No Longer Holding Back

There was silence in the war room, all the lords that had been gathered discussing their plans on how to properly defend the Kingsroad looking at their King silently. A messenger has arrived at Harrenhall naught but a few hours ago before they set out for the Antlers and had delivered the King a letter and a small package.

Robb had read over the letter and they had all able to see that whatever its contents contained, had enraged the young King. His frame tensing and his eyes narrowing to slits, Grey Wind in the corner of the room mirroring his masters' anger with a deep growl that set them all on edge.

Then the King had folded the paper and calmly, too calmly put the letter down and picked up the pouch. Opening it, Robb had looked inside and had since remained silent, his face giving away nothing, just staring blankly down into the pouch.

"Your grace?" Dacey asked from Robb's side.

Closing the pouch and gripping it tightly in one hand, Robb turned to look blankly at Garlan who shifted uncomfortably under such a gaze. "Ser Garlan has your father responded."

"Yes, your grace," Garlan responded nervously. "He regretfully states that he cannot as he fears the Dornish will attack."

"And as I have already said, Ser Garlan. The Dornish have no intention to attack. If they intended to beat your father in battle, they would have been harrying him for days. Instead, they have remained camped at Prince's Path, only ever moving when your father does." Robb reiterated.

"I-I understand, your grace. But my father still insists-"

Garlan's words were stopped when Robb angrily slammed his right fist into the table, the loud bang echoing across the room as those inside flinched in shock. "I do not care what your father thinks!" Robb spat out, storming around the table to left, those between him and Garlan hurriedly stepping back out of the enraged Kings' way. "You named me King of the Reach, did you not?"

"Y-yes, your grace," Garlan uttered in shock, taking a half-step back as Robb invaded his personal space putting him off-balance mentally.

"And your father did the same, did he not?"

Garlan responded affirmatively like before.

"Then tell your father, that I'm not asking him. I'm ordering him as his King. Now get out and send a raven to your father that I am demanding ten thousand men to march north and join me at the Antlers." Robb whispered dangerously, the Knight of the Reach quickly bowing and rushing out.

There was silence, no lord or lady gathered capable of speaking, too shocked by what they had just seen unfold before their eyes. All the while Robb paced the room anxiously, his fist tightening around the pouch in his hand, his other hand running through his red hair roughly.

"All of you out." Robb eventually muttered, breaking the silence.

No one was quite capable of understanding what he was saying, still too shocked by the earlier events.

"I SAID OUT! ALL OF YOU OUT!" Robb roared angrily, his words stirring people into action as they rushed out of the room in a hurry. All the while Robb watched them go with a deep glare upon his face and once the door closed behind him, Robb collapsed into his chair. His breathing shaky and his eyes scrunched tightly to quell the tears gathering in his eyes.

Both Grey Wind and Nymeria moved towards him, whining in questioning, and sniffing the contents of the bag. Once they did they both growled, Nymeria even going so far as to howl.

'It's all my fault!' He cursed mentally. 'If I hadn't trusted in Theon, if I had just prepared a little more and not underestimated the Ironborn, I could have avoided all this. It's all my fault!'

Robb didn't know how long he spent there, sat in that chair surrounded by Nymeria and Grey Wind. The silence of the room only broken by the occasional whine or whimper from the two Direwolves, Robb didn't care.

'Ramsay Snow, I'll kill him.' He snarled internally, the sudden change of his mood from sadness and guilt-ridden to full of anger and hate was one felt between the bond he shares with Grey Wind. The Direwolf growling in a way that only fuelled Robb's rage making it sound more bestial and terrifying. 'When I get my hands on you your death will not be quick or painless. I'll flay you as your family did in the Age of Heroes. I'll tear you limb from limb, feed your heart to Grey Wind and impale your head on a spike. I'll make sure that you'll suffer a lifetime of pain and suffering before I let you die.'

Rising to his feet, Robb looked over the map, his mind awhirl with thoughts of revenge. He needed to finish Tywin off and then march north and end the Bolton-Dustin rebellion. He'd make sure they all paid dearly for their crimes.

"Your grace?" Looking up sharply, he saw Margaery enter the war room. "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine," Robb said shortly, watching as she crossed the room towards him. There was a frown on her face, an unfortunate sight as she looked at him. Eventually, though, her eyes trailed down to the pouch clutched tightly in one hand and reached out. Her hands resting on his and slowly she eased the pouch from his loosened grasp.

There she placed it on the table, her gaze temporarily looking at its contents. As she did, Robb noticed the look of abject horror on her face before it disappeared.

"You should not be here, my lady. I wish to be left in peace." Margaery smiled sadly.

"I understand, your grace. I just heard that you were angered and wished to see if there was anything I could do to help." Margaery reluctantly stepped away and Robb watched her curtsy. "If you wish to be left alone, your grace. I will leave."

There was a moment in which Robb was about to say yes.

But there was just something in him that couldn't see her go. He would not deny that he had always desired her, he doubted that there was anyone amongst his men that didn't desire her. Yet, he had always chosen not to act on those thoughts, those desires, always doing the honourable thing.

'I'm tired. Tired of denying myself what I want. I want the Lannisters dead. I want Theon dead. I want Ramsay dead.' And as he looked upon Margaery, still waiting dutifully for his dismissal of her, Robb found his throat going dry. 'I want her.'

Reaching out, he grabbed her hand and pulled her in towards him.

A slight gasp escaped her lips when she found herself suddenly pulled into Robb's chest and when she looked up at him with wide eyes filled with shock, whatever thoughts or doubts in his mind ceased to exist as he dipped his head down and kissed her. Both his hands moving to grip her hips as he felt Margaery tense in shock.

But she quickly melted against him, her lips moving in time with his as a slight hum of appreciation escaped her throat.

It was a sound that only drove his senses wild, his nose filled with her scent and taste of her on his lip all that made his blood pulse beneath the surface. And as he pulled her further into him, he moved her backward even leaning down to pick her up and put her on the table behind them.

"Your grace." She whispered as Robb began pulling her skirts up out of the way. "Robb."