Chapter 20: Blake's First Real Debut

"Do you need help mister?" A young girl asked Blake. "No, no that's okay." He paused. "Actually, would you mind guiding me to the main hall where the party is being held?" Blake asked her. "Of course sir!" The girl agreed happily, as she grabbed his arm, leading him down the corridor. They eventually arrived in a room full of people, Blake thanked the girl and continued on. He felt odd, like he wasn't himself. Little did he know, his gut was right. Blake searched and searched, he started off feeling like he needed to yell at Sarah and make her feel weak. Make her feel like the broken person that she is. But in a meer second, his mindset had completely changed. All of a sudden he was overwhelmed with guilt that Sarah could be lost or afraid, heck! Sarah had been missing what? A while, and Apollo had been gone for weeks! He hadn't been at school, and no one had heard from him in a while. Blake was trying to think of what Sarah was wearing last, but he felt immediate pain when he attempted. So, Blake decided to ask around. He had talked to many people, but none of them knew Sarah personally. Apparently she was an important figure at this party, an esteemed guest. But they knew nothing more. Blake was coming back from a quick emergency bathroom break when he saw someone. Oh, I could ask her! She looks our age! He thought enthusiastically. Before Blake knew it, he had accidentally bumped into this girl. "Sorry!" He said. ¨"I need your help! Do you know where I can find Sarah?" He asked. "My name is Sarah. Is it me you're looking for?" The girl asked politely. "Sarah B?" He asked, trying not to give too much information. She was important at this party, but no one seemed to want to answer if he gave her full name. "Yes, my name is Sarah Bens-'' she began again before she was cut off. "Sarah! Where have you been? Nearly 2 weeks have gone by since you were at school last and Apollo went missing the same day as you did! Is he with you?" Blake asked exasperatedly. "Sarah" was silent for a moment. "What did you say your name was again?" She asked. He stared at her blankly then understanding washed over his face. "So either I have the wrong person or they wiped your memory." "Wiped my memory?! What are you talking about? My name is Sarah Benson, I left not even a week ago. I have never met you or anybody named Apollo! I'm sorry, I am not 100% sure that you have the wrong person!" Sarah said, seeming impatient. "Iḿ sorry. I have been looking for somebody named Sarah Bensyl. I guess you must just have very similar names." He paused for a moment to think of Sarah, her appearance, and he did successfully. "Your looks are pretty similar too. Sorry for the trouble ma'am." Blake said as he ran off in the other direction. He saw Sarah and Apollo, she had her arm around his. It appeared that she was, scolding him? Blake was confused but he continued towards them. He was only 5 feet away when Apollo spotted him. Automatically, Apollo looked at him like an upcoming danger….but Blake didn't get why. Blake went to reach for Sarah when Apollo wrapped his arm around her protectively. Sarah looked extremely confused, but realization quickly fell down her face. She pulled on both Apollo's and Blake's arms, dragging them out into a nearby courtyard. Apollo began to speak when Sarah put a hand over his mouth and began speaking loudly. "You, wait a minute." She said, while glaring at Apollo. "Now, something's wrong. Why do you look so scared and confused?" Sarah asked calmly. Blake then lurched into her, hugging her tightly. Apollo quickly turned angry and rose, but Sarah gave him another look telling him to calm down. Blake started weeping, "you've been gone for weeks! Both of you, and I shouldn't be upset? You left right after Apollo and no one's heard from either of you!" He finished. "We haven't been gone, you have been with me since I first left, Blake. If anyone went missing, it was grumpy over there." Sarah said quickly. "You seem exasperated, how's your head feel?" Apollo asked, tilting his head questioningly. "How'd you know? It has been killing me since I saw…..since I talked to Zeke earlier, actually." Blake finished. "YOU, you saw Zeke?" Apollo asked. "Yeah, he was talking about some kids game or something, and he gave me this suit. He told me to go find you guys, well, Sarah really. I've been looking for you guys since then. What's wrong with being around Zeke, and why are you so mad at me all of a sudden?" Blake asked innocently. "First, Zeke is not a good person anymore. He's turned into a normal and he's....." Apollo took a long breath. "I think he's being used, okay? I'm mad at you because it always seems like Sarah's going to be in danger when she's around you. I really wouldn't care this much if I wasn't bound to her! Stay away from Zeke…." He sighed, "I have a question. Why is Sarah at this party?" Apollo asked suspiciously. "Why would yo-" Apollo cut her off. "Let him answer", Apollo told Sarah calmly. "I'm not sure… she came to...… a trap. She was brought here as a trap. Because boss said....she'll make sure Sarah gets what she deserves." He said, his face showing enormous confusion as he phrased words that he had never thought of. "You see Sarah? This is why I don't trust him. Do you understand now?" Apollo asked like he was talking to a toddler. "Yes, Sarah. You should understand. If only you would have listened to your dear intertwine-er. I really wish that I didn't have to do this, but you are going back to your old job. It's for the best." A woman's voice? Blake thought. "Listen Amelia. We don't have time for this jack right now. Let's go." Apollo said, grabbing Sarah's forearm. "Oh, I can't let you do that." Apollo turned around to see Cassandra standing next to Amelia. Next to her, was his sister in chains.