It was Friday again, and Adrien went to the market again. He was waiting for her more impatiently than usual because after last morning, he had taken even more courage.

He would have declared himself, even if he didn't take it too seriously. He knew he was thaking a big risk, but he didn't care. Now he knew what color his life was.

There she is, in the fabric of an old merchant. She smiled.

What was he afraid of? That was Adrien. He could win anyone over with his charm.

<< Can I have a minute?>>

The girl got a little bit of a glow in the colored fabrics, the smiling face of the boy she spoke to last Friday.

<< What the...>> She was surprised by that brazen, she wasn't used to that confidence with a stranger.

<< Come with me.>> He put his hand and waited to receive her.

She looked him suspiciously, but screw, she could have trusted that gentle smile, for once she could feel free and make a fool of it.

Even though running from the building she was crazy enough for a princess.

She put her delicated hand, covered by a white lace glove on the boy's palm and let him get away from the crowd.

Before he left the market, he stole a rose and as soon as he arrived at the fountain of the Concordia square, he sat her on the edge and kneeled in front of her by offering him the flower. She blushed but smiled. She looked around embarrassed.

What was that crazy young man doing?

<< I have been praying for two months to receive your look, a touch of your hand and, forgive me, but also to be held by your arms. >> Said energy and positive.

<< Now that you're giving me this precious moment, I want it to be among your most important ones, because of mine it's already the most intense.

Please make me smile, make me happy, because I've spent whole days loving you without being able to tell you, and now that I'm talking about it, I realize how the words are unstable, like clouds when the wind blows, but I don't want them to go anywhere, without having the importance they deserve, I want them to be to you as a voice that guides you in the dark, that makes you happy. >> He stood up to sit next to her. She seemed to paint a little, even though she smiled at that funny way, unusual way of declaring herself.

Deep down, he never received a declaration of love, but she didn't think they could be so cheerful and bring so good mood.

<< I'm here to ask you to sit with me on the roof of the world and watch him spin, make sure that concerns can't touch us, that it's just you two, I ask you to stay in my soul, because you've already gone all the way and changed the world. I ask you to never stop looking at me or touch me, make this a special, important story, and I swear to you that I will treat your heart like it's diamond. And then, m'lady, I ask you to kiss me, try to imagine doing it for the rest of your days. You'd make me so happy. >> Exorbed it by making it even red on her face.

A music from a distance started playing and walking away closer.

They realized that a street artist, with his violin, came close to them to give the young lover a hand. They laughed and Adrien gave a nod of gratitude to the man.

<< See? This is a sign of fate. You must smile at this love and come closer to me. >>

The girl shook her head amused. She was delighted by her positive and his way of making so safe and sunny.

It was awfully romantic.

She felt like she was living in one of the novels she used to read.

<< let's not think about tomorrow, if it scares you, let's think about now, with this deep feeling we could live forever. Look at me, m'lady, I'm going crazy. Those eyes will send me to the asylum and that smile, if it's not for me, at the cemetery. You must save me, m'lady. >> Smiled with clever. He was a great flatterer, Bruno always told him.

<< I... >>

The girl was fun and happy, she really appreciated the spontaneness of that declaration, but she couldn't really return those feelings. She couldn't afford it.

She brought the rose under her nose to smell the delicate perfume, then she held it to the chest under the hopeful look of Adrien, who, still by his side, was waiting for an answer.

When she opened her eyes, she saw her Lady Renée waving to her and had to come back to reality. He had to go back to the palace.

<< I'm sorry, I really have to go. >> She got up fast but he was faster than her by taking her wrist.

<< Will I see you again on Friday?>> Says with beggar eyes.

Yeah, she would been looking for him from next Friday. She smiled nodding.

<< I'll wait for you in front of the florist. >>

He smiled happy for that answer and, satisfied, he kissed her hand before he let her go.

What was going on with her? Why couldn't she stop smiling?

The musician broke off the slide, greeted the boy who thanked him after he had a warm good luck and went back to play for begging.

Adrien, when he walked by, he left him some money.

He was in a good mood.

He didn't expect to jump into his arms, deep down she was a respectable noblewoman, and he was a victory already to see her smile so much and make her say they'd see each other again.


That afternoon they had organized an assault a prince's carriage set up to Paris to marry the princess.

It was all thoroughly studied so, apart from the usual difficulties, they were able to rob him.

It was dinner time by now, and they were all in the usual cellar that kept them hidden.

<< Bruno, pass me the bread. >> Screaming David, the muscle of the group.

<< Adrien, hand him over. You're closer. >> Battled the boy. <>

She slapped him light on the back of the head to wake him up from his open eyes dream.

<< Hey! >> turned to his friend complaining and caressing the affected part.

<< We lost him, boys! >> Rise Edgard.

<> Continued David.

<< Is it still her? >> Curious Clovis, the tow.

