
Gritting his teeth in annoyance and barely restrained anger, Ramsey watched as the Dustin army exited through the gates of Winterfell giving chase after the small host of the Stark loyalists in the trees. There had been no more than maybe fifty but, Lady Barbrey Dustin had firmly believed there were more hidden away.

She was once a smart woman, but her anger and hatred for the Stark's ran deep. When the Greatjon had stepped out in full view of everyone, taunting Lady Dustin and himself, while he remained calm, Lady Dustin did not. The taunts about her husband proved too much for Barbrey Dustin who mustered as many men as she could to, in her words, "crush the bastards!"

Besides the few hundred Bolton men he had brought with him, the rest of their forces followed the lead of Lady Dustin and chased after the Stark loyalists. It was nothing more than a joke.

Only a few hundred at most – if they were all there which Ramsey highly doubted – against over six thousand men. 'To be surrounded by fools. Don't they realise this is my destiny? I was born to rule the North.' Ramsay thought angrily.

Ramsey had never been one to believe in Gods, much like his father he didn't place trust, nor did he base his life around such things as everyone else did. In many ways, he and his father shared many similarities, but they also shared many differences. Much like himself, Roose liked to do everything in his power to expand the influence and control that he possessed. But unlike him, Roose didn't do it purely for himself, he also did it to expand the power of House Bolton as a whole.

Much like every other Lord and Lady in Westeros, he played the Game of Thrones not just for himself, but for his House as well. A weakness that Ramsey did not share because he was destined for more.

Back when the War of Five Kings began before Robb Stark became King, Ramsay had been out hunting when he had been visited by a Raven. It had been a stubborn creature and followed Ramsey back to the Dreadfort. That night he had been plagued with dreams, dreams of him not only becoming Lord Bolton, but he also saw himself ruling as Lord of the North and then being crowned King, the bodies of Direwolves at his feet and the raven upon his shoulder.

He knew then what he was destined for.

Roose had suggested a simple plan, one that was in keeping with Ramsey's destiny. They'd play the part of loyal subjects to Robb Stark, earn his favour and gain a position amongst his inner circle, then depending on how the war went, they would either remain loyal or betray the Starks to the Lannisters.

That had proved harder than initially planned, Robb Stark seemed to have suspected his father of treachery from the very beginning. This was further proof to Ramsey that Roose was not fit to lead.

But of course, Robb Stark seemed to be unstoppable, and his father had considered abandoning his plans to betray the Starks. However, he knew that he'd never earn any form of recognition or reward that would be worth all the effort he had taken. So Roose continued to play both sides, helping Robb achieve his ambitions in ways that would result in heavy casualties and providing the Lannisters with information.

By that point, Ramsey was no longer willing to play his father's game and decided to make his own decisions from now. Roose had proved unfit, and it was now his turn to rule House Bolton.

The first thing he did was reach out to Lady Dustin, her distaste for the Starks, mainly Eddard was well-known considering the former Lord Stark had only brought back her husband's steed and not his remains. The alliance wasn't easy to forge considering he had killed his half-brother and Lady Dustin's nephew, Domeric Bolton. However, it was so very easy to convince her that it was nothing more than false rumours.

Whether she believed him or not, he didn't care, he already had plans to remove her and take control of her men for himself.

He'd been busy drawing in men to the Dreadfort when news had reached him of Torrhen's Square being attacked by the Ironborn. Rodrik Cassel had left to attack them with three thousand men to relieve the seat of House Tallhart. When the reports of Rodirk losing nearly half of his men reached him, Ramsay had set out with the six hundred men that he could trust out of the near three thousand men he had gathered at the Dreadfort.

He aimed to arrive at Winterfell and secure Lady Catelyn Stark who had recently arrived along with the Stark Princes, Brandon and Rickon. With them, Rodrik would be at his mercy as well as the other Northern houses.

Though things hadn't gone exactly as he had expected.

When Victarion had attacked with his force, first five thousand later reinforced by a further five thousand, Rodrik had barely escaped with his life and only a few hundred men. It had been easy to predict where he was, and Ramsay annihilated the force before moving onto Winterfell.

There everything seemed like it should fall into place, except they didn't.

The Lords of the North refused his demands to bend the knee and only over a thousand Smallfolk answered his call to arms. But the upside was that the Northern lords couldn't do anything, and the dreams continued, changed though this time. Instead, he now found himself killing a crowned Direwolf and taking the crown for himself.

And as he watched Lady Dustin continue to charge towards the tree line, Ramsay smirked viciously.