feeling that the previous Emperor, or Emperor's, had done little to reassure them. So I asked Field Marshal Tullius to sit in one of our meetings and the sense of relief that swept across the table once he outlined our plans was palpable, and I had five delighted rulers by the end.
That meant, for the time being, the Jarls and Kings of Skyrim and High Rock respectively were relatively happy. But I still hadn't really got to know the rulers of Cyrodiil. They had been present at my coronation, and I had moments to discuss issues with them over the next couple of days, but I had not held a formal summit like I had with the other provinces.
"Do you think I should?" I asked Lydia the next morning.
"What do you think you'll get out of such a meeting?" Serana wondered.
"Well, I don't really know them. I've gained an understanding of the Jarls of Skyrim and Kings of High Rock. As for the nobles of Cyrodiil, I don't really know them. Sure, I've heard and read rumours about what they're like but they could be completely different in real life."
"Why not a tour of the regions?" Lydia suggested.
I scratched my trimmed beard. "That's actually not a bad idea. Though do you think we could do it relatively incognito? I don't want a big song and dance act everywhere we go."
"The people may want to see you, though," Serana countered, "And you have said you would like to be a visible Emperor. Or as visible as your position allows."
I spoke with Delphine about security later in the day, replying that the people, in general, were happy with my rule thus far, so apart from the usual security measures, she had no problem with the idea. Discussing the idea with my advisors the next day, it was agreed that I would travel to Skyrim first, to be crowned High King, before returning to Cyrodiil where I would then embark on a tour of the major cities and regions of the province.
Departing Cyrodiil for Skyrim a fortnight later, I was joined by Serana, naturally, plus Lydia and Aela, while Delphine led a small contingent of personal guard. There was talk we would travel by coach, but I said I would travel by horseback with the men. Delphine was a little concerned, but she said the men appreciated the fact I would ride with them, and during our journey, I spent a lot of time chatting and getting to know them. We had to camp overnight in the mountains, and while I wasn't expecting to spend time on watch, I sat with the rest around the campfire, drinking a bottle of ale and listening to their stories.
Passing Falkreath the next day, we stopped and asked if Jarl Siddgeir had already departed for Whiterun. The local town guard were shocked at the arrival of the Emperor and his retinue, almost falling over themselves to help us, before they finally replied that the Jarl had departed the previous day.
We rode hard and fast for Whiterun, though our arrival in Skyrim hadn't gone unnoticed, as crowds had started to form on the road towards the city. Thankfully they kept back and let us pass, but there was plenty of shouting and waving as we passed, and I eventually signalled for us to slow a bit so we could take in the reaction. By the time we reached Whiterun itself, the crowds were enormous, assuming people had come from far and wide to see the uniting of the crown.
Stabling our horses, the town guard did their best to keep the people back, but I recognised plenty of faces once we passed through the city gates, and I made sure to greet those I remembered fondly. Adrienne at the forge. Hulda and Saadia outside the inn. Reaching Jorrvaskr, I searched out for Farkas and Vilkas, embracing them as soon as we saw each other. Finally, there was Heimskr, still in position near his Shrine of Talos.
"Your Majesty," he said reverently as we clasped hands.
"Are you well, Heimskr?"
"I am, Your Majesty."
"Please, Heimskr. Call me by my name."
The old man smiled. "Of course, Dragonborn."
I dug a gold coin out of my pouch and pressed it into his palm, closing his fingers around it. "Never stop preaching the word of our god, Heimskr. One day, you will be able to do it in safety, never having to worry about the Thalmor again."
"I don't care about them now, Dragonborn. They can't stop the spread of the good word."
"The Jarl is under orders to ensure your safety. If you're ever concerned, let him know and he'll make sure you're okay."
"You have my thanks, Dragonborn. You enjoy a good coronation now."
I chuckled lightly. "I will, Heimskr. And I hope I prove to be a good High King and Emperor."
"You will, Dragonborn. The gods have spoken to me. We will be just fine. If the gods are on our side, then we cannot fail."
Ascending the stairs, it was the now customary entrance. Even an Emperor had to wait for the three knocks before the doors opened. Dragonsreach was packed the rafters, no space for anyone else to stand, as I walked forward, hand in hand with my wife. There was loud applause as I entered, having to remember that this was Skyrim, not Cyrodiil, and things were a little bit different. The nine Jarls of Skyrim were waiting where Balgruuf's throne sat empty. After shaking hands with each of them, I was then instructed to take the throne, as it would be a symbol of my authority.
The coronation was almost the same as becoming Emperor. However, when it came to receiving the crown itself, it was Jarl Elisif who placed the Jagged Crown on my head, the symbol of it's passing from the Jarl of Solitude to the Imperial Seat in Cyrodiil. Breaking all convention, I then rose and embraced her, whispering my thanks in her ear for the gesture. She replied that it was simply the right thing to do.
Celebrating afterwards was a real reminder that I was home. Gone was the stuffy dining hall of the Imperial Court. Once the crowds had dispersed, proving once again to be accessible as I greeted as many of them as I could, three large tables were situated near the fire, seats placed around the tables, platters of meat, fruit and vegetables, bread, cakes and bottles of alcohol were served, and soon the sound of conversation and loud laughter echoed around the great hall.
"How are you finding ruling an Empire, Your Majesty?" Balgruuf finally asked.
I gave him a look. "Seriously, you too?"
Serana burst into giggles beside me, before leaning across me to reply. "He's still complaining, Balgruuf. Maybe he'll learn eventually to accept it."
"I'm sure the Emperor will grow into his role, Your Highness. But I must say you are looking well too. Imperial Court life is treating you well?"
"It's not like adventuring across Skyrim, but I certainly can't complain. It's just a different lifestyle now."
"Is Breezehome a museum?" I wondered.
The Jarl burst into laughter before replying, "Of course it is! Home of the Dragonborn, now the Emperor. What a story that is!"
I glanced at my wife. "I do miss that old bed. Lot of memories."
Balgruuf laughed even louder while making Serana blush made me laugh. "Tease," she mumbled.
"You're welcome to spend the night there if you wish," Balgruuf offered.
I looked at Serana, raising an eyebrow. She smiled and nodded. "Very good. I'm sure Delphine can organise the security, though I think we can all be assured no-one would even think of doing something stupid. I'm not sure who's more popular in town, you or me?" Balgruuf wondered.
It was very late by the time we departed the great hall. Most of the other Jarls had departed much earlier, so it was only Balgruuf to see us off. It was probably the drink but, when we embraced, I almost shed a tear, as I knew that he being a large part of my life was now over. I think he sensed my mood, leaning back and clasping me on the shoulder. "I'm proud of you," he said quietly.
I tried to reply, but words failed me for a moment. Instead, I stood back and held out a hand, his two clasping my own. "Thank you for everything, my friend," I finally managed to say.
"Like you always told me, you will never have to thank me for anything… Ragnar." As I smiled, he added, "I will be at the wall tomorrow to see you off. I know you have an Empire to run."
Releasing my hand, he bade me farewell before I turned and, clasping the hand of Serana, we headed down to Breezehome, escorted by a pair of 'the Claw'. They took position outside, keeping watch, as Serana and I entered our old home, the fire having already been prepared, heading upstairs to see nothing had actually changed. Sensing my mood, Serana simply wrapped her arms around me as we stood in our old bedroom, holding each other in silence.