Warning: This chapter deals with emotional abuse, addiction, depression, forced actions, and broken homes. Be advised.
"Okay Sarah, spill. What's going on with you? Who was that on the phone?" Apollo said, with noticeable worry. "Ummm…. Uhhhhh. I'm sorry Apollo." Sarah cried. "It's okay Sarah. Just explain what's happening." Okay, here we go, Sarah thought. Sarah took a deep breath and began talking. "That was my Aunt Mallory on the phone. I-I need to get home soon. Before she gets worse. I'm freaking out because I don't know what to do. I can't go back to that. It'll be like my previous schools all over again." Sarah said, sounding very fragile. "What happened at your previous schools?" Apollo asked as he took hold of her hand. Sarah started speaking, her voice cracking. "Mallory told me not to beg for attention like I always do. She said that I need to be friends with the popular kids. That would make me normal. She used to scream that. So, I did as she said. I used to negate my way into a friend group filled with people that mostly hated me. The kids would bully me, they made me feel like trash sitting on the curb. I did that for years, eventually, you start to feel numb. Insults don't hurt anymore. I feel so guilty. Normally I'm pushing to be a part of a group so that I'm not alone. But, Isi and Blake brought me in themselves. I feel so uncomfortable. Like I shouldn't get to feel comfortable with them, but I do. I have to keep trying, like Aunt Mallory said. She's the only one that I can count on to keep me in line now. That's another thing she said. She's the only one that I can count on. So, I'll keep trying. I'll keep pushing myself towards people that hurt me, and maybe one day I'll be normal like she says I should be."
"Why would they make fun of you Sarah? I barely know you, and you haven't done anything wrong to me." Said Apollo. Sarah started sniffling, "well, one girl asked why I would waste a modification on enhancing my intelligence and not my looks. But she didn' listen, I've never even had a freaking modification!" Sarah screamed. "No one listens, they just tell you what they think. That's always how it's been. Even when I was with the gov--
Umm….." Sarah paused briefly. "Even when I was with my Grandpa. He was the only one that ever listened, and now he's gone."
Apollo's Point of View
Apollo and Sarah sat in that school hallway for another 20 minutes while Sarah cried. I can't leave her like this, but, I don't know what to say in this situation. How ironic Lachesis, we didn't agree to this. I have to be the light, when you cursed me to be the dark. I have to help her through this. She's so broken. It's settled, I'm getting her out of this. Apollo pondered just how he would do that as he brought Sarah back into a comforting embrace.
Soon after, Isi and Blake walked into the school hallway. "Sarah? Sarah where are you?" Isi said just before she spotted Sarah with Apollo. "Sarah, you know Apollo? That's so cool!" Blake said. "Wait, why are you crying?" Isi pointed out. "It's a long story" Apollo replied, covering for Sarah while she cried into his shoulder. "Should I explain?" Apollo asked while looking at Sarah. "Mhmn." Sarah wheeped. Apollo told the pair almost everything that Sarah just told him. Except for government, her grandfather, and Sarah being uncomfortable around the two due to past experiences. "Oh, Sarah, we have to get you out of there, and please don't feel alone, Apollo can relate in a way. Sorry, that came out wrong, just know that you're not alone. Isi said with real worry expressed in her voice. "No, it's okay." Sarah said, letting go of Apollo. Apollo's so genuine, I just met him but I felt so compelled to explain everything. To tell him everything. But I'm glad I didn't, I'm forbidden to tell him about the government's relations. To tell anyone. What's his story though? Sarah thought. She started speaking once again. "I'm used to it. It's not like she's abusing me." Sarah said. "But she is!" Apollo said with aggression flowing through his voice. "Emotionally, she's hurting you emotionally Sarah." He said, with a low, desperate tone in his voice.
Chapter 4 Part 2: (Apollo's pov)
She sounds just like I used to. Apollo thought. Desperate, afraid, and worst of all, she thinks that this is all normal. Just like I used to. Apollo thought back to when his family was still whole. Before the addiction, before the abandonment, before the storm. Why would she stay there? Why doesn't she want to leave her Aunt? There were so many thoughts racing around in his head that Apollo forgot where he was for a brief moment. "Oh, right. Umm… Sarah, we need to find out where you're going to stay tonight." "Okay." Sarah replied. "She could probably stay with me….." Isi started. " But then there's the issue of my family. There's 8 of us in a 4 bedroom house." Blake started speaking, "there's my house, my parents won't care but our neighborhood has strict guidelines about modification. We could try to sneak you in though." "How do you live there then?" Sarah asked. "You don't have any modifications." "No, none that you can see in a school uniform anyway. My leg has a tattoo. Don't worry, no chips in my brain like real modifications. I use a marker to remake my "tattoo" everyday. My parents really like that neighborhood so it's worth it." Blake expressed with enthusiasm. Apollo started speaking, "and there's no way that I'm letting Sarah around my family. They're not good people. We could hide her somewhere, like if one of us has a camping trailer or something along those lines. But I think our best bet is sneaking her into Blake's.
The exact moment after Apollo finished speaking, there was a loud bang. "Sarah Coralynn Bensyl! Get over here now!" Who Apollo could only assume was the vicious Aunt Mallory was at the school's front door. The woman was with a man that Apollo didn't quite recognize. "We're leaving. You're going back to our hometown to stay with your godforsaken uncle. I need your assistance with a rather devious matter dear. Get ready to pack some dresses. You're going to a party." The woman said. Shock swiftly moved across the room.