Chapter 28: Oh I Didn't Miss You
Sarah woke up in a daze. This wasn't real. It seemed so fake before, "oh I'll go help the enemy" and that was it. It didn't freak her out one bit yesterday, but now it was scaring her. She had to be alone now, there was no way that Allia would stay with her, and they were sending everyone else back home. Except for Isi, but didn't Isi help her mother? Her head didn't start hurting like this until she met them, but it was better around them. Sarah was overwhelmed in confusion, and didn't know what to do with herself. So…...she decided to read. But she couldn't do that without Blake, they had started reading it together! Sarah decided that it would be her excuse to have some company, and so she headed to the room he crashed in. She knocked lightly on the door, and heard nothing. She started to slightly crack the door when it swung open quickly, almost smacking her in the face. "Sarah?" Blake asked, confused. "Hey", she said quietly. "Come in?" He asked, moving back so Sarah could enter. Sarah joined him by the big windowsill, something seemed weird. She poked at his chest, there was a dark stain on his light gray shirt. "What is that?" She asked. He flinched, "It's nothing Sarah. Just a scratch. "You wouldn't flinch so hard at a scratch. Let me see." She said, trying to feel the length of the scar. "No, it's fine." He said sternly, flinching again as she tried to find the injury. "Let me look at it." She argued. "Sarah I'm fine. We're supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around. It's early too, you should lay back down. We have to leave in a few hours." Blake said with a tired sigh. "I am going to help you." Sarah said, standing up and leaving the room. She scurried back to her belongings and grabbed the first aid kit on her nightstand. Sarah hurried back to Blake's room and threw the door open. "Sit down." She ordered. He shrugged and sat on the wooden rocking chair by the window. She walked over and tugged on his shirt. "What are you doing?" He asked frantically. "The cut is on your chest right? It's not like I can clean it while you have a shirt on." She chuckled like he had asked an incredibly idiotic question. "Sarah I said I'm fine, it happened a while ago." Blake admitted. "And I said that I'm going to treat it." Sarah lifted his shirt and tried to hide her surprise. Blake had acquired a large cut from his right shoulder to his opposite arm. "How did that happen?" Sarah asked, "how long have you had it like this? It could get infected." She said, holding a cotton ball of rubbing alcohol to the cut. "Ahh!" He gasped. "Is it supposed to burn like that?" "Give it a second, and answer. Where did you get that?" She asked again sternly. "Someone's gotten brave. I was in a fight a while back, and it's not worth going to the doctor for. Not like it's safe to do that now anyways. You done yet? That kinda hurts." Blake said. "Yeah, you should be a bit better now. At least it won't get infected, how were you hiding that? It looks like it hurts immensely." Sarah asked. "Yep, painkillers constantly. It wasn't worth troubling you guys about, especially when we have other things to attend to. Sarah, we need to go back to bed so we can properly function later." Blake reasoned. "You said we leave in a couple hours, so what's the point in going to bed now?" She asked. "We leave in 10 hours, I wasn't thinking about what Allia said. If you really don't want to sleep I won't force you but I need it." He admitted, and stood up. "Fine, can I stay in here? Being in my room by myself is difficult. Or as our great teacher would say, it's c'est difficile!" Sarah said, referencing their old French 1 teacher. "Oui Madame", he said with a chuckle. "You can crash in here. I can sleep on the floor." Blake said. "I don't want to make you do that." Sarah argued. "Listen, I don't want you to be uncomfortable. It's not like we're the closest we could be. I don't mind, really. I think there's an air mattress." Blake said. "Wouldn't that wake up everyone else?" Sarah asked. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'll just sleep on the side of the bed, like right on the edge. The floors in this cabin are super old and broken up." Blake said, sitting on the bed. "Am I freaking you out? Oh my god I'm scaring you. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be weird. I just didn't want to be alone. I'll go now." Sarah said, going for the door. He caught her arm. "Sarah you're fine. I just don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of your sadness." Blake said with a weak smile. "I get that, let's just go to bed." Sarah said. "Alright, Sarah...….You know, I really enjoy your company." He said warmly. "You too." Sarah agreed.
Sarah woke up once again to a knock on the bedroom door. She jolted awake and sat up. "I'm not waiting for you to say come in!" Sarah heard. The voice almost sounded familiar, but it was muffled. The door swung open and Sarah saw a tall woman. Again, she seemed familiar. It was almost like Sarah lost her memory again. She swore that it hadn't been that long since she'd seen that person. The woman gave a mischievous grin that gave Sarah chills. That's when it hit her, she did know this woman. It was Cassandra, again. But why didn't she recognize her earlier? Sarah thought to herself. She concluded that she must have just been too distracted trying to deal with all of the new changes arriving in her life. Cassandra spoke up, "I'm sure you know why we're here." "We?" Sarah asked suspiciously. "We, your lover's sister of course!" Cassandra exclaimed. "I do not have a lover, if I have to help you, let's just get it over with already." Sarah responded. "Someone has an attitude now. You never would have spoken to me like this in the olden days. Oh well, we have places to be." Cassandra said, ushering her out of the room. They walked into the living room, and to a car. On the way out Sarah saw Apollo calmly sitting on the couch. She studied his face. He seemed awfully calm, and Sarah assumed he just didn't care. She tried to hide her tears on the way out. She sat down in the very back of the minivan. She noticed Mindy sitting diagonally across from her. "Awwww, did you miss us enough to join the ride?" She asked maliciously. "Oh I didn't miss you at all. What happened to you being in chains? Like a little pawn, a prisoner. I'm not sure why you were with Allia either, care to explain?" Sarah mocked. "That was a temporary arrangement and none of your business anyway." Mindy retorted. "Yet here I am, all in your business ma'am." Sarah argued. Mindy glared. Sarah had a recurring thought after that, this is going to be a long ride.