Helping Jenny around the house, It made me feel better. Ian tells me stories of when Jamie and him were kids. In honesty I almost forgot why my heart hurt. That was till Clair and him shown up. When Jamie saw me he pinned me to the wall. "You ever threaten my wife again. I will make you wish you were never born." He growled I chuckled. "Wife your married? Where is the lucky lady?" I sneer only making his grip tighter. "You kill me and my son will hate you." I said gasping. He slapped me befor walking away. I guess Clair wanted me to look at her, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. Jenny came out and was yellin at Jamie. "Its bad enough your family took her from her crib. Now you steal a boy's father and her rightful husband. Thievery must run deep if you feel no shame. She told me that it was arranged to keep you safe. You could act a little me resident to him. I guess whoring is in there too." She said before helping me inside. We all sat around talking. Clair would try and talk to me but I ignore her. That was till I hear my son cry. "Excuse me MY son needs attending." walking into my room to see what is the matter. It took him seeing me to quiet down. "Is that all it took young man. You just wanted your mother." I said rocking him.