Chapter 24: She is not any of Your Business!

Chapter 24: She Is Not Any Of Your Business!

"Who is that?" Sarah asked with a smile. "Someone I don't want to talk to." Apollo responded rudely. "I'll get it then!" Sarah exclaimed. Apollo sighed and laid down back first onto the rickety bed. Sarah picked up the phone to see the caller ID. It was...…..Mindy's grandma? She decided to put off the questions until later and to just answer before the call went to voicemail. "Hello? Is this Apollo?" An elderly voice asked. "No ma'am, how can I help you?" Sarah asked. "Why do you have my grandson's phone?" The woman aked. "How do you know him?" "I'm....his......….ummmm..." Sarah stuttered. "I'm his girlfriend!" She said with pride. "Girlfriend? That boy is capable of affection for other people? That's a surprise." The voice chuckled. "So where is the little rascal anyway?" She asked. "Oh, he's out right now. How can I help you?" Sarah asked. Right as the voice started to respond Apollo grabbed her leg and pulled her onto the bed. "Just hang up, she doesn't matter to me anymore. You don't have to concern yourself with her." He whispered tiredly. The caller started, "Hello? I asked what your name is?" "Oh, sorry, my name is Sarah." She replied, trying to ignore Apollo. "Sarah Bensyl, right? That makes this easier, we need you both to come down here to Malbur. We think we can help, I know what the young couple is running from." She finished. Apollo grabbed Sarah and pulled her down, uncomfortably close. Sarah couldn't ignore him anymore. "She is not any of your business, and who's we?" He asked "Mindy's Grandma" suspiciously. "Oh, there you are dear. To answer your question, we is not only me, but your dear friend. Remember that boy with the weird name? Jupiter?" She asked. "Somewhat, what did you do to him?" Apollo asked accusingly. "I did nothing! We know about Sarah and the Herestrians, and what's wrong with her brain. We know more than you do! We know about the new government, and your sister! We know a heck of a lot more than you do about her, so don't go throwing around weightless accusations Apollo. We...…..we were shown what's going to happen to her, and we want to stop it. I can't see you hurt like that again, and now that you're with the girl, the pain of losing her to something like that is much, much worse. We really just want to help you. It's not like we have anything better to do with this life since that....incident." Sarah watched Apollo shiver. Sarah rolled over, practically on top of him and snatched his phone. "You know what ma'am, we'll be on the way there as soon as possible. Would you mind sending my lovelllyyyyy boyfriend your location and we'll be there as soon as we can?" Sarah asked, making her voice as high pitched as possible. "Of course dearie, wow my grandson, you've picked a smart one. You'd better hurry!" Apollo's grandmother said happily as she hung up the phone. "You are a monster." Apollo said coldly. "Come on Apollo, that was kinda fun. We really do need to keep up appearances now though, so boyfriend? How are we going to make this believable?"

At that moment the host swiftly opened the door. "Oh my! This is certainly an interesting situation! You two look…..cozy. I am so sorry for intruding on this lawful moment! I'll leave you two in peace, dinner's ready!" He said as he scurried out of the room. "Sarah you can get off of me any minute now." Apollo laughed. "Right!" Sarah said, flustered. "I was super focused on that phone call, Sorry." Sarah apologized again. "You do look really flustered though, am I that attractive?" He asked with a devious smirk. "Oh, shut up Apollo." Sarah answered. They left their room and headed downstairs to get their dinner. "How much do you bet we'll get charged for this?" Apollo laughed. "I'm not sure, but it'll be worth it. I didn't eat much at the party and we left pretty early." Sarah said, stuffing her face with the fruit platter on their table. "What is your relationship like with your grandmother?" Sarah asked nonchalantly. "Not great, the woman left Mindy and I with our douchebag parents to be with her husband in the south. Over the years she started reaching out and apologizing, but I have a strong feeling that it's all fake. She always needs approval from us about her new life, I cannot tell you how many of her phone numbers I've blocked. Now she wants you apparently. I couldn't even trust one of my friends, now I have to put your life in the hands of someone that abandoned me. It's pretty messed up." Apollo finished with an exasperated sigh. "I'm sorry. I'm always overwhelmed with my family's issues, but I've never really heard about yours. I-I'm here if you want to talk about it, okay?" She asked. "Okay." He responded. Sarah realized she had hit a nerve and decided to leave him in his thoughts for the rest of the dinner. They were in silence until the host climbed up on a chair and began to speak. "Hello lovely regulars, and our new folks! For those of you I haven't properly introduced myself to, my name is Albert and I am the owner of this Inn. Tonight we have trivia! Pick your teams and the games will start soon!" Many cheered, and Albert continued onto what he was doing. "Shall we engage in some trivia?" Apollo asked, trying to fake a british accent. "We shall." Sarah responded, also trying to fake an accent. Soon after, trivia started and went by rather quickly. Of course, because neither of them were from this rural area they lost pretty badly. "Welp! That's it for the night!" Albert said happily. "I guess we should retreat to our room and try to get some sleep before we go to see your grandmother." "Right", Apollo agreed. They headed upstairs and quickly fell asleep. Sarah woke up once again being held. She turned over to grab Apollo's phone and check the time. It was two A.M. Sarah set his phone down when Apollo squeezed her. "Don't.....please don't leave me again." He whispered. He's just talking in his sleep, but seriously.....what happened to him? It's going to be a long journey. Sarah thought.