"I'm going, I'm going." Sarah said as her mother urged her to change faster from outside her bedroom door. "Sarah you need to hurry! You could be too late to use the bathroom, or go to your locker, or worst, you might be too late to make new friends before class!" She always wants me to meet new people. I feel guilty, but god are these kids annoyingly snobby. I had to talk to some of them last time I came to this school. A week prior to her first day at school, Sarah had to go and meet her new teachers. There were so many kids there for extracurriculars. They were so judgemental. Not like I'm not used to it though. All of Sarah's life she had heard snickering and gossip behind her back. She was sure that this school would be the same. "All right, go, go on now. Be home by 5!" Sarah's mother said excitedly. Sarah headed to her new school over an hour early just like her mother asked. Normally a prestigious school like this would have another student help her find her way, but not this time. Sarah had to find everything by herself. As she neared the school she saw a convenience store. Oh, why don't I get some snacks for mother. She's been working too much lately and not eating enough. Sarah thought, hopeful that they would have her mom's favorite foods. As she turned into the store's doorway, she heard a loud crashing noise. Sarah jumped out of the doorway and sprinted behind to the ominous alleyway. There was no-one there, just a large pile of cracked beer bottles. I guess no-one's hurt. I should buy this food and get to school, Sarah thought. Sarah hurriedly went into the convenience store of which she was greeted by an older man. "Hello, I'm Mr. J. How can I be of service to you today young lady?" Mr. J asked kindly. Sarah answered, "hi, ummm.. Sorry, uh.. umm. one moment." Speak properly, stop stuttering, get over yourself and stop being a pathetic child. Her Aunt's cold words flew through her head. Right, I can do this. Breath in, and go. "Hi, I'm new to this town and really need some assistance. First, where are your snack foods?" Sarah spent the next 20 minutes with Mr. J. He helped her find what she came for, and even gave her directions! I just made a new friend, Sarah thought. "Well, I should get going now. Have a great day Mr. J!" "You too Sarah! See you later! Thanks for stopping by!" Sarah then started back on her way to the school building using the map Mr. J provided for her. As she walked into the school's entrance she noticed that something was off. Why is everyone looking at me like that? What, do I look weird? Sarah looked down at her uniform. It was the same as everyone else's. Sarah pulled her hair to the front of her face. My hair doesn't look weird does it? Sarah grabbed her phone and tried to find the bathroom with her head down. She could feel her face getting warm. *THUD* Sarah looked up to see a scrawny girl with a surprised expression on her face. "OMG, Isi! She literally just made you drop your books. Are you seriously not going to say anything? Helllloooooo? Isi?" a mean looking girl asked. "Yeah, new girl, follow me. Now." Isi grabbed her arm and pulled her into a bathroom. Thank god, there's only one. Not like my last school where I was plagued by so many of them at once. Sarah braced for impact. " I am so so so sorry about that." Isi said, Sarah flinched. "What, wait what? What do you mean? You're not going to threaten me?" "Good gosh no. Who do you normally hang around?.... Anyway, you're new right?" Isi asked calmly. "Yes, I just moved here. I don't get the layout of this school." Sarah said, annoyed. "Alright, well, here's a tip. Avoid Jess. She's the school's biggest bully." "Then why do you hang with her?" Sarah asked, confused. "Because it immediately takes targets off of my back. Now, I want to help you." Isi took Sarah's phone from her grasp. "Here's my number. Now, let's get you to class before we're all late. What's your first hour?" Isi asked. "Advanced calculus", Sarah responded. "All right, let's head there now." The two girls arrived at Sarah's first hour and Isi went on her way to class. Sarah sat down next to a quiet boy, reading. "Hi i'm-" The boy lifted his hand from his book and waved. "Yeah, your Sarah. I know. I'm Blake, he said. "How do you know who I am?" Sarah asked. "Oh, I probably just came off as a creep, huh? I'm friends with Isi. She's my step-sister. She texted me and let me know who you were as soon as you walked into the classroom. It seems she's a fan of you. She was very enthusiastic about you being normal and not a snobby rich girl." *Blake's phone went off multiple times* Blake picked up his phone and unlocked it. They were sitting so close that Sarah could see what the messages said. She's cute right? She seems really nice! You better help her around Blake!!!!!!! Sarah started giggling loudly. "Okay, well, I gotta wash up. I'll be back before class starts though." Sarah said well giggling profusely. "Alrighty." Blake said as he continued reading his novel. Okay, I need to find the bathroom and actually use it this time, Sarah thought. She walked all the way back down to the 1st floor bathroom from her 4th floor classroom. I know I should really learn to navigate, but I need to hurry. Sarah used the bathroom and made her way back upstairs. Okay, umm.. Classroom. Calculus? Where was it? Maybe this room? She checked her phone. It's already 7:15! Class starts in 5 minutes! I seriously need to hurry! Sarah entered a random classroom while trying to find her own. Okay, uhhhh… "You're not Blake." This isn't my classroom. I'm going to be late! Mom will be so mad if i'm late on the first day! Sarah overheard some of her peer's conversations on her way out.
"What's up loser?" A tall plastic looking boy asked to a boy sitting in his seat. The boy looked so sad, so depressed, so….Just, off. I want to help him. I want to help him so much. Once again, Sarah's Aunt���s cold distant words rang in her head."Don't get involved in other people's business Sarah. Don't protect other people. That'll get you nowhere." They were soon interrupted by the boy's conversation. "Leave me alone." The sad looking boy said quietly while turning to look out the window. "Aww, what do you mean? I couldn't quite hear you?" The loud rude boy asked while cackling. Despite the words her Aunt had said in the past, Sarah decided to speak up for the poor boy. "Would you just leave him alone for God's sake?" Sarah said while looking lost about the conversation. "Annnddddd who are you? I'm Justin," he cackled. "I'm Sarah, what's your problem with him?" Sarah said defensively. "Ohhh nothing", Justin said with a deceitful looking smirk that was newly planted on his face. Justin pulled his chair away from the sad boy and started boasting to the other students about his so called "amazing" win in the school's last Lacrosse game. Sarah disappeared out of the classroom and down the hall in pursuit of her class before she was marked late.