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<< I want to make you mine. Now. >> He panted end kissed her with more severe.

<< If they come back now... >> She tried to desist but he mozzled her speech by blocking her tongue with his own.

<< Let's go to the room. >>

<< Bernadette would look for me. >>

<< Princess, I'm freaking out at the memory of our moment. I need to hear you again. >> He press more against her.

The woman brought her slim fingers into his hair as soon as she heard his kisses move to the niveo neck. She sighed.

To keep them away, only his arms stretched out, forming a bridge between his armrests.

<< Say my name. Moan it like you did last night. >> He panted on her chest.

<< Please... >>

He didn't know if her begging came from the need to have him on her or from the hindsight of keep him away.

They heard the steps behind the door and tried to redial. Adrien stood by the window.

<< But those are Maccarons! >> Bernadette's festive voice surprised everyone. The woman approached the box and took one for herself and one for the other boy.

<< Where did we keep them? > Bruno asked.

<< I bought them this afternoon. >> He said it slowly.

<< Princess, you love macarons. >> the happy lady noted.

<< That was a nice gesture. >> The real recognized.

Antoinette and Adrien smiled at each other by sharing a fleeting look.

<< Bernadette, I'm tired, I want to change and go to bed. >> She got out of the sofà.

<< Come on. >> She took her under her arm and went in the night room.

While helping her friend prepare for the night, she was just smiling.

<< What are you smiling about? >> She asked curious.

<< I'll spend the night with Bru...with the other guy. >> She became red.

<< How?! But you barely know him! >>

She knew she was hypocritical, but she had to pretend until the end.

<< He expressed his feelings and I reciprocate. In reality we have known each other a long time. >> She took the guilty look.

Antoinette turned to her friend.

<< What do you mean? >> She looked at her with mistrust.

<< They helped my aunt at a time that... >> She started torturing her fingers for nervous.

The princess, seeing her lady's behavior, could understand what she was hiding those days.

<< You're the one who ratted me out! >>

Bernadette burst crying and collapsed on the ground, on her knees.

<< Forgive me. I know you trusted me, that you thought I was your friend, but I... I needed them to help my family. >> She sobed.

The princess took pity on that vision.

In the end, all she had to do was thank her because of that tip she found a way to be with the guy of the market.

She approached her and put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

<< I'm not angry, nor disappointed in you. Now go to him. Come on. >> She lifted her face and smiled at her gently. They grew up together and she understood the heavines of the guilt that Bernadette felt on, but she didn't have to, everyone would want to help their family.

Bernadette got up and squeezed her hard in a hug.

<< I'm sorry I put you in this mess. >> She cried.

<< I'm more free here than in the palace, not taking penalty... it's like a vacation.>> She smiled to comfort her.

The lady took her distance and looked at her with an eyebrow up.

<< Are you hiding something from me, princess? >> Cross the arms to the chest.

<< Who? Me? No! What are you thinking? >> She made an embarrassed resoline.

<< I noticed how you look at ChatNoir and how he looks at you. >> she pointed her finger at her eyes thinning.

<< And the macarons! >> She seemed to have had an epiphany. << Spit it out, little princess. >> She said convinced.

<< It can't hide anything from yourself, eh? >> She shaked her head. She failed, she couldn't keep it a secret.

<< He has a romantic, kind soul, he's funny and spontaneous... sometimes he seems so clumsy... >> She Sighed.

<< He's the market boy, isn't he? >> She said with a smart look.

<< How... no! >> She laugh. She couldn't exactly lie to Bernadette.

<< You described him with the same words, the same dreaming tone and the same inebetic face. >> She pointed her out.

Antoinette snorted. She was terrible with the secrets.

<< Now go, we'll talk about it tomorrow, I promise. Don't keep him waiting. >> To get out of that embarrassing situation, she kicked her out of the room, she closed the door behind herself and sighed defeated.

She should have protected the identity of the young.

But in the end, what's the point? She would never report the one who worked so hard for her family.

