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<< We have to go, princess! >> Bernadette turned towards her and grabbed her arm to get her out of bed.

<< Bernadette, no! >> She struggled out of grip.

The lady stood in front of her, dark in her face, with her hands on her hips.

<< Didn't you say so? You have to get out of here. You can't stay. He's not for you, and your life is another.

You have duties, princess, and you cannot be seen against being saved by the prince. >> The hard tone did not hide the disapproval of her behaviour.

The stiff look kept on her and the angry tone had shaken her soul. She knew how much the lady cared about her, she knew she had to listen to her.

It was hard to have to give up all hope of never being deceived by that man, it was hard to give up dreams and hopes that weren't just nightmares, but what other option had a woman? A princess. She couldn't fight alone for her happiness and her destiny. Always and only a man would fight for her.