The men take us to a barn house. Inside was a injured man who I assume was Jamie. Iris rushed to his side to look him over. He looked up at her the way her James does. "an sin tha mo fhlùr brèagha. Bha mi a 'tòiseachadh a' cur dragh ort gun do dhìochuimhnich thu mi." He spoke in his language. She chuckles "Cha chreid mi gum b 'urrainn dhomh athair mo phàiste a dhìochuimhneachadh." She said before looking at the white beard men. "I need alcohol" she said and one of the others hand it to her. "Jamie you need to drink this." He nods and took a drink. She then resets his arm. "I need cloth to make a sling." The large Scott hand her some white cloth. "Help me sit him up please Rupert you to Angus." The men nod and do so. Iris then gently wraps his arm in a sling. "Should heal in time but no more pissing off the horses." She said making him laugh. "Yes ma lady I will keep that in mind." He was like the man I met when Frank and I came to Scotland. The two seemed close but how is this possible. "Do you not feel bad for James?" I said yanking her away making her shreak. The men drew their swords at me. "Ye let her go lass. She is worried about James. That is why she tends to him" the white beard one said. "Now let her go before I run you threw." I released her and she placed her hand on the sword. "This is my sister Clair." She said calmly. "You mean the daughter of the sorry bastards that stole you from ye crib. She was just a bairn. How dare they take such a sweet lass. Its a good thing home called to her. She found her way back to her kinsmen. " The one known as Angus said proudly. "Lets not dwell on this we need to move or the British will find us."  Iris said making them think calmly again. I rode with Robert while she rode with Jamie. It was a long cold journey but we made it to Castle Leoch. From here it will only worsen for me.