Things were going rather slow. Clair has tried apologizing to Iris ,but being a stubborn mule she won't listen. She has tried talking to Jamie and he says give her time to come around. "Sassanach you hurt her with your words. She told me and knows your sorry, It just doesn't change what happened." He said calmly before leaving her. She sighs before going to make medicine for some of the residents.
Jamie pov
"flùr milis tha do phiuthar a 'cur dragh ort." I said helping her carry water buckets.
(Sweet flower your sister worries about you)
"tha sinn air a bhith thairis air an seo. Tha fios agam gu bheil i duilich, ach chan urrainn dhomh bruidhinn rithe an-dràsta. bha na thuirt i ceàrr." She said annoyed.
(we have been over this. I know she is sorry, but I can't talk to her right now. what she said was wrong.)
"bu chòir dhut bruidhinn rithe. Bheireadh e beagan fois inntinn dhomh. Bhiodh e cuideachd ga cumail bho bhith a 'cur dragh orm."
I said before leaving her to help the cooks.
(you should go talk to her. It would give me some peace of mind. It would also keep her from bothering me.)
I could tell she would think about it. I felt her watch me walk away.
Iris pov
While I was sorting clothes Clair came in my room. "Iris can we please talk?" She asked it sounded like a scolded child. "Come in shut the door. Your letting the warm air out. Jamie likes coming into a warm bed chamber." I said still folding clothes. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was frustrated about all this. I took it out on you. I shouldn't have done that. You are stressed as is, you don't need more. I always stood up to frank. He never liked you Iris and I never knew why. " she said helping me. "He sees me as everyone did. I am a bastard and a stain on you. He said so to me the day we met. He doesn't like anything that can't help him Clair. He struck me thats why I left the celebration of your wedding. I didn't want to make a fuss. I made as much distance as I could. He loves you without a doubt, but you could have done better." I said placing Jamie's clothes in a trunk. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have made him apologize." She said shocked her perfect husband wasn't perfect. "I didn't want a fake apology Clair. I want you to let it go ok. I am trying to get you to the stones. You need to go soon. Before you say anything, I can't follow you. This child is from a man in this time. I can't leave him nor bring him with us. " I said before walking to the door. "The James in our time...Did you even love him?" She asked here we go trying to guilt me. "I still do ,but when I came here.... I did what I had to." I said leaving the room to ready a warm bath for Jamie. In the next few days we will be heading out. "Lady Iris lord Calum wants to speak with you." One of the maids said. I nod and head to Calum's study. "Iris can I help you?" He asked confused. I was about to answer when I heard scream.