<< But I saw you coming up to the room with Agnés last night. >> Gabriel interfered, the smart one who helped him in the plans.

<< Well, everyone would be fucking her. >> Bruno justified it.

<< Boys stop it.>> He accused them exasperated.

I'll blame them for a little bit. He loved those kids, but they were intrusive.

<> Insisted David.

Adrien blew, but then his face light up because of a huge smile that made everyone perplexed and even more curious.

<< I declared myself to her this morning. >>

<< But you spoke to her only once! >> Said he burst into laughing Bruno and drinking a big sip of wine.

<< So? >> He was still smiling.

<< You'll finally know her name. >>

He didn't fucking ask her.

From his face, everyone understood and laughed.

<< How could you forget to ask her? >> Edgard made fun of him.

<< You don't understand, when she look at me with those eyes, I... >> Said dreaming.

<< Incoming queen bee! >> Warned with a Bruno whisper by making everyone laugh. Even Adrien, who wasn't particularly nice about that girl, but she died behind him, and she was beautiful and always there.

<< Coline >> Some of them said hi to her.

She went right down near Adrien who forced himself to smile at her. He should have been nice to her, if they could use that inn for their own findings, it was also because the owner was the father and would do anything to see her daughter happy.

<< Adrien! >>

He felt watched by all his comrades who were struggling to hide the laughter.

<< Hi, Coline >>


<< You were seen in the square today, Adrien. >>

Elise came to their table. She was a girl, Coline's cousin, totally different from the latter.

Everyone turned to Gérard, the silent, private boy, who had a crush on the girl. Then again the attention went back to the blond.

Coline, sitting on him, looked at him badly and eager to hear his apology.

<< Oh well, I'm almost always in sweet company. >> He justified himself as he slowly caressed the blonde's side of him. He knew how to keep her quiet.

<< But this time it's different, isn't it? >>

He cursed Clovis. Coline got tightened up again.

<> Churches with a ringing voice.

<< Doesn't know. >> He laughed Bruno by making the whole table laugh, including Adrien. He was true, he said he loved her, but he didn't know who she was, and that morning he didn't even ask her name.

<< You're such an asshole. >> Righted his friend by pushing his side.

<< What do you mean you don't know? >> He asked for the girl, and more annoyed.

<< I don't know his

name.>> Said, before approach his lips to her ear and whisper a sensual << I never repeated it among orgasms, like yours, Coline. >>

The girl blushed, even because of the blond's hand who now caressed her thigh from above her white dress.

He calmed her down again. More wine was satisfied.


mess! >>

Yvonne came in, another girl who served the tables. He had sex with her, too, and then he realized she was talking to us better than she was fucking us and became very close.

Everyone rejoiced and filled the dishes.

They laughed and joked, talked about the next blow, happy to be able to help other people with all the money they made that afternoon.

That prince was a godsend.

Coline had tobacco to the boy who, looking in her eyes, pulled his mouth off his fingers, caressed them with his lips. The blonde was overrun by the groaning. That boy would melt her into a pool of pleasure, whatever he did.

He lit her cigarette and started smoking, watching the girl thought it was nice and sensual. Those lips around the filter wanted them on themselves as soon as possible.

Everyone laughed and joked, he noticed the way the blonde in his arms looked at him with lust and desire. Adrien smiled arrogant, he layed her elbow at the table, he went on a plate and pretended to study her cigarette, with his other hand stroked the inside of the young man's thigh, when he touched her in the middle, he put more pressure, that dress was in the way. Coline whispered but smiled satisfied. She couldn't take her eyes off him. The gently linear jaw, the cigarette between the lips that were moved for game with the tip of the tongue, the precise nose, the green eyes and the long eyelashes. That kid was perfect. She saw him take over the tobacco tube again.

<> He told the women who were keeping him company. It intensified the movements of the hand even more. The girl ran away a singult of pleasure. She saw him smile satisfied.

<< What song? >> Elise asked.

<< Any one. >> She decided to take the cigarette in the empty plate.

It took a while to choose, but then they started singing.

So, everyone drunk accompanied the girls' voices, everyone except Coline holding his moaning.

Adrien heard her fingers sneaking into her hair, her head, and pulling it off her head. He also smiled at how much he was concentrating so he wouldn't let it know what was going on under the table, to calm down the involuntary movements of the pelvis that went against the hand, demanding more. He knew he was an asshole, but he didn't stop when she came in with more wine. In fact, she had also looked malicious and swore to see us envy to her daughter in her eyes, but the boy would never take away a married woman, not if her husband had proven so kind and hospitable to them.

<< Adrien... >> It was a plea, a moan choked in his ear.

The girl couldn't stand it anymore.

<< Come on, honey. >> He got her up and followed her up, greeted her friends quickly and walked away from there with her arm that was waving the life of her conquest.

They came to the young man's room and once they closed the door behind them, they started kissing with a fire. They took off quickly.

Adrien waited her down on the bed, he lay top on her.