It truly was a magnificent sight to behold.
The Wall.
A structure formed entirely of ice and spanning as far and as high as the eyes could see, the wintery mist spreading down and leading to the Wall expanding almost into what looked to be the sky. Yet as many looked upon the magnificent structure for the first time, gazes filled with awe and trepidation at the possible siege ahead, Robb's gaze was focused elsewhere.
The walls surrounding the fortress of Castle Black, the mains stronghold of the Night's Watch. They were strange in their structure, looking to have been created from raised earth, compacted into the vein structure of a wall.
It hardly looked sturdy or that effective.
But Robb doubted Stannis would have bet everything on those walls to hold in the case of a siege if they weren't stronger than they looked. This meant this siege would be even more difficult than he imagined, especially when considering the reports he had received from Samwell Tarly and Joer Mormont about what was really in those walls.
A strange magical compound given to Stannis by Merwyn the Mage that set quickly and was as hard as rock. Wood from ships provides the structure with large rocks and stones being mixed in with this compound. With many piles of earth packed on top of that.
A very rough and strange wall, yet one that looked imposing from a distance.
Then when considering some of the defences of the Wall meant to keep Wildlings out had been repurposed and were now being ready to be used to keep him out, made this siege even more difficult.
"Set up camp here." Robb ordered. "Ser Brynden, Lord Tarly, Lord Mallister, Lord Blackwood, Ser Barristan, come with me."
Out of all his commanders, those were his most experienced commanders amongst all of them. Each has proved themselves in previous conflicts or directly under his command that they had the expertise to match himself in some regards.
Robb was well aware of his own tactical expertise, it was why he had been able to earn their respect and accomplish what he had. However, Robb was also aware that he was by no means perfect, nor the best in every aspect. It was why he had spent a great deal of time studying the men around him as they too studied him.
Yet Robb had learnt more from them, expanding his own knowledge and skill set. Now, whereas at the beginning of the war he had relied upon Ser Brynden, Lord Mallister and others, he was now confident that he could do this on his own.
But gaining guidance and sharing ideas was never something he was against doing either. Even now, Robb was not perfect, his battle against Aegon Targaryen proved that there were still areas in which he could be beaten and even outsmarted and he would need to keep surrounding himself with people like them to cover for those weaknesses.
As they moved to a crest of a hill, gaining a better vantage point of the Wall, the vast army behind them setting up camp, Robb kept his gaze upon Castle Black. "I intend to negotiate with Stannis Baratheon."
"Your grace?" Lord Mallister questioned, confused as to why this was even an option. Though he did recognise the danger the Wall possessed, he too had read the reports, Lord Mallister was confident they could succeed with the army they possessed and the commanders that led it.
"Though Stannis is a gifted siege commander, your grace." Lord Blackwood agreed with the Lord of Seagard. "And the fortifications he has built are supposedly sturdy, we should not be hasty to negotiate."
"Test the walls first." Lord Tarly said shortly.
It was a sentiment that Robb had expected and had considered himself for a long time upon his journey from Winterfell. However, this was not about winning the war anymore, not about defeating his opponents.
This was about preparing for the future.
"What are you thinking?" Blackfish asked, aware as everyone was that Robb was planning something, yet the only one willing to ask outright in such a fashion.
Robb rose his hand, indicating to the Wall. "Do you know why the Wall was erected in the first place?"
"To defend against the Wildlings, separating Westeros from the Land Beyond the Wall." Ser Barristan answered, though his voice was dubious. "Yet, you are inviting the Wildlings south."
"Aye, I am." Robb said, but then shook his head as he looked back at his group of commanders. "But you are mistaken, the Wall was not crafted to keep the Wildlings and their land separate from Westeros."
"You speak of the myth of the Others." Randyll stated, sounding almost disappointed in him for believing such a thing.
"I do." Robb nodded his head.
"That is a myth." Lord Blackwood said quickly.
"Is it?"
"Of course."
"And where is your proof?" Robb pressed.
"And where is yours?" Blackfish was the only one who dared speak to him in that way, yet it was a question Robb was hoping would be asked.
"I suppose you could say I have no proof that the Others truly exist." Robb replied. "Magic is a thing that has long since disappeared from this world after all. But as magic disappeared, so did the Others and as magic is returning, so too will the Others."
"Magic?" Lord Tarly scoffed, sounding truly appalled by his words.
Yet Ser Barristan was quiet for a moment, his gaze focused on Robb who looked back and slowly, realisation dawned upon him. "Dragons."
It was but a whisper, but one that was heard clearly.
"Not only that." Robb continued, eyes closing for a moment and then they opened to reveal they were pure white.
Suddenly and violently, all their horses throw them off, each collapsing to the ground, breath rushing from their lungs. Yet each had the sense to brace themselves as they were taught to do when horses suddenly acted up.
But nothing ever came of it.
Nor could they hear the sound of panicked neighs and the sound of horses galloping and jerking around. Instead, each opened their eyes to see the horses coming towards Robb Stark and forming behind him in perfect formation.
It was unnatural.
"T-this?" Lord Mallister muttered, in shock and disbelief at what he was witnessing, Robb's eyes slowly taking shape once more as the horses shook their head.
"Magic is very much real, my lords." Robb told them, dismounting from his horse and moving towards them. "Dragons are very much real. The Others are very much real and they have already begun to make their move. I invited the Wildlings south to stop them from being numbers in the Other's growing army. I negotiate with Stannis to preserve the lives of as many soldiers as possible for the next Long Night."
One of the horses then came forward, Robb taking out the crown forged for him at Riverrun, placing it upon his head. "Each of you have proven yourselves in the present and the past that you are capable warriors and commanders, the best in the realm. But the War of Five Kings was only the beginning of what is to come and now we face a new challenge, one greater than ever before."
"Proof of the Other's existence is something I cannot provide, but I have proved the existence of magic. The Dragons are proof enough, extinct creatures, things thought to be only myth is right before your eyes." Robb indicated to the Wall. "Why would Brandon the Builder craft such an extravagant and large structure to simply keep the Wildlings out of Westeros, have you ever questioned it?"
"The politics of Westeros do not interest me." He continued, the men slowly rising to their feet, on a lower elevation putting him above them all. "Call me a madman if you wish. Your loyalty is not what I ask for, nor is it your support. What I ask for is your will to survive. For if we do not work together to prepare for the Others, then Westeros and everyone within it will perish."
The crown and the visions had shown him enough, Jon had confirmed the rest. Now all that was left was to prepare for the rest and this all began with bringing Stannis other to his side.
Perhaps not as allies, but they needed this war to end and for Westeros to begin preparing for the Long Night and it all started right here.
With these men.