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<> Adrien entered in the room wearing only pants and a shirt still in his hand.

He'd heard the boy talk in a tangled way from behind the door.

<< We received the tip from the usual spy. The princess will be attending the theatrical show. >>

Funny, Adrien thought, Princess Antoinette never showed up too much by the people, probably her father feared for her safety, there are rumors about her unusual beauty, even that she was envyed by Notre Dame, that's why gargoyles and all those frozen saints. It was said that before her birth, the statues guarding of the cathedral were beautiful angels and that biblical representations smiled.

Stupid stories to keep the people good and show the magnificence of the royal family.

Adrien knew who was the only one who could have such beauty and wasn't the princess and would never see her again.

He shook his head back to reality.

<< Why show up now? And why would that change our plan? >> Gèrard asked.

<< For Prince Luka. She can't not be by his side. >> Adrien answered.

<< Right. But here's the thing. Guys, the princess asked to be escorted to the Versailles' palace after the theater. >>

<< So instead of targeting the guests who will reach Paris... >> Bruno began.

<< We'll attack the princess's carriage directly! >> Exorbed by Clovis.

<< She'll have to be dressed at a party, she'll have to be noticed, she'll have so much jewelry on her... >>

<< It'll be more dangerous. >> Adrien interrupted them.

He had a watertight in his mouth to think he could even get his hands on a princess's caliber necklace, but they had to be extremely careful.

She would have had more guards than her cousin who came to keep her company for a few days.

<< We have also solved this problem. >> Said Gabriel satisfied himself. << Nobody has been told, because of fear of our attack, so they do not expect great danger. They don't know who the spy is. There'll be few royal guards, and some of the best. But we can handle with the surprise effect. >>

<< It has to be easy and clean. >> Specified Adrien.

<< Just keep it in your pants. >> David joked by blowing everyone in a big laugh. He laughed at it too before he imitated a face of offence.

<< You're despicable. I would never approach to our sweet, innocent princess... not without her will. I'd almost have to.>>

He went back to laugh with his comrades.

<< You think she's sweet and innocent? I think she has spoilets. Otherwise, her father wouldn't keep her locked up. >> Says less seriusly Bruno.

<< Well, in that case, I'll let you know in the morning. >> He still played the blond.

<< Listen him braging. Only yesterday he was breaking our balls with the woman's market, and now even the princess would do it.>> David pranked him again, joking around.

<< Oh well, you have nothing to worry about it. Just this morning, she told me she was engaged. >> He turned his back on and tried not to lose the hilarity of that moment. He probably wasn't very convinced.

Everyone was really sorry about their friend, and info was joking about us, but they knew how much he really fall for that woman.

<< Sorry, man. >> On behalf of all, Gèrard, he patched him on the shoulder.

<< I'll deal with it. >> Sighed before he stretched a new smile.

<< Let's start getting ready. >> He broke the silence. He was supposed to incite his boys. This would have been the stroke of the century. They could have helped so many people! He was excited.

In the orphanage at the end of the road, there were two girls who needed him and if they hadn't taken some medicine, maybe the contagion would have been devastating.

<< Then Bruno and I will go to the theater, when the opera will be finished, we will join you. So we'll know when to be ready.>>


He wore his usual black jacket and squeezed the little rope in a knot to make sure he was covered up to his throat, the pants, black as the shirt, the boots of the same color and finally tied his sword belt to life. Before he left the room, he put in an inside pocket of his shirt, that he specially sewed, the usual dark mask, took the black cape and headed to Bruno.

<< The others? >> Asked by looking around.

<< They've already gone to positioning. We have to go. The show must be already started. >>

<< It was a shame. Maybe the story was interesting. >> He joked pretending to be serious while following his friend in the dark streets of Paris.

They arrived at the entrance to the actors-reserved theater, usually the least-guarded part.

<< There's only one guard. >> Bruno informed him.

<< Do we need to distract her. >>

<< I got it. >>

He approached the man in uniform and drew his attention to the back.

<< I'm sorry, my sister's performing at the theater tonight, she kept me a private place in the audience, but I wish I could surprise her first. Could Icome by here to... >>

<< Do you have a ticket with you? >> Asked hard.

Bruno saw Adrien sneak in.

<< But they have my name at the entrance. If you don't trust me, you can go ask them. >>

Adrien started looking around trying to figure out how to get undisturbed where he could see the princess's movements.

<< Who are you? >>

He turned and saw a woman with red hair like fire and dressed up in a scene watching him frowned.

He couldn't get caught now.

<< I'm your fan, madame. >> After he kissed her hand, he approached her, and he grabbed her for waist with his arm, and with his other hand, he mimiced the silence with the index that touched her makeup lips. He brought his face so close to her and pressed her against his chest.

<< It's a pleasure to be so on your back. >> He sighed on her lips.

<< You... >>

<< I snuck in so I could see you. I was wavering to have you... in front your eyes. Don't send me away, please. Seeing you acting is a dream for me. >>

She was completely lost in his eyes and liquefied in his arms.

The young man slipped his finger from her lip to her chin, until supporting his hand on his chest tieded by her corset.

<< You're agitated, madame? Is there anything I can do for you? >>

Bruno managed to get in and when he saw the scene, he stopped unbelievable. That boy was hopeless.

He certainly got caught.

<< I can feel your heart beating so fast and strong. >>

<< Excuse me? >> Bruno interrupted by interrupting the friend's play.

The actress seemed to be struggling back on the ground.

<< He's my friend. I was afraid of the emotion would be too much. >> Smiled.

How could he always get into this?

That's when the guard came in searching for Bruno, he came up to them with a threat.

<< They're with me, they can stay. >> said the actress to calm the armed man.

<< See? >> Had a smile Bruno to the guard who was going away in the meantime.

<< Thank you, Madame, how can I repay you? >> Adrien squeezed her again and her prosperous breast pressed against his chest.

Bruno shook his head off. He waited with his arms crossed to his chest.

The woman approached her lips painted in the ear of the blond to whisper sensual, << We'll think about it at the end of the show. >> Then she left.

<< I don't have words. >> Bruno got closer and Adrien smiled and raise his shoulder up.

<< What can I do? Talking to women is a gift. >>

They managed to get to the stage and the playhouse in a hidden corner of the theater.

<< You see her? >> Friend bruno pointed out to him the central and highest place where the princess sat with the whole royal family.

He could only see the brunette crown harvested in a fancy hairdress because she was turned to speak to Prince Luka sitting next to her.

He was really curious to see her face.

That black hair was already a hard blow to his tormented heart.