Running one hand through his hair, Eddard released a low sigh as he sat in his sollar. The rain outside pattered against the stone balcony, creating a soothing sound that helped him focus on the reports before him. He had almost forgotten how difficult it was to read them, to see the numbers of death that they detailed.
Overall, the Lannisters army had all but been completely decimated.
Over the course of the first seven days that had formed the Battle of the Bloody Antlers, the Lannister army numbering nearly fifty thousand men had been reduced to just over twenty thousand by the final day. Robb's on the other hand had been reduced from near thirty thousand too around twenty thousand.
It was in the final conflict on the eighth that saw the bloodiest fighting out of the entire, eight-day battle. The final charge resulted in the Stark losses rising by another ten thousand men, but the Lannisters saw even more devastation, barely seven thousand still lived. Many had scattered after the Valeman had revealed their true nature, their already lowered morale – a result of the Stark armies own high morale – shattered.
Despite that however, the Valeman had only lost barely five hundred men in the overall conflict. Most of their losses actually being a result of the secondary conflict between the Golden Company, the Lannisters and the Stark army.
'Their numbers may have been small, but their skills cannot be understated.' Ned thought to himself as he thought back to the reports on the Golden Company. And what was most worrying was that the Golden Company were still out there. Plus, considering their actions, not only did they turn against their employers, but then attacked someone who was effectively no longer their enemy anymore.
According to Gendry, they had with just two hundred men had held off five hundred Lannister elites and a further five hundred from the Stark army. Despite the fact the three had been fighting one another, according to Robert's bastard, the Golden Company seemed to have been gaining an upper hand.
That wasn't overly surprising, in Westeros the soldiers spent their time outside of war either as farmers, carpenters, builders, etc. The Golden Company were dedicated soldiers, a mercenary band that sold their talents to the highest bidder and fought in bloody conflicts again and again. They spent their lives and dedicated all their time and effort towards improving themselves.
That was why they were so expensive and also why Ned was worrying so much.
Robb had accomplished a truly, monumental achievement with his actions at the Battle of the Bloody Antlers. And while the Golden Company didn't possess a commander on his level, they did possess superior quality of troops. Soldiers dedicated and trained for years to work as a cohesive unit.
To have that force moving about with unknown allegiances was not something that he wanted. Especially not when they were this close to ending the war. All it would take now was marching south, claim King's Landing and secure Cersei, Joffrey and Tommen, that would take out both the Lannisters and Dornish out of the war. This meant they could take soldiers north, take out the Ironborn, Bolton-Dustin Rebellion, Stannis and if need be, the Wildlings as well.
A dull throb in his leg made him lean down to massage the stump that had once being his right leg. After escaping from Kings Landing, they had taken a rowboat out to a merchant ship about a few miles out from Blackwater Bay.
There sail from the Blackwater Bay up the Narrow Sea towards the Vale had been through choppy waters and cold weather that had only worsened the injury of his leg. The infection spread and Ned had feared he would die upon the journey. It would be a cruel twist of fate to escape with his daughters and be on his way to reunite with his family only to be taken from them when he was free.
Despite that, he survived, though with his worsening condition, he had been bedridden and in and out of consciousness for weeks on end. Eventually he had awoken to find his leg had been removed, a measure that the Maesters had taken to save his life.
He didn't mind, just glad to be alive and well to see his daughters and family grow up. But first he had needed to gather his strength and secure the Vale to ride to Robb's aid. But then news of his wife being taken captive and forcibly married to Ramsay Snow and his youngest sons being held captive as well had nearly forced Robb to move earlier and risk revealing everything.
A knock on the door disrupted Ned from his thoughts. "Come in." He called, turning to see the door open and instep a handsome, sandy haired young man, Harrold Hardyng. The cousin of Robert Arryn and current heir presumptive of House Arryn and the Vale. Considering the current situation, it was very possible he would be the future Lord of the Vale.
"Lord Stark." Harrold bowed and Ned just shook his head at that.
"Harry, has the meeting being called?" Ned asked just getting a sigh from Harry, entirely frustrated with the entire ordeal.
"Yes." It hadn't been easy, many of the Riverland and Reach lords had been begrudging to agree. Many had believed this was the Vale Lords coming in at the last moment and attempting to take over. They, including many northern, Westerland and Crownland lords and representatives had wanted for the King to awaken before holding a meeting. "But it was only due to Lord Umber, Karstark and Ser Garlan Tyrell speaking to the other lords that the meeting was agreed."
'I don't know whether I should be worried that they want Robb to lead them for their own agendas and personal means. Or proud that he can inspire such loyalty.'
"They're all assembled in the Great Hall." Harry said.
"Then let's go." Ned replied, Harry moving forwards and taking the handle of Neds chair.
Harry after a momentary pause, decided to ask the question that had been on his mind for a while. "My lord, have you thought on anymore on my proposal?" He asked nervously. "To marry Sansa?"
Ned sighed. "To be entirely honest, Harry, I am still unsure. You are not Joffrey and you are in fact, an honorable man and will make a good husband to my daughter, but I don't want to give my daughter away just yet. Look at what's happened when I gave my daughter away to Joffrey, I'd rather not have my family split apart any further just yet."
"I know, my lord." Harry said.
"Do not lose hope, Harry. My daughter seems quite taken with you, even if she is withdrawn." Ned replied. "I'm sure that in the future, she will be more than happy to accept your proposal, and so will I."