She took a breath of relief.

As she wore her night robe, she noticed that her bed blankets were different from what Bernadette usually put on.

The panic took over. If Bernadette had seen... if anyone saw the stain of their union...

She hurried up and saw the sheet was clean.

She was in a total panic. As she was running back and forth in the room praying and thinking about all possible versions of what happened in her head, she was captured by a movement in the night. She approached the window and looked at the lake.

She saw a blonde foliage under the moon rays, saw the shirt thrown down near the boots. She became red.

What was he doing? Why did he undress there?

She was supposed to tell him about the sheets. There was a chance he'd thought of it without telling her. She was hoping so.

She went to the front door and came out into the big green space.

The closer she got, the smooth back he took shape. He was standing up, maybe looking at the stars, just dipped until his waist and he was handsome.

The more she looked at him, the more she fell in love.

She came to the shore and he turned his head off because of the steps. He smiled by seeing her.

<< I thought you never come. >> He went back to turn his back to watch the sky.

<< If I could give you the embroidered drape of the sky, with its golden stars, with silver of the moon and its light, I would give it to you, Princess. If I could give you the colors of the day that reminds me of the bright of your smile, of the night for your dark hair, of dawn on your rose cheeks and sunset because when you blush, you are much more beautiful, I would give them to you. Without asking for anything in return. >> He looked at her and stretched his hand to invite her to join him.

Antoinette was as excited by the beauty of words as the person who had spoken them. She hesitaded for a moment, but not because she didn't want to join him, but because she would wet her night dress.

<< It doesn't matter if you wet your robe, madame, you will always have my eyes on you and my body to cover you. >> He reassured her.

Did he read in her mind?

She took courage and laid her hand on the palm of his hand.

<< I don't want the colors of the sky, I just need your dreams. >> She let herself drag in front of him.

<< You're the protagonist. >> He whispered as soon as he had her right at his nose palm.

The wet robe was on the water and surrounded her like a floating cloud, the bust, fortunatly still dry, was in contact with Adrien's naked chest and one hand was on it, at the heart's height, the other still held by his. She felt the free hand of the boy stroking her side to approach her without too much irritation.

<< Can you feel it beating hard? It's the first time I've heard it. >>

She watched him smile and nodded in response.

The more he looked at her, the more he realized that maybe the sky had decided to give him a second chance, and this time he would play clean cards, without lies or plots to hide his heart.

Maybe she was the reward for getting all those locked doors in the face, she who recovered it from the rudels of her own guilt that he thought was buried, but those suffering had never really gone. And her, princess of more than a kingdom, daughter of the king and his dreams he thought were lost, he sweats on her forehead that pushed him forward, medicine for his willpower. And he who felt stronger just by looking at her, felt he had to improve that world if she had to live it, he walked in life, for better or for worse, hoping to keep her by his side.

No more pain, no more fears, just the courage to really love.

<< You're right, we don't need this. I want only you, the rest of the world can throw it to feed the flames that warm us. >> He put a slight kiss on the tip of her nose.

She was his lifeguard, his happiness found after years in a pitiful dark, on the corner of life, where depressed waited for death. Now, not anymore, because of her, the anger had vanished, even though she made him feel guilty of his way of living unregulated, alcohol and women, he felt infinitely rotten in her eyes, but who knows why she loved him and if she sweeten the look, gave him the illusion that he could be worthy of her. She made him better, and it was okay to stop thinking about vices, indeep she said nothing about his life as a thief, about his being against the law. Did she realize that it gave him the thrill he needed to live? Risking life is a good way to feel alive, especially if it does for good reasons. When he was drifting his sword, he felt a fearless hero, when he saw the happy faces of those who helped, he felt like flying.

He was no longer the same as a few hours ago, than he saw her but couldn't and couldn't touch her, but he repeated himself that it was normal, indeep are the emotions that change us and he had felt unscribble emotions with her.

Was it an illusion or the reflection of the water really showed them two in a hug?