Next Moves

They were in a difficult situation.

Had been for some months now, but it hadn't become more clear than it had in the past few weeks. Their food supplies were running dangerously low, lower than they had ever been to the point they were nearly running dry. But they were also running out of money, having invested nearly everything they had into this war in support of Robb Stark.

However, it had all been worth it, or so they had thought.

After all, Margaery had done her job well in seducing Robb, she was now his wife and pregnant with his child, his heir. At the same time, Garlan had worked hard in earning his favour, becoming a trusted commander and advisor to the Wolf King in his campaign against the Lannisters and now, the Targaryens.

All the while, she, Margaery and Willas had been hard at work, aided by Edmure Tully in ensuring all areas of his kingdom were supplied with food and providing jobs that would hopefully limit the devastating impact of war and its aftermath. They had done more than any other family in supporting Robb Stark and naturally, their rewards should match the risks they had taken in these years of conflict.

For some time, they had been sure they would.

Robb Stark was many things, but unappreciative he was not.

He would reward those who had served him loyally and they were one of his most loyal allies. They had supported and aided him in ways no other House in all of Westeros had. Above all else though, they had showcased just how dangerous an enemy they could be.

Robb was not a fool, he would recognise this.

However, just as the war seemed to have come to an end, new enemies came in the form of the Targaryen rulers, Daenerys and Aegon. The latter had proved to be just like Robb, young but gifted in the art of war, the only enemy commander that had proved a match for the Wolf King by coming up with an unorthodox tactic that would have given him victory over a lesser opponent. They were fortunate then that their King was not a lesser opponent otherwise they would have found their situation very difficult to rectify.

But Aegon was not their biggest threat, he was dead after all.

No, their biggest threat was the Mother of Dragons herself.

Logically speaking, Robb had made the smart decision, his goals had been clear, the liberation of his family, revenge against the Lannisters and an end to the war. The former two he had already achieved by the time the Targaryens arrived, leaving only one goal left and Daenerys had offered him an option that brought his third and final goal closer to fruition.

Anyone in Robb's situation would have taken the offer, even she would have, as much as she didn't like to admit it. That did not mean she was going to overlook the situation that Robb had put them in. Her granddaughter would now have to fight for the position of Queen against Daenerys.

Or more importantly, against Tyrion Lannister.

Olenna would be the first to acknowledge that she had overlooked the Imp, but it was clear that he was the one who had effectively twisted Robb's arm and forced him to accept the terms of marriage. But just because she was forced to accept the situation, didn't mean that she was helpless to act.

"Lady Olenna," A guard called, parting the flap of the tent slightly as Olenna and her grandson, Willas looked at him in questioning. They had been here discussing future avenues to rectify their situation and secure Margaery as Queen, their focus upon the Westerlands and the Vale. "Lord Stark is here to see you."

Frowning lightly, Olenna indicated for him to bring Lord Stark, Eddard being wheeled in by Lord Baeric Donddarion. "Strange company you keep these days, Lord Stark," Olenna noted sharply, well-aware of Lord Donddarion's recent actions and affiliations.

"Yes, but the world is a large and strange place," Eddard replied calmly, his chair being pushed up to the table alongside the two Tyrells. "And Baeric is a friend and ally."

"A friend that has repeatedly raided our caravans of food that had been travelling to villages. Attacked our scouting parties and overall, has been a thorn in our side, the Kings side for some time now." Willas recounted, the Brotherhood without banners having been a source of stress for him and others.

It was Baeric that responded to his words. "The food caravans we attacked were taken to the villages that they were intended for. As for the scouts and others we killed, they were men who had used the King's name to force themselves upon the helpless villagers. I doubt your King would be happy to know that had been happening."

Neither Olenna nor Willas responded to that, instead changing the topic entirely. "What are you here for, Lord Stark?" Olenna asked bluntly. "It is getting late and we have a long day of marching ahead of us. My grandson and I were just having some idle chatter before heading to our beds."

"Would this idle chatter be to do with how you can ensure Margaery becomes Queen?" Eddard questioned. "Then allow me to be of some aid to you."

Olenna rose a brow, wondering how exactly Lord Stark was going to help them and why. The politics of the North and south were vastly different, something Stark's learned very quickly when they stayed in the south for too long. There was a dangerous pattern that had formed for any Stark that stayed in the south for any prolonged period of time, one that always resulted in death.

"I'm not sure what you mean," Willas replied, ever the politician, denying his true actions and motives.

"There's no need to hide it, Willas," Olenna told him. "Eddard's not a fool, everyone knows that is precisely what we are doing. Just as everyone knows that is exactly what Danaerys and her council are doing. So, tell me, Eddard, what advice could you offer me on how to ensure Margaery becomes Queen."

