

"Coming mom!" I call over my shoulder. Hoisting the pail of water off the ground. Trudging wearily from the stream, cargo weighing down my lithe form I sighed sadly. Everyday just seems to be the same. Wake up at the crack of dawn. Gather food from the garden. Help my mom prepare breakfast. Listen to the nosy old ladies chatter on about the latest gossip while my mom bandages some injury of theirs. Its always the same. Not that I'm not grateful for all my mom has done for me. After all if it weren't for her no doubt i would have found myself drowned at the age of 5 by the villagers, when I accidentally turned an apple into a piece of candy. If it weren't for my moms quick thinking and coming up with some lame escuse no doubt the whole village would know of my forbidden magic.

So as I said its not that I am ungrateful for all my mom has done for me, but... I want more. I don't want to sit here toiling away as a farmer, or even just listening to the latest gossip about little Jeremy pretending to be a knight again and accidentally sticking a branch up someone's....

"Merlin there you are? What were you doing that it took you so long to gather water. I sent you for that water a while ago." Biting my lip I averted my gaze from her penentrating stare, unwillimg to admit I had gotten lost in another daydream again. So instead I merely walked past her into the house. Setting the pail on the table as I massaged my sore shoulders. Turning around I froze as I noticed my mothers stern frown plastered on her face, hands planted on her hips. I winced knowing I was in trouble. Yet instead of the usual lecture I was expecting only a sigh of exasperation met my overly large ears.

"Honestly Merlin. Well if you don't want to work you might as well go find something else to do. Mrs Francis son has just been afflicted with a nasty case of posion ivy all over his..."

"Woah mom I don't want to hear where his rash is. I'm going to the forest." I squeaked flapping my arms frantically in the air as I made a hasty retreat. I could hear my moms quiet chuckles behind me as I scurried away. Reaching the edge of the forest away from pry ing eyes and embrassing medical topics I sighed in relief. Slowing my pace and walking over to large elder tree with long drooping vines that over looked the entire village.

Plopping down on the ground, dirting up my dress, I leaned back against the wooden trunk. Sighing happily at the silence surrounding me. One of the few good things about this village. The amazing scenery, and wildlife. If my mom would let me I would build a tiny little cabin deep in the woods away from all those judgemental villagers. I would spend my time caring for the animals, and enjoying nature. Its a lot more preferable than constantly being called a bastard because of my parantage, and recieving the harsh glare and quiet whisperings of the adults when they think I am not looking. I may not know my dad but that doesn't mean I'm blind. I can see that no one is really comfortable with my presence.

I sighed sadly. Running my fingers gently through the fur of the bunny that just happened to plop itself in my lap. While my other hand softly petted the back of the deer that had chosen to nuzzle its face right into mine. The first time this had happened. Animals suddenly taking a liking to me mom had panicked. Locking me inside for a week while the animals surrounded the place choosing to graze on the grass right outside my window, and occasionally dragging dead rats to our doorstep as offerings. (Never really understood why the cats found it a cool thing to bring me dead animals as a gift. Took me forever to train them not to do that anymore. Now they just bring me leaves around fall when the colors are changing. Guess they think its pretty. Though its better than dead rats.) The worse had to be when I was 10 and I had gotten myself lost in the woods surrounding the village and a mother bear had decided I was now her cub and tried to raise me as her own. My poor mom nearly had a cow when she found me nestled against its stomach surrounded by its cubs. She refused to let me enter the woods after that for 2 years. Its not like its my fault my magic makes me good with animals.

I was forced from my thoughts as the deer jerking away from me, and the bunny leaping out of my lap, scurried away deeper into the woods at the arrival of 3 smirking boys. Groaning Internally at their appearance I rapidly leap to my feet. Brushing off my simple brown dress as UI prepared my exit. Only to be yanked back to the ground by the ringleader. Coughing at the dust that fluttered into my lungs I glared in annoyance up at John and his friends.

"Well if it isn't the little bastard girl. Playing in the dirt are we." He mocked sneering as he kicked more dirt in my face. I sputtered raising my hands in a futile attempt to stop at least some of the dirt from going in my eyes.

"What do you want John." I sighed exasperated as he finally ceased flinging dirt in my face. Getting once more to my feet and glaring at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Did you hear that boys? The little freak wants to know what we want." He laughed glancing at the two boys snickering on ethier side of him. Rolling my eyes I turned to head back home when I felt a rough hand on my shoulder spinning me around, and pushing me harshly against the tree.

"Hey where do you think your going freak. I ain't done with you yet." He spat glaring at me. Opening my mouth to retrot I paused as a new voice joined the frey.

"I think you are." I smiled happily. Peering over my attackers shoulders at one seething Will.

"Well if it isn't the little freaks boyfriend. Come to save the day have you." He chuckled his hand still holding me against the tree.

"Let Merlin go John. Your fights with me now."

"Hmm maybe, but wheres the fun in that." He hummed his eyes darting to the side. Only than did I realize that while John and will had been talking his friends hand picked up a fallen branch and silently crept around behind will. Opening my mouth to scream a warning I stared in horror as it came too late as they hit him over the head. Knocking him to the ground but thankfully not hard enough to knock him out.

"WILL!!" I screeched watching him groan in pain on the ground as they continued to smack him over and over again. I could see a scary pool of blood begin forming around wills head. Yet it was the moment Wills unfocused eyes finally managed to meet mine that I snapped. Eyes glowing gold I sent our atteackers flying in all directions. Knocking them out on impact. Yet I only had eyes for Will. Racing to his side I frantically fluttered my hands over him. Wishing I had paid more attention to my moms lessons in medicine.

"Merlin?!" Tears streaming down my face I gazed in relief up at my mom hurrying toward us.

"This is not what I was expecting when I decided to come looking for you. You have a lot of explaining to do young lady, but for now help me get him back to our hut." She said in her physicans voice as she placed her hands under wills shoulders. While I grabbed his legs. Hurrying back to the hut, Will between us we quickly deposited him on my bed. Where my mom immediately began work on stiching up his head wound. It took all night, and many tears but finally Wills eyes opened.

"Will your awake. How do you feel." I asked happily kneeling beside my mom by the bed as she wiped the sweat off his face with a rag. Ignoring my question and gazing at me tiredly he only managed one question before he once more fell unconscious. A question that drained both my mom and I of color. One that would change my life forever.

"Merlin you have magic?"