Tywin frowned angrily as he listened to the reports on the casualties dealt to them today. Out of his thirteen thousand strong cavalry force, he now had barely eight hundred left. He should have realised the moment Robb Stark so blatantly attacked his camp in the middle of the night that a desperate manoeuvre was what the Young Wolf wanted him to make.
But much like always, Tywin found that Robb was always a step ahead of him. A skilled logistical commander and politician he may be, but Tywin knew that he was outmatched when it came to battlefield tactics.
It was only after Robb had retreated; their food supply burnt that Tywin realised he should have pulled back the centre forces to reinforce his position. But he didn't, just as Robb had wanted and predicted, allowing the Young Wolf to slip through his fingers. Then, upon counting what little remained of their food supply – a days' worth at the least – Tywin realised he would have to move up his schedule. He'd held back his cavalry to make sure that when the Vale arrived, they could run down the Stark forces in a pincer strike.
Yet with his food depleted, Tywin had listened to his commander's advice of using the cavalry to deal a devastating strike to the Starks. The hope was that they could force the Starks back providing them with some extra breathing room as well as dealing heavy losses to them.
That had all been hopeful thinking as they once more played directly into the hands of the Young Wolf. His cavalry was destroyed, and the Starks remained exactly where they were, unmoving, despite suffering quite several losses themselves. Even with those losses, the Starks still had not suffered as badly as they had.
It was equal parts admirable and frustrating to Tywin.
The only good news to counteract everything that had happened so far was that the Vale were a day out. Already they were on the seventh day and it seems that the Starks were not pushing their advantage, which was a worrying and confusing thought to them all. The Young Wolf had always, from the very beginning was on the move. Not only during this battle, where he constantly tried to insight Tywin to act but also from the very beginning of the campaign.
Every action Robb Stark had taken was not only to weaken him but to lure him directly where Robb wanted him most.
However, the lack of action on Robb's part was worrying as Tywin had learned from experience, it meant he was planning something. "We should take this opportunity and fall back to a more defensible location." One of his commanders suggested.
"And where exactly would that be?" Another shot back, just as irritated as everyone else at their current predicament. "We go any further south and we'll be on the Kingsroad and then it's a straight shot to King's Landing. We're already aware that Lord Buckwell, Hogg, Staunton, Brune and Celtigar have already pledged their allegiance to Robb Stark and provided what aid they could to them. Who's to say that Lord Hayford and Stokeworth haven't done the same as well?"
"We need to do something!" Lord Swyft snapped angrily. "We can't just sit here and do nothing. What proof do we have that the Young Wolf won't attack us at any moment when our guards are lowered?"
As the Lords began to erupt into arguments once more, Tywin rubbed the bridge of his nose irritably. "Enough." He said shortly, his voice cutting through the clambering noise and silencing those in the tent. "No wonder Robb Stark has been able to run circles around us when you act like a bunch of children."
There was more than a few looks of anger at those words, but many looked very embarrassed at the reminder of their many failings.
"Once the reinforcements from the Vale arrive, we will hold the advantage and with Robb Stark dead his kingdom will crumble." Ser Addam Marbrand replied.
"If you believe that then you're more foolish than I thought." Tywin sighed. "Robb Stark is beloved by the people of the North and the Riverlands, they'll continue fighting till they're fully subjugated which could take months if not years. The Reach could have been convinced to abandon them, but with the child growing within the Tyrell girl, that means that the Reach will not surrender this opportunity to rise to power. Killing Robb Stark will no longer be the devastating blow it once would be."
"How can it not be? Take away Robb Stark and we remove their greatest strategist."
"And that is where you're wrong. Robb Stark is undoubtedly one of the greatest military commanders in Westeros, possibly surpassing even Randall Tarly and Jason Mallister." Tywin explained. "But that is not his greatest strength, no that lies in his ability to use those around him in the most effective way possible. To stand on the backs of those who are equal to him or better than him to reach higher than any person could do on their own. Taking away Robb Stark doesn't mean as much as used to due to the fact they can replace him with his heir."
It was Kevan that spoke up this time. "Even so, removing Robb Stark will be a devastating blow to their war effort."
"Perhaps, for a time. But there are only two individuals in Westeros that I know could prove to be a match for Robb Stark, and they're not in this room or allied to us." Who they were didn't need to be mentioned, they were key aspects in the Westerland and North campaign, men who had fought in three wars. "With those two still alive, an heir to rally behind and the memory Robb Stark and their desire for revenge being deep, victory will be not simple or easy."
"Then what do you suggest we do?"
"Once we deal with Robb Stark, we don't rest, we don't stop, we hunt down and capture Margaery Tyrell. With her as our captive, we can force the Tyrells to surrender. Jon stark won't want his nephew or niece to be harmed and as the only Stark in power, he'll bring the North to heel and the only threats then will be the Riverlands, but they'll cave easily, and we may not even need to fight due to the love they hold for the Young Wolf."