"I can not give you advice that would definitively put Margaery in the position of Queen," Eddard responded. "But what I can tell you is that the path you are going down will result in failure."

"How so?" Clearly, Eddard knew something of what they were planning, how was a question. But for now, Olenna was curious to see what advice Eddard could part to her that would not only show how her plans would fail, but how she could avoid it. If it was nonsense, then she would ignore it, just like she did whenever her son had a bright idea. But if there was sense in his words, then she would be a fool to ignore it.

"You are intending to secure the support of the north of the Westerlands." Eddard began. "You have been helping them get on their feet, providing them with food and money that will allow them to reopen their mines for production. In return for their support for Margaery, as well as a reimbursement of the money you spent on them, with interest."

'Impressive.' Olenna thought dismissively, Eddard had not come here without having done some research on their actions, but that was the bare minimum expected of him.

"You have also been working on trying to win the support of as many of the Riverland nobles, though that is proving difficult because of their long history in support of the Targaryens. Robert's Rebellion aside, there are few instances where they were opposed to the Targaryens. However, you do have some support from the nobles there, mostly in the west. But your main focus is upon Edmure Tully and Jason Mallister. You win the support of those two houses and you hold considerable influence over the Riverlands, more so than what Danaerys would be capable of."

"However, your efforts to win over House Mallister have been fruitless and will continue to be so. In fact, the more you push, the more likely Jason Mallister is to support Danaerys. He is not a man that can be won over with gifts and flattery as you are coming to realise." Eddard explained, Olenna beginning to listen more intently. "Your aims should be instead to ensure his continued neutrality in the Queenship battle. Though your intention to convince the King to reward Edmure handsomely for his actions will win you his vote in Margaery's favour, that is clear."

Here, Willas and Olenna shared a glance at one another.

Everything Eddard had said was accurate and his alternative solution to dealing with Jason Mallister made sense. During the course of the war, House Tully and House Mallister now stood as the two most powerful noble houses in the Riverlands. Whoever had the support of them both would control much of the Riverlands. But if they were to keep House Mallister neutral while winning over House Tully, they could force Tyrion to push House Mallister right to them in the pursuit of his favour.

Just as they would have pushed him towards the Targaryens.

'But I had not expected this from Eddard Stark of all people.' Olenna wondered in caution, her opinion of Eddard slowly shifting. 'Someone like this would not have made the mistake of trusting Baelish. Has the Littlefingers betrayal caused such a shift in character, bringing out the hidden political mind? Or is it something else?'

"But that's not all." Eddard continued. "Your aim to bring over the Vale to your side is a smart one, but ultimately will fail and for one reason only, you don't possess enough money to make it succeed."

"That is something we are aware of," Willas replied. "However, once the mines in the Westerlands are up and running fully, the groundwork we set up in the Vale right now, will allow us to take full advantage of the new wealth and secure the Vale's support."

"The groundwork you've set up will also pave the way for the Imp." Eddard retorted. "You forget, they have access to Slaver's Bay and all the wealth that comes with it. It is one of the largest trading hubs in Essos, surpassed only by Braavos. With that wealth at her disposal, Daenerys can swoop in and take advantage of the groundwork you've set up for her and reap all the rewards."

"A fact we are aware of," Olenna said. "But we have a plan in mind to handle that."

"Are you certain it will work?" Eddard pressed. "You are taking a great risk in pursuing this avenue when you have much easier opportunities that will secure you favour with others, especially the King available to you."

"Such as?"

"The Iron Islands."

Olenna scoffed. "What of them? They are a desolate land and the King wants them dead. Margaery has made it clear many a time that Robb has made many notes on how he plans to deal with the Iron Islands once he has done. Each of them ends in the destruction of its nobility. He intends to make an example out of the Iron Islands."

"Precisely," Eddard replied. "Which presents an opportunity to turn the Iron Islands into something new, something better. A way to present the King with the opportunity to take advantage of the desolate lands that once belonged to the Iron Islanders. The Riverlands is the biggest trading hub in Westeros, it is where trade from Essos comes. The rivers that flow through allow boats to carry produce to travel around to the various cities where they are then distributed to various caravans and taken around Westeros. But travelling by land is slow, it takes months, but travelling by sea is much quicker. A sea that was once inhabited by Iron Islanders that raided any ship in sight."

"You are proposing that with the Iron Islands gone, it will allow for the opening of the trade to move by sea on the western coastline." Willas deduced, having overlooked that avenue. But despite that, he still struggled to see how this would do much for them, the Vale still offered much more value even if it came with great risk.

"I'm not simply talking about using the Iron Islands' destruction as means to get ahead of the new trading opportunities," Eddard told them. "I am talking about using the Iron Islands as the new trading hub of the west."