Chapter 30: City Check-Up: Farmer’s City

One Day Later; Farmer's City....

Count Rodger sat at his desk in his Manor going over the city's recent problems. With the Queen arriving soon he could not figure out what to do about the lack of crop growth. "Count Rodger the Queen is here." Chancellor Timo steps aside as Queen Ranessa enters the room. "What's with that look on your face?" She asked walking over and sitting on his sofa. "Your Majesty. I do apologize for not giving a proper greeting." He stands and bows low before sitting down again. "Timo, give these to the Queen." He says handing over the papers for her to take a look. After a while she fianlly lowered it, "this is quite a problem. I will need to have a look at the crop farms." She says returning the papers. Even though they were alright with food, they are not able to grow anything and sell it. They can't even feed any of the farm animals if they aren't able to grow anything. Once they are out of the provisions the Queen has already provided, then they would be out of luck.

"What are you thinking? It doesn't look like a good thought, Count Rodger." She says turning and leaving his study. She pauses at the door and glances back, "well, aren't you coming?" She asked. Honestly he was hoping that she was going to bring that beautiful woman with the blonde locks and blue eyes. It's too bad. Not that the Queen wasn't a beauty, but he knew that ship was sunk already. No point in fantasizing about someone who was hard to reach. He stands and quickly follows her out his study. "Let's head to the first crop farm." She says. They took a carriage to the nearest farm from the manor. An elderly woman and her son stood at the door looking stressed. Count Rodger was the first out of the carriage as he made his way over, "Count, I'm so glad you're here! This is really not looking good at all." Miss Emily Redmond bows her head a bit.

"Good day, Miss Emily." He says as Queen Ranessa steps from the carriage. The two suddenly stooped to a low bow, "Your Majesty." Emily says, not lifting her head. "So, your name is Emily? Please rise." I say as I glanced about. "We came to have a look at your farm it's to my understanding that nothing is growing." I wait as Miss Emily stood before leading me around the cabin to where the farm was. I walked over to have a closer look at the dirt. It was fine and I could tell it was the most fertile. "What crop are you trying to grow?" I asked walking over to the end of each patch. "We grow foue crops on this farm. Onion, bellpeppers, cucumber, and strawberry." She answers. I nod in understanding. Even though it wasn't the right season for the crops, with just a bit of magic they shoud have grown. Something was not here and it was not as simple as it looked. Perhaps I need to look deeper?

"Hey, young man, do me a favor and bring a shovel over here." Ranessa says. Even with her ability to see through most anything, there was something blocking her abitlites, she directs him to dig the ground up a bit. After a few minutes, she knew what she thought was correct. Seeing that there were indeed some roots here that only meant one thing. "Strange. It's not like your crops aren't groing. I'll need to check the other farms to see if they are having the same problems." I mutter as I make my way back around to my carriage. "Whatever is going on, there's no doubt that I can't get to the bottom of this." I say. One thing is for certain, those crops grew. And that alone was a mystery.

I sat in my seat and Count rodger kept peeking over at me,"Count. What is it you need to say?" I asked. Count Rodger quickly looks forward, "sorry, Your Majesty. It's just that you found there was something more to what was happening. So I thought. "This is why. This is why she is the Queen." Is all." He explains. Well, I'm happy to hear such praise, but I think I can do much better. If those from other kingdoms saw me now, they would just find ways to make it look worse. That thought didn't bother me. What bothered me the most was how hard it will be to rebuild my other cities and bring in more citizens because of their rumors. I still lack servants in the palace and other chancellors just as good as Lexor so that he can take a breather every now again.

Even now he was out looking for more people to live in Majesy City. Just as I thought, all the crop farms were having the same problem as the other one. "I have one conclusion, but you won't like it." I say as we gathered back at Count Rodger's manor. Miss Emily, Lady Fringe, Sir Timothy, Sir Emick, and more sat together in a meeting room. "What could it be? To think are crops were stolen this entire time." Miss Emily says her voice breaking. "I agree, who could be so brave?" Sir Emick asked with an angry expression. I agree, who on Earth could be so brave? "Well, I think who ever it is can be caught tonight. So far, we have two more crop farms that have not been attacked yet." I start explaining the plan to them. My bets were on something that only came at night, how else would it explain how easily the crops were stolen?